"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Kimhofng | a city in Taitung County | 金峰
Serngbør Sirnsimhoe | Children of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母信心會
Serngsimhoe | confraternity of the Sacred Heart (Catholic) | 聖心會
buxnliuo simhoaf | associate with prostitutes | 問柳尋花
chimho | long and close friendship or relationship; profound learning or training | 深厚
chimhoan | encroachment; infringement; violation; encroach upon other's rights; invade (term used in law) | 侵犯
chimhokhib | deep breath; breathe deeply | 深呼吸
efngkix simhoaai | keep something in mind forever | 永記心懷
himhoong | happy to be present on a joyful occasion | 欣逢
ho pud chimhoan | refrain from invading each other | 互無侵犯
iezoarn-simhoee | change one's mind | 意轉心回
imho | vagina | 陰戶; 陰道
kaoiok-kikimhoe | educational foundation | 教育基金會
khawhok simhok | to win people's heart; with sincerity and willingly; concede defeat; to admit somebody's superiority | 口服心服
khimhoan | impunity | 欽犯
khimhok | adore; respect; reverence | 欽服
kikimhoe | foundation; board of directors of a fund; a fund | 基金會
simhoaai | bosom | 心懷
simhoaan | impatience; impatient | 心煩; 心情煩躁
simhoaf buxnliuo | seek carnal pleasure (said of a male) | 尋花問柳
simhoea | enthusiasm or anger | 心火
simhoef khuy | heart blossoming ─ be brimming with joy; feel very happy | 心花開
simhoef | heart | 心花
simhoeq | (one's) energy | 心血
simhok | admit somebody's superiority with sincerity | 心服
simhok-khawhok | admit somebody's superiority with sincerity | 心服口服
simhoong | cautious | 心防
simhorng | search and visit | 尋訪
somlimhoad | forestry law | 森林法

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