"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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chiau'imsog huiky | supersonic plane | 超音速飛機
ciefnzhao tikyn | exterminate completely; eradicate branch and root (Lit. cut the grass and remove the root.) | 剪草除根
cvikyn | currencies | 錢根
guiky | crisis; period of danger; danger point | 危機
haghau kikym | school endowments | 學校基金
haysiong huiky | seaplane | 海上飛機; 水上飛機
hong'iky | sewing machine | 縫衣機
huiky sitsu | air accident; plane crash | 飛機出事
huiky | airplane | 飛機
huiky-sw | airplane-pilot | 飛機師
huiky-tviuu | airport | 飛機場
huikym juu thor | squander money like dirt; spend money like water | 揮金如土
iky | move one's residence; removal | 移居; 遷移
ikym | up to now | 迄今
ikyn | up to now | 依今
iofnglør-nikym | old age pension | 養老年金
jikym | now; used as the following: | 而今; 如今
kaoiok-kikym | endowment (foundation) for educational purpose; scholarship fund | 教育基金
khaiky | establish a beginning | 開基
khuiky | boot up | 開機
kiky-kaxka | noise of talk; such that one cannot make it out | 嘰嘰喳喳; 亂哄哄
kiky-tuqtuh | point fingers and talk behind some's back | 指指揬揬
kikym | fund; foundation | 基金; 基本金
kokbiin-nikym | National Pension Program | 國民年金
kuikuikykie | gentleman-like; polite; orderly | 規規矩矩
kuiky | a whole rod | 整枝; 規枝
kvoaiky | shutdown computer | 關機
kvuiky | shutdown computer | 關機
lauxlangnikym | elderly pensione | 老人年金
lefngkiky | frosty (manner; expression); chilly; very cold | 冷冰冰
lerng-kiky | freezing cold | 冷吱吱
likym | an internal tax on the transit of goods | 釐金
nikym | annuity | 年金; 養老金
paiky | cards | 牌支
phikym | draped | 披襟
sefiky | washing machine | 洗衣機
siky sengsiok | Lit. The opportunity is ripe. ─ The right time has come | 時機成熟
siky | timing; opportunity; juncture; opportunity; chance | 時機
suiky erngpiexn | adapt oneself quickly to changing circumstances | 隨機應變
suiky | according to the circumstance | 隨機
sviky | vitality | 生機
svikyn | rooted | 生根
taikyn | catty, 600 grams | 台斤; 臺斤
taq huiky | take an airplane; board an airplane | 搭飛機
tikyn | root out; eradicate; uproot | 除根
tioxng'iaux siky | critical juncture | 重要時機
tuikyn buxntøea | raise one question after another (in order to get to the bottom of a matter) | 追根問底
uikyn | scarf; muffler; cravat; neckerchief; muffler; scarf | 圍巾
zoafhuiky | paper airplane | 紙飛機
zuysiong-huiky | seaplane; a hydroplane | 水上飛機

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