"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kiog

Løkafng kiogtviuo | The head of Labor bureau | 勞工局長
Thihloxkiogtviuo | director of the Railway Administration | 鐵路局長
baxnsiuxkiog | African marigold, Tagetes erecta | 萬壽菊
baxnsuixkiog | African marigold, Tagetes erecta | 萬瑞菊
chiukiog | a chrysanthemum | 秋菊
habkiog | strawflower, winged everlasting | 合菊
hiekioghoax | dramatize | 戲劇化
hiekiogkaix | dramatic circles | 戲劇界
hiekiogthoaan | dramatic troupe | 戲劇團
iafkiog | wild chrysanthemum | 野菊
iupien-kiogtviuo | postmaster | 郵便局長
iuzexng-kiogtviuo | postmaster | 郵政局長
iøqkiogsefng | pharmacist's assistant | 藥局生
kiog | chrysanthemum | 菊; 菊仔; 菊花
kiog'iøh | very powerful drugs; strong medicine | 劇藥
kiog'oaan | an officer; clerks in a government office | 局員; 演員
kiog'vi | theater | 劇院
kiogbin | a situation; a state of affairs; aspect of affairs; situation | 局面
kioggoa ee laang | outsider | 局外之人
kioggoa | an outsider | 局外
kioghan | to limit; to confine; limited | 局限
kiogliet | strenuous; intense; hard; fierce | 劇烈
kiogpo bazuix | local anesthesia | 局部麻醉
kiogpo | having to do only with a part; partial; local; part; section; local sectional; the diseased part | 局部
kiogpurn | a play; a script; a scenario; playbook; written drama; a scenario; libretto | 劇本
kiogsex | situation; a state of affairs; aspect of affairs; state of the game; war. | 局勢
kiogthoaan | a drama group of people | 劇團
kiogtviuo | head of director of a government office or bureau; director of a bureau; head of an office | 局長
kiogtviuu | theatre | 劇場
kiogzai | localized | 局在
kiogzeeng | plot (of a play) | 劇情
lamkiog | the common China aster | 藍菊
ngkiog | yellow chrysanthemum | 黃菊
phienkiogciar | playwright; scenario writer | 編劇者; (家)
phienkiogkaf | playwright; scenario writer | 編劇者; (家)
phøsukiog | | 波斯菊
siuosvoax-kiog | spirea (flower) | 繡線菊
syn kiogbin | new situation; new aspect of affairs | 新局面
thihkiog | winged everlasting (flower) | 鐵菊
zhuiekiog | China aster | 翠菊

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