"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: iong'i

Misad Siong'ioxngkefng | Ordinary of the Mass (Catholic) | 彌撒常用經
Tiong'iofng Giefnkiuovi | Academia Sinica | 中央研究院
Tiong'iofng Ginhaang | Central Bank of China | 中央銀行
Tiong'iofng Jidpøx | Central Daily News | 中央日報
Tiong'iofng Uyoaan | member of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang | 中央委員
Tiong'iofng Zernghuo | the Central Government; the National Government | 中央政府
Tiong'iofng sirnthokkiok | Central Trust of China | 中央信託局
Tiong'iofng svoameh | Central mountain range (in Taiwan) | 中央山脈
Tiong'iofng thongsirnsia | Central News Agency (CNA) | 中央通信社
Tiong'iongzeq | Double Ninth Festival | 重陽節
Tiong'iongzoeq | Double Ninth Festival | 重陽節
Tiong'ioong | The Golden Mean (one of the Four Books in the Chinese classics); of ordinary talent; common | 中庸; 重陽
Tiong'ioong-zøeq | Double Ninth | 重陽節
Tiong'iuu | PetroChina | 中油
Tiong'iøh | Chinese medicine (mostly herbs) | 中藥
chiong'iaux | rush to | 衝要
chiong'ioong | composed, tranquill, unhurried, to feel at home | 從容
chiong'iøh | medicine for bald head | 禿藥
ciong'ia | whole night | 終夜
ciong'id jii ciofng | be faithful to one husband all her life even after she is divorced or in widowhood | 從一而終
ciong'ii | at last | 終於
ciong'ioong putpeg | in an unhurried of leisurely manner | 從容無迫
ciong'ioong | unhurried; naturally; calm; composed | 從容
ciong'iw | liberally; to pay liberally; to pay according to a higher scale | 從優
gvofsiong'ixn | stigmata | 五傷印
hiong'iorng | bluster; popple; surge | 洶湧
hiong'iuo | friends from the same area | 鄉友
hiong'iuu | sesame oil | 香油
hykhix iong'ioong | joyful atmosphere; festival mood; cheerful look or expression | 喜氣洋洋
iekhix iong'ioong | in high spirits; triumphantly | 意氣揚揚
iong'i | easy; facile; apt to…; liable to… | 容易
iong'ioong taixkoafn | imposing; grand; magnificent | 洋洋大觀
iong'ioong | full of water; vast; extensive; in high spirits; great; elated | 洋洋; 揚揚; 庸庸
iong'ioong-tek'ix | very pleased; elated; to be smug and complacent; look proud and satisfied; in high spirits; proud and happy; elated | 揚揚得意
iong'irn | allow; permit | 容允
khuthiong'iøh | anthelmintic; a drug or medicine for expelling intestinal worms | 驅蟲藥
kiong'ii | to pay compliment; to flatter | 恭維
liong'ia | beautiful night; clear night, a pleasant evening | 良夜
liong'ieen | good chance; good match for marriage | 良緣; 龍淆
liong'iernhviw | [[liong'ienhviw]]; a fragrant incense used on happy occasions and also to drive away evil spirits | 龍涎香
liong'iuo | good friends | 良友
liong'iøh | good medicine | 良藥
liong'iøh-khofkhao | Good medicines are bitter to the mouth. (literally) ─ Good advice is never pleasant to the ear | 良藥苦口
put'siong'ioong | incompatible | 無相容; 不相容
satthiong'iøh | insecticide; pesticide | 殺蟲藥
simsym-siong'ixn | complete meeting of minds; in complete rapport; our opinions tally exactly | 心心相印
siong'iog | mutually agree | 相約
siong'iong | use often; used often | 常用
siong'ioong | compatible; [[siøioong]] | 相容
siong'ioxngji | common words | 常用字
siong'ioxngsuu | common words | 常用詞
tek'ix iong'ioong | air of complacency; appearance of extreme satisfaction; quite elated | 得意揚揚
tiong'iap | the middle period; the middle decades of a century | 中葉
tiong'iern | repeat the performance of; repeat | 重演
tiong'iofng cibkoaan | centralized government; centralization of authority | 中央集權
tiong'iofng | center; central | 中央
tiong'iofnghaogi | loyalty and filial piety | 忠勇孝義
tiong'iongcitø | The Golden Mean | 中庸之道
tiong'iongkonglo | Central Highway | 中央公路
tiong'ionglo | Central road | 中央路
tiong'iongsvoaf | Central mountains | 中央山
tiong'ioong | the golden mean of the Confucian school; medium | 中庸
tiong'iorng | loyal and brave | 忠勇
tiong'ipo | department of Chinese medicine | 中醫部
tiong'iøh | Chinese herb | 中藥
tiong'iøqhaang | Chinese medicine store | 中藥行
tiong'iøqpaang | Chinese medicine store | 中藥房
tiong'iøqpaw | Chinese medicine package | 中藥包
zorng'iong'iøh | medicine for increasing sexual performance | 壯陽藥

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