chid khazhngf | wipe the bottom (of a baby or old person); to deal with a failure situation | 拭尻川; 擦屁股; 收拾殘局
chitkhazhngf | wipe the bottom (of a baby or old person), to deal with a failure situation | 擦屁股, 收拾殘局
gviuo khazhngf | twist your butt | 扭尻川
hiaau khazhngf | sodomy; feeling horny (be burnt by taking part in an unnecessary activity) | 多事; 自作孽; 嬲尻川
khazhngf cviu | sodomy; feeling horny (be burnt by taking part in an unnecessary activity) | 尻川癢; 多事; 自作孽
khazhngf tngg | stay too long; pay person too long a visit | 尻川長; 長屁股 (久留無離不受歡迎)
khazhngf | anus | 尻川; 屁股; 肛門
khazhngf-khafng | the anus, the fundament | 尻川孔; 尻川空
phahkhazhngf | spaking | 拍尻川
phiq khazhngf | sodomy; buggery | 男色; 難姦
phokhazhngf | fltter | 扶尻川
tngg-khazhngf | stay too long; outstay one's welcome | 長屁股; (久留無離; 不受歡迎)
tngkhazhngf | being a guest that won't leave | 長尻川
toaxkhazhngf | big buttocks | 屁股大
voafkhazhngf | hollow bottom of a bowl | 碗屁股, 碗底
zhaokhazhngf | rotten ass | 臭尻川
zhaux khazhngf kviaf laang ngf | afraid that one's own secret or fault will be disclosed | 怕人揭瘡疤。
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