"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kongsy

boxek kongsy | trading company or firm | 貿易公司
buhan kongsy | ordinary business partnership | 無限公司
bøhan-kongsy | an unlimited company, ordinary partnership | 無限公司
ciøqiuu kongsy | petroleum company | 石油公司
hanggiap kongsy | shipping company | 航業公司
hangkhofng-kongsy | airline company | 航空公司
hoea'un kongsy | forwarding agency | 貨運行; 貨運公司
hoefkongsym | very angry and anxious (Lit. like fire burning the heart) | 火攻心
hongkhofng kongsy | an airline | 航空公司
hunkongsy | branch office or company | 分公司
iwhan kongsy | limited liability company | 有限公司
khoakog-kongsy | a transnational corporation, multinational corp | 寬國公司
khoarkog-kongsy | a transnational corporation, multinational corp | 跨國公司
khornggiap-kongsy | mining company | 礦業公司
kiernsied-kongsy | construction company | 建設公司
kofhun kongsy | joint-stock company | 股份公司
kofhun-iwhan-kongsy | limited-liability company | 股份有限公司
kofhun-kongsy | liability company | 股份公司
kofngkøx-kongsy | advertising agency | 廣告公司
kongsy | a company; a firm; a corporation; trading company | 公司
kongsym | attack intelligently | 功心
kongsymphvoax | general judgment (Catholic) | 公審判
pahhex kongsy | department store | 百貨公司
pahhoex kongsy | department store | 百貨公司
pahhøex-kongsy | department store | 百貨公司
phafngcid kongsy | spinning and weaving mill; textile company | 紡織公司
pwnkongsy | our company | 本公司
pøfhiarm kongsy | insurance company | 保險公司
safnbut pøfhiarm kongsy | property insurance company | 產物保險公司
sirnthog kongsy | trust company | 信託公司
sirnthog-kongsy | trust company | 信託公司
thong'un-kongsy | forwarding company | 通運公司
tiexnlek kongsy | electric power company | 電力公司
zea'iøh kongsy | pharmaceutical company | 製藥公司
zoafgiap kongsy | pulp and paper mill | 紙業公司
zoafn'un kongsy | forwarding company; a transportation company | 轉運公司
zofngkongsy | head office | 總公司
zunkongsy | shipping company | 船公司
zøxzuun kongsy | shipbuilding company | 造船公司

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