Bunho khaihoxng zwgi | Open Door Policy | 門戶開放主義
Haykihoe | SEF | 海基會
Siaukihoe | Consumer Council | 消基會
aiho | each door, every home | 哀戶; 挨戶
baihok | ambush; lie or hide in ambush | 埋伏
bi khaihoax | uncivilized | 未開化
bihofng | breeze; a light wind | 微風
bihok | to travel disguised as commoner; to travel in homely garment | 微服
bihoo | tailed monkey, a member of the family Cercopithecidae 'in Taiwan only Formosan rock-monkey, Macaca cyclopsis | 獼猴
bixkhaihoad | undeveloped; uncultivated land or resources | 未開發
bunho khaihoxng | the open-door policy; open the door to or for.. | 門戶開放
bø'ihoad | unable; incapable; unable to deal with him or her; there is no way | 無伊法; 奈何無了他
bøexkhaihoax | conservative | 未開化; 無開化
bøo ihoad | unable to handle; incapable; unable to deal with him or her | 無伊法; 拿他沒辦法; 拿他沒轍
chihoad | to enforce law | 持法
chvihoaan | alum | 生礬; 綠礬
chvihoafn | barbarian | 生番
chvihoef | fresh flowers | 鮮花; 青花
chvihoef-hii | a kind of sardine | 青花魚
ciernzeg huihoong | brilliant combat performance; extraordinary battle achievement | 戰績輝煌
ciexn buu hihoad | excellent marksmanship (Lit. No arrow is wasted.) | 箭無虛發
cihoe | branch society or organization; chapter of an organization | 分會; 支會
cihofng zocid | fatty tissue | 脂肪組織
cihofng | fat; sebum; lipopectic; fat of animals or plants | 脂肪
cihofng-cid | fatty substances | 脂肪質
cihofng-liuu | lipoma | 脂肪油; 脂肪瘤
cihofng-sngf | fatty acids | 脂肪酸
cihofng-zok | aliphatic | 脂肪族
cihongsngf | fatty acids | 脂肪酸
cihongsvoax | sebaceous glands | 脂肪腺
ciøq kihoe | take advantage of the opportunity | 借機會
cvihoax | crystallization | 晶化
gihoan | criminal suspect | 疑犯
heng'uihoan | criminal caught in the act | 行為犯
hiamgihoan | a suspect | 嫌疑者; 嫌疑犯
hihihoaxhoa | noisy | 嘻嘻嘩嘩
hihoaa | vainglory | 虛華
hihoaf | luxury; sumptuous; vain | 虛榮; 虛華; 噪聲; 徒然
hihoarn'ar | fishmonger | 魚販仔
hihoaxn | imaginary; visionary; unreal; fishmonger; empty | 魚販; 漁販; 虛幻
hihoe | fishery association | 魚會; 漁會
hihoea | fever or nervous heart from weakness | 虛火
hihoex | age according to Chinese calculation; i.e.; a person is one year old at birth | 虛歲
hoaihoef | flowers from pagoda tree | 槐花
hongthaiho | typhoon rain | 颱風雨
huihoaan | unusual; unique; uncommon; above the average | 非凡
huihoad | illegal; unlawful | 非法; 無法
huihoat'iuu | volatile oil; naphtha; gasoline; naphtha or other volatile oils | 揮發油
huihoatsexng | of a volatile nature | 揮發性
huihog | to spend extravagantly | 揮霍
huihog-buto | squander money | 揮霍無度
huihoo | Formosan flying fox | 飛狐; 狐蝠
huihoong | resplendency; glory; magnificent; splendid; glorious; brilliant | 輝煌
huihoong-thengtat | period of great accomplishment | 輝煌騰達
hvixpvihofng | rumor hearsay; something to be disregarded | 耳邊風
hør kihoe | do things just at the right moment; strike while the iron is ht | 好機會
hør-kihoe | a good chance | 好機會
iawbøe khaihoax | uncivilized | 未開化
iencihor | threw; virago; a Circe | 胭脂虎
iho | health care; safeguard; uphold; preserve; protect | 維護
ihoad | legal (proceedings); according to law | 依法; 醫法
ihoaf ciapbok | cheat by sleight of hand | 移花接木
ihofng | medical prescription | 醫方
ihofng-egsiok | change customs | 移風易俗
ihok | clothes (in general) | 衣服
jiho | afterwords | 而後
kaihoat | damnable, be deserve punishment | 該法; 該罰
khaihoaai | enjoy oneself; relax; joyful; jubilant; happy | 開懷
khaihoaai-thiorng'irm | have a jolly carousal and forget all cares | 開懷暢飲
khaihoad | develop; exploit; open up; cultivation; exploitation; development | 開發
khaihoax | civilized; civilization; developed | 開化
khaihoe | opening of a meeting; begin a meeting; hold a meeting | 開會
khaihoexsuu | opening speech | 開會詞
khaihofng | to reclaim a wasteland | 開方; 開荒
khaihonghoad | (the) extraction of root | 開方法
khaihoxng mngho | open-door policy | 開放門戶
khaihoxng | open up; open to the public; lift a ban | 開放
khihong'ixn | stamped partly on each of two sheets (as two copies of a deed or contract; for security against alterations) | 騎縫印
khihoong | ride stitch | 騎縫
khuiho | open a bank account | 開戶
khuihoe | opening of a meeting; begin a meeting; hold a meeting | 開會
khuihoef | blossom; bloom | 開花
khuihoextiofng | be in session | 開會中
khuihofng | to open (a letter; ect.); break or open a seal | 開封; 開啟
khvoax kihoe | look for a chance; opportunity | 看機會
kibsiho | rain comes at the right time; the on time rain; in time rain | 及時雨
kihaihoax | mechanization; mechanized | 機械化
kihaihoax-poxtui | mechanized troops | 機械化部隊
kihoaxn | fantasy | 奇幻
kihoe | opportunity; chance | 機會
kihoe-kinterng | equal opportunity | 機會均等
kihoe-zwgi | opportunism | 機會主義
kihoe-zwgixciar | opportunist | 機會主義者
kihoex | goods to be delivered at a specified time | 期貨
kihofng | to ridicule; to deride; to satirize | 譏諷
kihofng-ixsiok | strange habit and custom | 奇風異俗
kihog | to pray for blessings; pray for good luck | 祈福
kiuozaihoe | relief society | 救災會
kixzoadofnglaiho | client with a very poor credit standing (excluded from banking service) | 拒絕往來戶
kuihoaan | to return (something to its owner); to come home; go back; send back (something) | 歸還
kuihoan | norm; standard; model; standard | 規範
kuihoax | to be naturalized as a citizen; (said of a protectorate state; etc.) to pledge allegiance to; naturalization; become naturalized | 歸化
kuihoee | return | 歸回
kuihoef | sunflower | 葵花
kuihok | submit, surrender | 歸服
laihoee | round trip; back and forth; come and go | 來回
laihoee-phiøx | round-trip ticket | 來回票
laihoephiøx | return ticket | 來回票
laihorng | visit; appear; arrive | 來訪
lailaihoehoee | back and forth | 來來回回
lauxnihoax | aging | 老年化
liuchviho | meteor | 流星雨
lixiong kihoe | take advantage of an opportunity | 利用機會
longte khaihoad | development of farmland | 農地開發
løkihoad | labor law | 勞基法
mafpihofng | diphtheria | 馬脾風; 白喉
mihoef | raw cotton | 棉花
mihoef-thngg | candy floss | 棉花糖
mihoezu | cotton sponge | 棉花墊; 棉花苴
muihoaf | the plum flower | 梅花
muihoef | plum blossom | 梅花
ngkihoef | yellow gardenia | 黃梔花
nihoaa | passage of time | 年華
nihoax | emulsify | 乳化
nihoe | annual conference | 年會
nihoex | age of a person | 年歲
nihong | annual salary | 年俸
nihongtefng | neon lamp | 霓虹燈
oaihofng | eccentric or corrupt atmosphere | 歪風
pahnihoea'au | after one is dead | 百年身後
paihoaai | to wander; cruise; hang round; prowl; to loiter; to walk to and fro; to move around without purpose; hesitate; be irresolute | 徘徊
paihoee kitoo | linger in the wrong (evil) path | 徘徊歧途
paihoee koanbong | take an observer's seat; see but cannot make up one's mind; wait and see; wait for the dust to settle | 徘徊觀望
paihoee liulieen | walk to and fro hesitatingly with a reluctance to leave | 徘徊流連
paihoee | to wander; cruise; hang round; prowl; linger; walk to and fro; move around without purpose; wander about; hesitating; irresolute | 徘徊
paihoex | arrange; display goods; to lay out; display merchandize; boycott; to boycott | 排貨
paihofng | exhaust | 排風; 牌坊
paihoxng | to discharge | 排放
patbien uihofng | awe inspiring reputation extending in every direction; influential in every quarter | 八面威風
phihoad | wholesale | 批發
phihoatkex | wholesale price | 批發價
phihoee | to reply officially | 批回
phihofng | a cloak | 披風
phihok | to reply officially | 批服; 批復; 批覆
pihoaai | sorrow | 悲懷
pvihofng | square, square of a number | 平方
pvoarkhaihoax | semi-civilized | 半開化
saihofng | west wind | 西方; 西風
siafmsaihofng | avoid; parry | 避西風
siaukihoe | consumer foundation | 消基會
sioxng kihoe | watch for a good chance | 找機會
sisihoahoaf | making noise | 噓噓嘩嘩
sitkhix kihoe | miss a chance or opportunity | 失去機會
siuxzaiho | affected households | 受災戶
suiho | door by door | 逐戶
suihofng sayphaang | sail with the wind ─ follow the line of least resistance | 隨風使帆
suihofng zoafntoa | take action as the opportunity arises; irresolution | 隨風轉舵
suihofng | sail with the wind | 隨風
sun-kihoe | take advantage of the opportunity | 順機會; 趁機(會)
taihofng | show; display; expression on platform | 台風; (上台的表現)
thaihoea | the reddish color of the face of a baby just after birth | 胎火 (嬰兒出生後臉紅紅的)
thaihofng | typhoon; hurricane | 颱風
thihchiu khuihoef | literally; the blooming of an iron tree ─ an impossibility; something that very rarely happens | 鐵樹開花
thuihoafn | topple over; demolish; explode; reversal; overturn; to push over; to overthrow (a government); to stultify (a theory; principle) | 推翻
thvihoad | divine law, low of Heaven | 天法
thvihoarn texloan | chaos | 天反地亂
thvihoarn toexloan | chaos | 天反地亂
tihoad | division (in math) | 除法
tihoad-hoaxnhoad | transgress a law knowingly; knowingly commit an offense | 知法犯法
tihoe | to notify formally | 知會; 通知
tihoee | to notify formally | 知回
tihoehkoea | pork blood cake | 豬血粿
tihoehthngf | pig blood soup | 豬血湯
tihoeq | pig's blood | 豬血
tihog | content | 知福
tihoong | take precaution | 知回; 持防; 預防
tongnihoe | same year gathering | 同年會
tuihoaan | recover (what has been taken away illicitly) | 追還
tuihoee | recover (what has been taken away illicitly); catch up with someone on the way and make him come back | 追回
tvoaa-mihoef | to bow cotton | 彈棉花
uiho | support; resist; maintain; maintenance | 維護
uihoad | illegal; unlawful; lawless; irregularity; against the law; unlawful | 違法
uihoafnciar | offender; violator | 違反者
uihoan | break a law; transgress; violate a commandment; violate (a rule or law) | 違犯
uihoarn | infarction; violation; violate an agreement; break a; contradict; disregard (the rules); violate | 違反
uihofng | proud; majestic; awe inspiring appearance | 威風
uihofng-lymlirm | awe inspiring; imposing | 威風凜凜
uihofng-saote | suffer a drastic fall in one's prestige | 威風掃地
zaihoaa zhutcioxng | uncommon brilliance | 才華出眾
zaihoaa | talent; brilliance of mind | 才華
zaihoan | disasters or calamities | 災患
zaihoat | cartel; financial combine; financial clique; plutocrat | 財閥
zaihoef | plant flowers; cultivate flowers | 栽花; 種花
zaihofng | balefulness; famine | 災荒
zhaihongchia'ar | sewing machine | 裁縫車仔
zhaihongchiaf | sewing machine | 縫紉車
zhaihongchiøq | sewing ruler | 裁縫尺
zhaihonghoad | sewing mechanism | 裁縫法
zhaihongky | sewing machine | 縫衣機
zhaihongsaihu | tailor or seamstress | 裁縫師父
zhaihongsay | tailor | 裁縫師
zhaihongtiaxm | tailor shop; dress maker's shop | 裁縫店
zhaihoong pofsibpafn | training class for tailoring | 裁縫補習班
zhaihoong | to tailor; a tailor; needlework; tailoring; tailor or seamstress | 裁縫
zhaihoong-chviu | tailor | 裁縫匠
zhaihoong-ky | sewing machine | 裁縫機
zharnlan-huihoong | brilliant and magnificent | 燦爛輝煌
zhuihoafn | overthrow a government; prove incorrect a theory or principle | 推翻
zhuihoarzef | catalyst | 催化劑
zhuihoax | catalysis | 催化
zhuihoex | to shatter, to demolish, to despoil | 推貨; 吹貨; ?廢
zhørkoex kihoe | let an opportunity slip by | 錯過機會
zoafnhø uihog | turn a disaster into a blessing | 轉禍為福
zupy-uihoaai | merciful; clemency; mercy | 慈悲為懷
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]