Hengsu sorsioxnghoad | Criminal Procedure Code | 刑事訴訟法
ciaxm sioxnghofng | have the upper hand in a struggle or contest | 佔上風
cioxnghoan | an accessory (criminal) | 從犯
erng'ioxnghoarhak | applied chemistry (science) | 應用化學 (科學)
haysioxnghoad | marine law | 海上法
ioxngho | user; customer | 用戶
ioxnghoad | a method of use; way to use a thing; directions for using or operating something | 用法
kioxnghoan | accomplice; conspirator; joint offender | 共犯
kioxnghong | offer sacrifices in worship; provide for one's parents | 共奉
lioxnghoarntiaxm | mass merchandiser | 量販店
lioxnghoaxn | mass merchandise | 量販
sioxnghoee | on a former occasion; the previous occasion | 上回
sioxnghofng | favorable wind which gives one an advantage; as in sailing or shooting; upper hand | 上風
sorsioxnghoad | legal procedures involved in a lawsuit; law of procedure | 訴訟法
swioxnghoad | directions for use | 使用法
thaesioxnghoong | father of the emperor | 太上皇
tioxnghoan | important criminal; criminal who is guilty of a serious crime | 重犯
tioxnghok | to repeat; repetition; to duplicate | 重複
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