"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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aihø | wail; wail | 哀號
chvihøef | raw ash | 生灰
cihøeapho | inventory bookkeeping records | 支貨簿
huihøo | to wield one's writing brush | 揮毫
hvoaihø | unexpected calamity | 橫; 橫禍
ihø | shift trouble or calamity to another; shirk one's responsibility by incriminating another person | 移禍
ihør | healed; get cured | 醫好
jihøo | how | 如何
kaycied kihøo | analytical geometry | 解析幾何
kayseg-kihøo | analytical geometry | 解析幾何
khuihøea | to open fire; to engage in battle | 開火
kihø | (n) banner; under the auspices of the flag; showing the flag while actually doing a crime; army signal; flag; title; rallying point | 旗號
kihøo | geometry | 幾何
laihøee | round trip, back and forth, come and go | 來回
laihøee-phiøx | round-trip ticket | 來回票
lihø | to incur disaster | 罹禍
mngpaihø | House number; serial number referring to persons | 門牌號
nihø | name of an era; a reign title; title of an emperor's reign | 年號
nihøex | age | 年歲
paihø | a shop sign; a trademark | 牌號
phihøee | to reply officially | 批回
pvihøex | same age | 平歲
sihøo bøzhøx | exactly right; no mistake at all | 絲毫無錯
sihøo | tiniest or least bit | 絲毫; 絲亳
suihøo | amiable; obliging | 隨和
thaihøea | the reddish color of the face of a baby just after birth | 胎火; (嬰兒出生後臉紅紅的)
thvihøea | add fuel to a fire; fire from heaven; be dazzled by fire | 添火; 瞪火; 天火; 受光目眩
zaihø | calamity; disasters or calamities | 災禍

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