Keklim'uiti | Greenwich | 格林威治
Kvitit | waking of insects (third solar term) | 驚蟄
Sam'oong laitiaau | Epiphany (obsolete Catholic) | 三王來朝
Taitien | Taipower | 台電
Taitiofng | Taichung | 台中
Taitiofng-koan | Taichung County | 台中縣
chitiong | prudent; cautious | 持重
chviti'ar | small bird | 青苔仔
chvitien | (n) indigo | 菁靛; 靛藍
citiarm | a pivot | 支點
citiaxm | branch store | 支店; 分店
citiofng | among | 之中
gitiarm | doubtful or questionable point; suspicious; point | 疑點
gitiong | insignias of rank carried in procession | 儀仗
gitioxngtui | guard of honor | 儀仗隊
hancitiin | sweet potato vines | 蕃薯藤
hitii | fish pond | 魚池
hitiin | Taiwan millettia | 魚陳; 魚藤; 小米
hitiørar | fishing rod; fishing pole | 魚釣仔; 釣竿; 釣魚竿
huitiap | flying saucer; unidentified flying object (UFO) | 飛碟
huitioxng | to soar; to skyrocket | 飛漲
hvoaitit | either way; in either case; horizontal and perpendicular; in any case; anyway; in the end; in the long run | 橫直; 反正
imcitimseg | tonality | 音質, 音色
iti | to cure; to treat; medical treatment; cure or treat a disease (wound); medical attention | 醫治
kaitid | deserve | 該得
kaitiøh | of course | 該著; 當然要
khaitiern | develop; carry out; unfold | 開展
khaitii | fire (an employee); expel (a student from school) | 開除
khaitiofng | open for business; start up; first transaction of a business day; opening of a shop; start doing business | 開張
khaitiofng-taixkied | auspicious beginning of a new enterprise (an expression used when opening a new shop or factory) | 開張大吉
khuitiaxm | open a store; set up a store; open a shop; run a store | 開店
khuitid | fortunately; luckily | 虧得
khuitiern | to expand; to spread out; to develop | 開展
khuitii | new fish pond is open for business | 開池; 魚池開始營業
khvitiaau | to succeed in capturing | 擒住; 纏住
khør hitii | drain a pond (in order to harvest the fish) | 排乾池水以捕魚
kitiau | the keynote; base tone | 基調
kitiau-ym | fundamental tone, base tone | 基調音
kitiaw | a kind of snapper, pristipomoides sieboldii | 姬綢; 姬鯛; 旗鯛
kitien | electromechanical | 機電
kitiofng | among in; among them; among which | 其中
kitiofng-khøfchix | mid-term examination | 期中考試
kitiong | among them, therein | 期中
kitix | alertness; quick wits; ready responsiveness; skillful; tacts | 機智
kofitiaxm | secondhand clothing store | 估衣舖
kuitiaau | regulation, the whole rod | 整條; 規條
kuitin | as a group; as a mob; as a block; as a galaxy; the whole group; large company; whole crowd | 整群; 規陣; 大伙兒; 歸陣; 一群; 大伙兒,一群
kuitiofng | inside the private quarters of a house where women live | 閨中
kvitiøh | be caught (on a nail; in a tree); stumble over (a stone); be stuck | 哽著; 卡著; 纏著哽著
laitiaau | come to court; pay respects | 來朝
laitien | Incoming call | 來電
lioong huy titiongbut | dragon is not a creature of a pond (but of the ocean) ─ a man of great ability | 龍非池中物
luitien kaukaf | thunderstorm | 雷電交加
luitii | landmine area | 雷池
maflengcitiaau | French fries | 馬鈴薯條
mitiuu | silk fabric | 綿綢
nitiofng | middle of the year | 年中
paitiau | excretion | 排掉
paitii baxnlaan | overcome all difficulties | 排除萬難
paitii | exclusion; removal; exclude; remove; eliminate; put out of the way | 排除
paitin | battle array; draw up in battle array; deploy troops | 排陣; 佈陣
paitiøh | line up | 排著
pitiau | mournful tune | 悲調
puitibah'ar | fat pork | 肥豬肉仔
putløo jitid | obtained without labor | 不勞而得
pvitit | smooth and straight | 平直
saitin | lion dance | 獅陣; 舞獅隊
simhied laitiaau | hit upon a sudden idea; have a brain storm | 心血來潮
sitiau | hymn tune | 詩曲; 詩調
sitiern | develop; display (one's talent; skill); expand | 施展
sitiuu | silk | 絲綢
suitiaux | hanging | 垂吊
suitidsvoax | vertical line | 垂直線
suitit | vertical; plumb; perpendicular; vertical | 垂直
suxputgitii | without delay | 事不宜遲
svitiorng | grow, live | 生長
svitiøh | born | 生著
søefitiaxm | laundry store | 洗衣店
taitiau | buried | 埋掉
thaiti'ar | butcher | 宰豬的, 屠夫
thaitiau | killed | 刣掉
thaitiee | butcher | 宰豬的, 屠夫
thaitiøqsiofng | to wound with a knife or sword | 殺受傷; 割傷
thitiaau | an edible green seaweed | 藻潮; 乾苔
thuitiern | driving; impel; impulse; urge; budge | 推展
thvitiofng | in the sky | 天中
thvitiong'ngf | outdoors; outside | 太陽下; 露天
tidlaitidkhix | straightforward | 直來直去
titiaau | pigpen | 豬舍; 豬牢
titiafm | block on which pork is laid out for sale | 豬砧; 肉攤子
titiaulai | inside sty | 豬牢內
titii | late | 遲遲
titikhaokhaux | to continually cut back | 又扣又除
titiok | chasing | 馳逐
titiq | younger brother | 弟弟
toxzaitix | belly button pedicle | 肚臍蒂
tuitiok | to chase after; hunt; run after | 追逐
tuitiøh | overtake | 追到
tvitiaau | entangled | 纏牢
tvitiautiaau | entangled | 纏牢牢
uitiaau | jail | 圍牢
uxzaitiau | capable | 有才調
vitiq | droplet, globule | 圓球; 小滴
zaitiau | ability and talent; talent; tact; capacity; ability | 本事; 才調; 才幹
zaitix | intelligence; brilliance | 才智
zaitix-liofngkiafm | talented and smart | 才智兩兼
zhaitiuu | colored silk | 裁綢
zhaitiøh | guess right | 猜中; 猜著
zhongbeeng-zaitix | cleverness and intelligence | 聰明才智
zhuitiern | extend (plan) | 催典; 推展
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