bajiteg | a type of bamboo | 貓兒竹
baliteg | a type of bamboo | 貓兒竹
bøo laau ite | put a man too much to shame; as by severe scolding before others | 無留餘地
chviteg | a green bamboo | 青竹
chviteksy | green mamba | 青竹絲
cvite | purse | 錢袋
cvite'ar | wallet | 錢袋仔
cvitear | wallet | 錢袋仔
gokhitefng | nail that looks like the mouth of a leech or u-shaped; has two heads | 蜈蜞釘; 水蛭釘
gvexsexng kuiteng | rigid and inflexible ruling | 硬性規定
gvokhitefng | ㄇ shape nail | 蜈蜞釘
hitefng | paper lantern in fish shape | 魚燈
hvoaitek | the common flute (played horizontally) | 橫笛
ite | room, space, margin, scope | 範圍; 餘地; 一
iteg | medical ethics | 醫德
itgieen-uiteng | reach a binding agreement verbally; It's a deal | 一言為定
itsitek | momentarily | 一時的
khaiteeng | start a court trial; hold a court session | 開庭
khaitefng | start collecting taxes | 開徵
khuiteeng | start a court trial; hold a court session | 開庭
kite | foundation | 基地
kitek | unique; outstanding; strange | 奇特
kuiteng | provision; stipulate; prescription; regulation; provide; stipulations; prescribe; ordain | 規定
kuitex | whole piece | 整塊
kvoaitefng | to switch off the light | 關燈
literng | medicine balance, metal piece balance | 天平; 釐戥
liulitefng | transparent lantern; bald headed; shorn head | 琉璃燈
lositefng | bolt | 螺絲釘
loxsitefng | a screw | 螺絲釘
loxtaiterng | terrace roof | 露台頂
luiteeng | thunder; crash of thunder; symbolic of anger; great wrath or fury; rage; overwhelming; overpowering | 雷霆
mxzay thvite kuie kyn tang | He doesn't know how heavy the heavens and earth are. ─ He doesn't know anything | 毋知天地幾斤重; 毋知天高地厚
nitea | end of the year | 年底
nitee | bubble tea | 奶茶
paitea | part of the deck remaining after the hands are dealt; a hand held by a player | 牌底
paix thvite | worship Heaven and Earth | 拜天地
pengtaiterng | platform top | 平台頂
phoeathvite | long life as heaven and earth | 配天地; 與天地同久
puite | rich; fertile soil | 肥地
puitea | describe people with fat gene | 肥底
put'hap-kuiteng | not conform to the rules | 不合規定
pviterng | equality | 平等
sia thvite | to give thanks to Heaven and Earth | 謝天地
siteeng | resign | 辭呈
suisii suite | at all times and places; any time and any place; whenever and wherever | 隨時隨地
taitefng | reading lamp; a table lamp | 台燈; 檯燈
taiterng | on platform | 台上; 臺上
taixhoad luiteeng | become very angry | 大發雷霆
thuiteng | to conclude | 推定
thvite boefar | end of heaven and earth ─ said of extraordinary calamities or unexampled crimes; portending the end of the dynasty | 末日
thvite bøo pøx | Heaven and Earth allowing wickedness to go unpunished | 天地無報
thvite | heaven and earth, the universe | 天地
thviterng | the zenith, in the heaven | 天頂; 天上
thviterng-texe | heaven above and earth below; the universe | 天上地下
tvitee | sweet tea | 甜茶
uiteg | power and benevolent rule | 威德; 遺德
uitek | power and grace | 威澤
viterng | rounded top | 圓頂
zaitefhe | know the secret background of another person | 知底細
zaiteg kiampi | have both talent and virtue | 才德兼備
zaiteg | ability and virtue | 才德
zhaiteng | adjudicate; judge; bring in a verdict; arbitration; adjudication; decision; arbitrate; adjudicate upon | 裁定
zhawtuiterng | on top of a pile of grass | 草堆頂
zhuiteng | illation; constructive; presume; putative | 推定
zuytiterng | pool top | 水池頂
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