Gvaixsuteknytoan | Esther (Catholic) | 艾斯德爾傳
Suixsu | Switzerland | 瑞士
Suixsui | a city in Hualien County | 瑞穗
Taixsuo | Big Heat; the climatic period which begins on July3 or4 | 大暑
bixsui | not accomplished; aborted; used after a verb; fail in accomplishing; attempted without success; unaccomplished | 未遂
bixsuixhoan | unconsummated crime | 未遂犯
ciongsyn taixsu | great event affecting one's whole life like one's marriage | 終身大事
ciwzuix go taixsu | If you get drunk; you will make a big mistake | 醉酒誤大事
gaixsu | get in the way; underfoot; detrimental; highly inconvenient; be in the way | 礙事
gixsu jidtheeng | agenda | 議事日程
gixsu | righteous man; fair-minded person | 義人; 議事; 義士
gixsuxliok | agenda | 議事錄; 議程錄
gixsuxseg | assembly hall | 議事室
gixsuxthuii | gavel (used by the speaker of a legislature) | 議事槌
gixsuxthviaf | council chamber | 議事廳
gixsuxtngg | addembly hall, senate house | 議事堂; 議事堂,議院
hietluixsuo | very sad story, heart rending tale | 血淚史
hiongsym bixsuo | undying ambition; not give up yet | 雄心未死
hoaixsu | a bad or evil thing; to ruin | 壞事
huixsux | be kind enough to give me something; bestow graciously | 惠賜
ixsu | strange happening | 異事
jixsuun | twenties | 二旬
kixntaixsuo | modern history | 近代史
kuykuie suixsui | very deceitful and intriguing; stealthy; furtive; secretive | 鬼鬼祟祟
kuykuie-suixsui | misfortunes brought by evil spirits; stealthy; clandestine | 鬼鬼祟祟
lixsuun | profits | 利純; 利潤
luixsu | to resemblance; similar to; similar; alike | 類似
pixsuo | summering; to go away for the summer | 避暑
pofpii lixsuie | tonic; diuretic | 補脾利水
pvixsuo | medical history | 病史
simlaixsu | inner matter | 心內事
taixgixsu | representative | 代議士
taixsu | important matters ─ death; marriage; change of governments | 大事
taixsujiin | substitute | 代事人
taixsuxliok | record of important events | 大事錄
tixsuie | regulate waterways; rivers to prevent flooding; flood control | 治水
tonggixsuu | synonym | 同義詞
uixsu | for the matter | 為事
vixsu | member of Academia Sinica; academian | 院士
zerngtixsuo | political history | 政治史
zongtoo taixsuxliok | Acts of Apostles (Catholic) | 宗徒大事錄
zuxsad bixsui | attempted suicide | 自殺未遂
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Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
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Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]