bea jinsym | craftily gain the hearts of people; win someone over | 買人心
jinsym | human heart; popular feeling; the will of the people; human heart; will; feeling or emotion; morale | 人心
jinsym-jinsut | benevolent in heart and deed (usually used as a eulogy for medical practitioners) | 仁心仁術
jinsym-putciog | The human heart never knows satiety | 人心不足
jit kiuo kiexn jinsym | Time reveals a man's heart | 日久見人心
kafmhoax jinsym | move the hearts of men | 感化人心
paixhoai jinsym | demoralize; corrupt people's hearts; perversion of one's mind | 敗壞人心
siularm jinsym | win the people's hearts | 收攬人心
teg jinsym | be popular; have won the favor of the people | 得人心
tid jinsym | be popular; have won the favor of the people | 得人心
toghai jinsym | poison the minds of people | 毒害人心
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