"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Sisiefnciar Iok'han | John the Baptist | 施洗者約翰
cidkhaisie | from the very beginning, from the start | 一開始
hisied | nominal, fictitious, in name | 虛設
hvoaisie | untimely death by accident | 橫死; 橫禍
isie | kill instead of curing | 醫死
itkhaisie | from the very beginning, from the start | 一開始
kaisie | damned; deserve death; Go to hell! | 該死
kaisie! | Damn it! Damn you! Go to hell! Damnable | 該死
kekuisiefn | boast; bragger | 誇口者; 吹牛大王; 雞規仙
khaisie | start; begin; commence to; start to do; beg | 開始
khaisied | start up; set up; establishment; found | 開設
khisien-phvarog | oppress the good and timid and fear the wicked | 欺善怕惡
kisieen | cicada | 奇蟬
kisiefn | (to take) the initiative or steps in advance | 機先
kuisiefn | go to the Buddhist heaven; die | 歸仙; 歸西天
kuisielaang | lifetime; all one's life; all life long | 歸世人; 一生
kuisien | follow the good | 歸善
kvoaisie | close down; closed doors | 關死; 把門關死; 關門
kvuisie | stick shut (window, door) | 關死; 關死了
m-zaisie | to act recklessly; to do sth. regardless of danger | 無知死; 不知危險
misie-minoa | persistent requests; entangled | 棉死棉爛; 無要臉地纏著
paisied | excretion; ejectable; take vent; excrete; elimination; excretion; excrete; to discharge | 排泄; 排設; 佈置
paisied-zok'iong | excretory functions | 排泄作用
paisietbut | output; excreta; excrement | 排泄物
paisietkoarn | discharge tube | 排泄瓶; 排泄管
paisietpaan | drainage bottle | 排泄瓶
peksien haux uisiefn | of all virtues filial piety is chief | 百善孝為先
phisiefn | draped | 披身
pviarsvisie | fight for life | 拼生死
pviax svisie | risk one's life; do at the risk of one's life; place on the same plane; life and death; to struggle for life | 拼生死
sisied | set up; equip with; institution; facilities; equipment; establishment | 設置; 施設
sisiern | baptize | 施洗
svisie | life and death | 生死
svisiefn | become rusty | 生銹; 生鉎; 生鏽
svisiern | ringworm | 生癬
taang-svisie | life and death | 同生死
tafcidisiefn | which one | 那一仙
taisie | bury alive | 埋死; 活埋
thaisie | kill; fetch; put to death; to kill with a knife | 殺死; 刣死
twkhaisie | just started | 拄開始
uisied | omit inadvertently, emit semen outside a woman's vagina | 遺精; 遺洩
uisien | do good | 為善
zaisie | aware of the danger; recognizing the gravity of the situation | 知死; 自知無妙
zhuisie | strangle someone or something | 絞死; 勒死

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