"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: isafn

Kisafn | a city in Kaohsiung County | 旗山
Kuisafn | a city in Taoyuan County | 龜山
Lisafn | pear mountain | 梨山
gukofng isafn | determined effort can move a mountain; Where there's a will; there's a way | 愚公移山
hoaisafn | mountain yam as a mediciane | 淮山
isafn tørhae | move mountains and empty the water out of the sea--mighty power | 移山倒海
isafn | to move the mountain | 移山
khaisafn | founder of religious sect; cut into a mountain | 開山
kok'iuo zaisafnkiok | The Bureau of National Assets (under the Ministry of Finance) | 國有財產局
paisafn-tørhae | overthrow a mountain and upset the sea ─ of great ability; over-helming or sweeping | 排山倒海
uisafnsøex | legacy tax; inheritance tax | 遺產稅
zaisafnkaf | a man of wealth (property) | 財產家; 富翁
zaisafnkoaan | ownership of property; property rights | 財產權
zaisafnsøex | property tax | 財產稅

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