"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bin iu'iw | one's face looks sad | 面憂憂; 面色憂鬱
bin taix chiu'ioong | sad faced; woeful look | 面帶愁容
chiu'ioong moafbin | wear a sad look; look distressed | 愁容滿面
chiu'ioong | sad appearance, sad countenance | 愁容
chiu'ix | expression of sorrow; touch of sadness | 愁意; 秋意
ciapsiok hviu'iefn | continue the family line | 接續香火
ciu'iuu seakaix | Travel round the world | 週遊世界
ciu'iuu | to travel round | 周遊; 週遊
hiu'iorng | recreation; relax; relaxation; rest; recuperate | 休養
hviu'iefn | smoke of buring incense | 香煙
hviu'iuu | linseed oil; sesame oil | 香油; 胡麻油
iu'i | special extra | 優異
iu'iah | healthy and prosperous | 優役; 心寬體胖
iu'iefn | lamp soot; lampblack; greasy dirt produced from heating or cooking oil | 油煙
iu'ioong | sad expression, a long face | 憂容
iu'irnpurn | mimeographed booklet; pamphlet | 油印本
iu'iuar thviax | feel a slight pain | 憂憂仔痛; 微微的痛
iu'iuu | freely; idly; far; vast; pensive; impractical; greasy; oily | 油膩; 悠悠; 油油
iu'iw | sad; sorrowful; glossy; soft and smooth; sleek; slick; slithery | 憂憂; 光滑; 憂容; 幽幽
iu'ixn | mimeographing; to mimeograph | 油印
khip'iu'ienky | exhaust fan | 吸油煙機
laxnbiin siu'iongsor | haven or shelter for refugees; refugee camp; center | 難民收容所
laxnbiin-siu'iongsor | a shelter for refugees; a refugee camp | 難民收容所
liu'iong | to give employment to someone; to keep for use by oneself | 留用
liu'ix | keep an eye on; pay attention; pay attention; give the mind to; be careful; be cautious; take care; exercise caution | 留意
pai'iu'ienky | exhaust fan above a gas stove or range | 排油煙機
siu'iaw | control evil | 收妖
siu'ieen | collect donation | 收緣; 收捐款
siu'imky | radio; radio receiving set; radio | 收音機
siu'iongsor | camp; temporary home (for refugees) | 收容所
siu'ioong | take in; accept | 收容
siu'ioong-sor | camp (prisoner-of-war, refugee, etc.) | 收養所; 收容所
siu'iorng | culture; accomplishment; training; discipline | 修養; 收養
siu'iu | accept a bribe | 收賄
tenghviu'iuu | oil of cloves | 丁香油
zhao'iu'iefn | unpleasant oily smell | 臭油煙

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