"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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biheeng | travel in disguise | 匿行; 微行
chiheeng | hold balance | 持衡
chvihee | shrimp | 生蝦; 青蝦
chviheeng | night heron (bird) | 蒼鷺; 夜鶯
cihee | shrimp | 支蝦; 青蝦
goxpviheeng | a pentagon | 五邊形
guiheeng | cautious conduct | 危行
hihee | fish and shrimp | 魚蝦
huiheeng kielogkhix | airplane black box | 飛行記錄器; (黑盒子)
huiheeng | V: make a flight, go by air. N: flying, aviation | 飛行
hvoaiheeng partø | bully; behave in total disregard of law | 橫行霸道
hvoaiheeng | proceed on ways other than proper usually evil; move sideways like crabs | 橫行
ihee | to tie, to bind, to maintain | 維繫
juerng-suiheeng | always go together (said of two persons); inseparable | 如影隨形
kaiheeng | to walk together | 偕行
kiernky-jiheeng | act according to circumstances | 見機而行
kiheeng | deformity; malformation; deformities of a person (when an organ or limb is abnormally developed) | 畸形
kiheeng-koaezong | strange; uncommon form | 奇形怪狀
kuiheeng | return to the original owner | 貴還; 歸還
lagpviheeng | a hexagon | 六邊形
laihee | round trip | 來回
pengheeng siepviheeng | parallelogram | 平行四邊形
saihee | shrimp | 獅蝦; 西蝦
siepviheeng | 4 sides | 四邊形
siheeng Serngsu | administer the Sacraments | 施行聖事
siheeng | enforce; come into force (in law); enforcement; put into operation | 施行; 辭還
suiheeng | entourage; retinue; follow or accompany someone on a trip | 隨行
thuiheeng kokgie | to advocate the use of the national language (Mandarin) | 推行國語
thuiheeng | push; promote (a scheme); carry into operation what has already been decided | 推行
tngtoo-huiheeng | long distance flight | 長途飛行
tuiheeng | recover (what has been taken away illicitly) | 追還
uihee | hold together; tie | 維繫
uiheeng | majestic manner | 威形; 態度威嚴; 威行
viheeng | circular shape; spherical shape; circular; round in shape | 圓形
wtiu-huiheeng-oaan | an astronaut, a cosmonaut, a spaceman | 宇宙飛行員
zhuiheeng | carry into operation what has already been decided; implement | 推行

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