"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Jiswn zuxiuo jiswn-hog | The children can take care of themselves when they grow up. (Therefore; the parents don't have to work too hard for their future.) | 兒孫自有兒孫福
Tuisw | Requiem Mass Toa-zaikii; Lent, the Period of Great Abstinence | 追思
chisw-boxngsiorng | to think idiotic nonsense | 痴思妄想
chviswnsurn | pale | 青恂恂
isw | an intern; doctor; medical doctor | 醫師; 醫書
isw-konghoe | medical association | 醫師公會
isw-seg | doctor's office | 醫師室
jiswn | posterity; children and grandchildren | 兒孫; 子孫
kihaisw | a specialist of machine | 機械師
kisw | engineer; technician; artificer; technical expert | 技師
kviafjiswn | descendants | 兒女孫; 囝兒孫
lisw | bill of divorcement | 離書; 離婚書; 離婚文書
luisw | the god of thunder | 雷師
thaisw | lose the bell; be defeated in battle | 殺輸; 戰敗
thongtisw | notification | 通知書; (單)
tuisw sienboong | commemoration of the dead (Catholic) | 追思先亡
tuisw | recall, reflect on | 追思
tuisw-lefpaix | Requiem Service (Protestant) | 追思禮拜
uisw | note left behind by a dead person; a will; ancient books scattered or lost; manuscripts published posthumously | 遺書
zofng'isw | Chief Resident | 總醫師
zuxvi-isw | resident (in a hospital) | 住院醫師
zuxvi-zofng'isw | chief resident (in a hospital) | 住院總醫師
zwti-isw | doctor in charge | 主治醫師

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