"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Honglaitør | Formosa; Taiwan Island | 蓬萊島
Mitøo | a city in Kaohsiung County; Buddhist term for Buddha; Amida; Amitabha | 彌陀
aitø | condolence; mourn; grieve over or lament someone's death | 哀悼
begkoankitør | contemplative prayer | 默觀祈禱
cvitøh'ar | little bank | 錢桌仔
cyhuitøf | saber of the commanding officer | 指揮刀
huitø | not ordinary rule | 非道
itø | the skill or knowledge of a doctor; medical science; medical skill; medical science | 醫道
itøfsvoarsox | insulin | 胰島腺素
itør | Island of Langerhans (body) | 一島; 胰島
itør-sox | insulin | 胰島素
khaitø | clear the way for an important official; educate and enlighten; explain and make to understand | 開道; 開導
khongkwn-kitøe | air base | 空軍基地
khuitø | (in ancient China) to clear the way for an important official | 開道
khuitøea-khox | a pair of bottomless trousers for babies; a pair of open-bottomed pants for children | 開底褲
khuitøf | surgical operation; to operate | 手術; 開刀
khuitøf-kiafmzaf | exploratory operation | 開刀檢查
khuitøpaang | operating room | 手術室; 開刀房
khuitøq | to serve; also to put on plate; begin a banquet | 開桌; 開動 (宴客時開始上菜)
kitøe | base | 基地
kitøea | ground, basic, fundamental | 基地; 基底
kitøea-zoxngthaix | ground state | 基地狀態; 基底狀態
kitøfbuun | a written prayer | 祈禱文
kitøfciar | person praying | 祈禱者
kitør | pray; prayer; pray to God | 祈禱
kitør-buun | written prayer | 祈禱文
kitør-hoe | prayer meeting | 祈禱會
kitør-seg | prayer room | 祈禱室
kuitø | course, orbit, railway | 規道; 軌道
kuitøhterng | all over the table-top | 整桌頂
kunsu kitøe | military (naval; air) base | 軍事基地
mitøsi | Buddha temple | 彌陀寺
nitøea | end of the year | 年底
oaioaitøftør | crooked and fell | 歪歪倒倒
oaitø | crooked way | 歪道
paitøea | the end result | 牌底
paitøq | arrange the table; card table; set the table for a meal | 排桌; 排桌,擺桌宴客; 擺桌宴客; 牌桌
paix thvitøe | wedding ceremony | 拜天地; 結婚
puitøe | rich soil | 肥地
pvitøe | plain; level ground | 平地
pvitøea-øee | low-heeled shoe | 平底鞋
saitøcih | purple clam | 獅刀舌; 西刀舌
saitøf | long-tailed anchovy, wolf herring, silver bar fish | 獅刀; 寶刀魚
thaitør | cut someone down | 殺倒
thuitør | to push down, topple | 推倒
thvitøe | heaven and earth; the universe | 天地
tiong'iongcitø | The Golden Mean | 中庸之道
titøx | to come or arrive late; to be late | 遲到
tuitø | to commemorate; commiseration; commemorate (the dead); grieve for a person's death | 追悼
tuitø-hoe | memorial service | 追悼會
tuitøxhoe | memorial service | 追悼會
tvitøex | be in constant attendance; squire | 纏隨; 纏綴; 糾纏; 隨侍
vitøh'afterng | round table top | 圓桌仔頂
vitøh'ar | round table | 圓桌仔
vitøq | round table | 圓桌
vitøq-hoexgi | a round-table conference | 圓桌會議
zhaitøf | cutter | 裁刀
zhngpvitøq | bedside table | 床邊桌; 床旁桌
zhuitør | overturn; topple | 推倒

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