"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: løqkhix

ab`løqkhix | to subdue, to suppress | 壓落去
chih`løqkhix | bend down one's head; fall headlong | 仆落去
ciah-bøe løqkhix | can't swallow; it won't go down; food that is not good or poor quality; have no appetite | 吃未落去; 吃無落
ciah`løqkhix | swallow down | 吃落去
he`løqkhix | to put down; into | 放落去; 落落去
jip`løqkhix | put into; pack into | 入落去; 裝進去
khngx`løqkhix | put it down | 放落去
khud`løqkhix | bend down; stoop | 屈落去
kui`løqkhix | kneel down | 跪落去
lab`løqkhix | depressed | 凹落去
lag`løqkhix | fall down (something); to drop (something); lose something | 落落去; 掉落; 遺落
lap`løqkhix | step unintentionally into a hole | 踩落去
liaau`løqkhix | get involved; participated | 蹽落去
liern'løqkhix | roll and fall off or down (a precipice; ravine; bed) | 滾落去
limløqkhix | keep drinking | 啉落去
liw`løqkhix | slipped away (as thing fallen out of one's hand); slide down | 溜落去
lob løqkhix zuie`nih | step into water (carelessly) | 踩落水裏去
lui`løqkhix | let it down with a rope | 縋落去
løqkhix | fall off | 落去
maw`løqkhix | knoick it down; concave | 癟落去
moq`løqkhix | to become hollow or sunk down | 腫消平; 癟掉口
naq`løqkhix | concave | 凹落去
oaqløqkhix | survived | 活落去
phag-løqkhix thokhaf | fallen to the ground; to fall prostrate | 仆倒在地上
poah`løqkhix | fall down from a place somewhat higher | 跌落去
poaqløqkhix | fell | 跋落去
sag`løqkhix | push down | 推落去
sarn`løqkhix | lost weight | 瘦落去
siauløqkhix | fade away | 消落去
siawthamløqkhix | lost weight | 痟貪落去
sih`løqkhix | light went off | 閃落去
siq`løqkhix | the water recedes | 蝕落去; 消落去
siqløqkhix | the water recedes | 蝕下去, 消下去
soarløqkhix | next | 紲落去
soax`løqkhix | next | 紲落去
søee`løqkhix | hang down | 垂落去
teq`løqkhix | bet; follow up | 硩落去
thoaan`løqkhix | to hand down; bequeath | 傳落去
thun`løqkhix | to empty (earth) into a pit or hole | 填落去
thwn`løqkhix | bolt down; gulp down; swallow up | 吞落去
tiaam`løqkhix | sink into r | 沉落去
tiim`løqkhix | sink; swag; subsidency; gravitate; sink into water | 沈落去
tngr`løqkhix | sit down; plump down into a chair | 轉落去; 重重地坐落
tngrløqkhix | sit down, plump down into a chair | 重重地坐下
tuimngxløqkhix | questioning | 追問落去
tviaf`løqkhix | person falls down | 跌落去; 跌倒落去
varløqkhix | kneel down | 向落去
vax`løqkhix | turn one's face downward; stoop down | 俯落去; 彎腰
wn`løqkhix | fall down on the ground or floor; double over | 殷落去; 倒在地上
zay`løqkhix | fell down- typically head down | 擠落去
ze`løqkhix | sit down; Sit down! | 坐落去
zhaq`løqkhix | stick into | 插落去
zhu`løqkhix | tumble over; slide down | 栽落去; 仆倒
zhuhløqkhix | tumble over | 仆倒, 栽下去
zhw`løqkhix | slide down a slope | 滑落去
zun`løqkhix | screw down | 旋落去; 旋牢

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