"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khachiuo

høfkhachiuo | quick in action or understanding; agile; quick and efficient | 好腳手; 手腳敏捷
hør-khachiuo | good helper; quick in action or understanding, agile, quick and efficient | 好腳手; 伶俐,; 敏捷; 手足敏捷者
khachiuo pun | clumsy hand and foot | 手腳遲鈍; 腳手笨
khachiuo tun | clumsy hand and foot | 手腳遲鈍; 腳手鈍
khachiuo | hand and foot; action; tricks; legs and hands; a (helping) hand | 腳手; 跤手; 手腳; 幫手
khachiuo-kex | scaffolding | 腳手架; 跤手架
kof-khachiuo | having no assistants; only one born (no brothers and sisters) | 孤跤手; 單單一個人; 獨自一人
lixkhachiuo | grown up- no longer need parents' help | 離跤手
pviekhachiuo | playing tricks | 變跤手
taokhachiuo | helper; co-worker; assist one another; to help; give a hand | 鬥腳手; 幫手
taux-khachiuo | help, lend a hand | 鬥腳手; 鬥跤手; 幫忙
taxngkhachiuo | move hands and feet- implying fighting | 動跤手
tixn-khachiuo | block | 擋腳手; 阻擋
tvoakhachiuo | having no assistants; only one born (no brothers and sisters) | 單跤手; 獨自一人
zhoaan-khachiuo | prepare manpower | 拴腳手; 備人馬
zhof-khachiuo | unskilled laborer | 粗腳手; 苦力
zhutkhachiuo | action | 出跤手

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