"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: imku

chimkuy zhuolie | unmarried daughters of the rich | 深閨處女
chimkuy | a boudoir; zenana; inner chambers or apartment where the women of the house live | 深閨
chimkuy-luo | a zenana | 深閨女
imku | vagina | 陰具; 陰部
kimku'ar | beetle, scarab beetle, gold bug | 金龜仔; 金龜子
kimkuafchiaf | beetle shaped Volkswagen | 金龜車
kimkulek | dark green | 金龜綠
kimkusaix | fine son-in-law; rich son-in-law | 金龜婿
kimkut | bright-colored; gally-colored; smooth; glossy; sleek | 金滑; 滑潤; 光亮平滑; 鮮艷; 光滑潤澤; 光滑; 油亮; 油光; 光澤
limkuypoear | drank a couple of cups | 啉幾杯仔
ngkimkuix | expensive gold | 黃金貴
nngfthochimkut | take advantage of vulnerable people | 軟塗深掘
nngfthoo-chimkut | If the earth is soft; people will dig the hole deep. If a person is good-natured; people will take advantage of (tease) him | 軟土深滑; 得寸進尺
timkud | incus (bone) | 燖骨; 砧骨

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