"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Goxkied | a city in Yilan County of Taiwan | 五結
Serngbør zhwkied ciamlea | Feast of the Purification (Catholic) | 聖母取潔瞻禮
Ysekied | Ezekiel (Protestant) | 以西結
bøefkied | no way out | 尾結; 末路
cibkied | concentrate troops | 集結; 凝結
ciongkied | windup; end-all; all over; conclude; end; finally; the end; conclusion; termination | 終結
engkied | outstanding; great man; hero | 英傑
gengkied | coagulate | 凝結
goanzwkax-kiexnkied | valence-bond | 原子價鍵結
hiongkied | bad and; or good luck | 凶吉
hoarkied | to land on one's feet | 化吉
honghiofng hoarkied | turn every piece of bad luck into good | 逢凶化吉
hvorkied-sengpheg | morbid preoccupation with cleanliness | 好潔成癖
jinkied | an outstanding personality | 人傑
kafnkied | terseness; chasteness | 簡潔
kamkied | tangerine | 柑橘
kaukied | associate with; form a friendship | 結交; 交結
kefng-kiexnkied | hydrogen bond (chemistry) | 氫分子; 氫鍵結
khaitiofng-taixkied | auspicious beginning of a new enterprise (an expression used when opening a new shop or factory) | 開張大吉
kiawkied | clean and white | 皎潔
kied køefcie | bear fruit | 結果實; 結果子
kied oansiuu | become enemies | 結冤仇
kied | form a close union; marry; unite; freeze; be at enmity; termination; balance; wind up; closely; tightly; knot; tie in a knot; to wind up; conclude; to close; settle; unite; to bear (fruit) | 結; 搩; 桔; 棄,擲; 香橙
kied-oansiuu | have an open feud, be at enmity | 結冤仇; 結仇
kied-sy'oafn | engage in a blood-feud | 結死冤
kiedafkøf | miser | 吝嗇鬼
kiedafthaau | miser | 吝嗇鬼; 小氣鬼
kiedkuie | intelligent and cunning | 竭鬼; 又聰明又狡猾
kiedzhud ee laang | eminent person | 傑出的人
kiedzhud | eminent; outstanding | 傑出
kiedzog | a masterpiece | 傑作
kietkied`leq | terminate the account | 結結咧
kiexnkied | link with keys | 鍵結
kiexnkied-kakto | bond angle | 鍵結角度
kiexnkied-leeng | bond energy | 鍵結能
kiexnkied-sexng | bonding | 鍵結性
kiexnkied-tngto | bond distance, bond length | 鍵結長度
kiexnkied-zhuosox | bond order | 鍵結次素; 鍵結次數
kimkied | the lime | 金桔
kioxngleg-siangteeng-kiexnkied | conjugated double bond | 共力雙重鍵結; 共軛雙重鍵結
kofkied | small, well-made, desirable, useful, pleasant, intelligent | 鼓潔; 小巧
kokied | collusion; collaboration | 勾結
kuikied | bring to an end or conclusion | 歸結
kuxkied | to enter into a bond; to submit a pledge or guarantee to government office for fulfilling of all obligations agreed upon; (in law) to sign a bond to tell the truth | 具結
køkied | reputable | 高潔
lefngkied | cold junction | 冷結
legkied | to be exhausted | 力結
liamkied | purity; honest; not corruptible | 廉潔
liawkied | to get through with; to settle; bring to a close; end; finished; settle; bring to conclusion | 了結
liefnkied | link | 鏈結
lienkied | to connect; to join together; form an alliance; to join together; gang up | 連結; 聯結
liw cy taixkied | leave stealthily; to leave without notifying others; slip out | 溜之大吉
lixkied | profit and lucky | 利吉
oankied | complete, conclude, finish | 完結
pakied | flatter; insinuate; ingratiate oneself; aggressive; curry favor; to toady; exert oneself for advancement; ingratiate oneself with a superior by flattery | 巴結
pengzhefng giogkied | incorruptible (said of one's character) | 冰清玉潔
phoankied | question closely | 盤結; 盤詰
phorngkied | small orange | 凸柑; 椪橘
piekied | constipation | 便祕; 祕結; 便秘; 秘結
pokkied | disposition, temperament, temper | 性情怪異, 令人覺得有趣
put'thoankied | disunity, disunion | 不團結
putkied | ill-omened; ominous; unlucky; foreboding | 不吉
pøfkied | to serve as a reference (for background check) | 保結; 保證身世
serngkied | hollow; purify; sanctify; holy; pure; sanctified; holy; pure; holy and immaculate | 聖潔
siangteeng-kiexnkied | double-bond | 雙重鍵結
siekied | dead knot | 四結
sngkied | a sour orange | 酸桔; 酸橘
sokkied | fruition; hardihood; hardiness; hardy; easy to hold in the hand; e.g.; a neatly fastened box; portable; (a house or room is) small but neat and comfortable | 結實; 束結; 小巧
sunkied | pure; innocent; purity; chastity; innocent (child); pure and clean; honest; sincere and faithful (heart; thought) | 純潔
svaf-lienkied | be connected, be linked together | 相連結
sviaf cinkied | piercing sound; high-pitched; shrill voice | 聲音結實
teakied | conclude (treaties; agreements) | 締結
thafngkied | small sour tangerine | 桶桔; 桶橘(蜜橘)
theakied | conclude (treaties; agreements) | 締結
thoankied | solidarity; union; unity; unity; solidarity; unify | 團結
torngkied | to freeze; congelation; froze; frozen; freeze (an account; asset) | 凍結
zefngkied | neat and clean | 整潔; 整齊
zengkied | chaste, pure, chastity, purity | 貞節; 貞潔
zengsym kiedzog | masterpiece | 精心傑作
zhengkied | clean; cleaning; cleanly; clean; neat; cleanliness; sanitary | 清潔
zhutkied | exit | 出結; 出證
zoarn hiofng uii kied | turn evil into good fortune | 轉凶為吉
zofngkied | conclude; sum up; conclusion; summation; finale; sum up | 總結
zukym torngkied | freezing of funds or capital | 資金凍結
zurnkied | hero | 俊傑

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