"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: lefng

Peglefngsviaa | Bethlehem; town in Palestine where Jesus Christ was born (Catholic) | 白冷城
bonglefng | touch a woman's breast | 摸乳
bylefng | rice milk; rice milk | 米乳; 米漿
bøflefng | mother's milk | 母乳
chiu'aflefng | sap | 樹仔乳
chiuxlefng chit'ar | eraser | 樹乳拭仔; 橡皮擦子
chiuxlefng phiag'ar | slingshot | 樹乳甓仔; 彈弓
chiuxlefng sok'ar | rubber band | 樹乳束仔; 橡皮圈
chiuxlefng | rubber | 樹乳; 樹奶; 橡膠
chixlefng | feed with one's milk; as mother or nurse; to suckle | 餵乳
ciaqlefng | nurse | 吃乳
ciarmlefngkhw | occupied area militarily | 佔領區
ciarmlefngkwn | occupation troops | 佔領軍
eklefng | burp milk (as a baby) | 嗌乳; 溢奶; 吐奶; 嗝奶,
goaxlefng | tire cover | 外乳; 外胎
gulefng | cow's milk; milk | 牛乳; 牛奶
gulefng-thauar | pacifier; nipple | 牛乳頭仔; 奶嘴
harnglefng | healthy baby; grown very fat on milk like an infant | 腫乳; 嬰兒胖大
huolefngsu | vice consul | 副領事
hux-lefngsu | vice consul | 副領袖; 副領事
iau'iaau lefngsiefn | far ahead; enjoy a commanding lead | 遙遙領先
jinzeeng lefngloarn | men's feelings are changeable | 人情冷暖
kalefngsurn | tremble | 加冷恂; 交懍恂; 戰慄
laixlefng | inner tube | 內乳; 內奶; 內胎
lefng | milk, breast of a woman | 乳; 奶; 奶,
lefng'ix | coldness | 冷意
lefng'ud | cold rolling (in mechanics) | 冷鬱
lefngbeng | to receive orders | 領命
lefngbin | displeased; a poker face | 冷面
lefngbok | indifferent | 冷漠
lefngbuun | not in popular demand; not in vogue | 冷門
lefngchiøroe | cold joke | 冷笑話
lefngchiøx | sneer, ridicule, derision, sneering | 冷笑
lefngcide | cool a bit | 冷一下
lefngciexn | cold war | 冷戰
lefngciuo | cold wine | 冷酒
lefngcvix | an unexpected attack or a pot shot; arrow shot from an ambush (literally) ─ unexpected attack; a pot shot | 冷箭
lefnggarn | take a cool look; look at coolly; look at (something) without prejudice; look on as a disinterested bystander; look coldly on | 冷眼
lefngge | speak sarcastically | 冷牙; 冷笑
lefnggo | comprehend; apprehend; understand | 領悟
lefnggoxtiøh | comprehend | 領悟著
lefnggvo | to understand; to comprehend | 領悟
lefnghaam | to head the list of signers; sponsors | 領銜
lefnghae | territorial waters | 領海
lefnghang'oaan | a navigator, a pilot | 領航海; 領航員
lefnghek | domain; the territory of a nation; realm; the territory of a nation | 領域
lefnghied toxngbut | cold blooded animal | 冷血動物
lefnghied | cold blooded | 冷血
lefnghoe | to understand; to appreciate | 領會
lefnghofng | cold wind | 冷風
lefnghw | cold compress, cool application | 冷敷
lefngjiet | temperature | 冷熱; 溫度
lefngjiok | cold and weak | 冷弱
lefngkafmzexng | sexual apathy; sexual frigidity | 冷感症
lefngkafngzuun | pilot boat | 領港船
lefngkarng | a harbor pilot; pilot (a boat); pilot | 領港
lefngkaux | receive instruction | 領教
lefngkefng | cold palace | 冷宮
lefngkhieky | air conditioner | 冷氣機
lefngkhiog | to get cold; to cool off; get cold; cool down; refrigerate | 冷卻
lefngkhiog-ky | cooling machine | 冷卻機
lefngkhix sietpi | air conditioning equipment; facilities | 冷氣設備
lefngkhix | air condition; cool air (air conditioning) | 冷氣
lefngkhix-ky | an air-conditioner | 冷氣機
lefngkhix`aq | already cold | 冷去啊
lefngkhofng | a country's sovereign air space; sovereign airspace; aerial domain; territorial skies | 領空
lefngkhog | merciless; heartless; merciless; heartless; ruthless; cold blooded | 冷酷
lefngkied | cold junction | 冷結
lefngkiky | frosty (manner; expression); chilly; very cold | 冷冰冰
lefngkiofng | palace where a queen or an imperial concubine fallen into disgrace lived; palace to confine the emperor's concubines after they lost his favors | 冷宮
lefngkvoa | cold perspiration (as in great fright) | 冷汗
lefnglai | cold and biting | 冷內; 凜冽; 寒冷刺骨
lefnglefnglerng | extremely cool | 冷冷冷
lefnglerng | a bit cold; cool | 冷冷
lefnglerng-zhengzhefng | deserted and quiet (said of a place) | 冷冷清清
lefngli | clever; cuteness; shrewd; smart and quick | 伶俐
lefngliok | to grasp; to understand | 領略
lefngloarn jinkafn | the coldness and warmth of this world | 冷暖人間
lefngloarn | degree of warmth | 冷暖
lefnglok | (n) cold shoulder; scarce; scattered; thinned out; to grasp; understand; cold and lonely; cold reception; to cold shoulder | 冷落; 零落; 領略
lefngloong | porch | 冷廊; 走廊
lefngløh | decayed and desolate (place or family) | 冷落; 荒蕪
lefngmngg | not popular; unexpected (of nomination or contest); not popular nor in great demand (said of a commodity; academic course) | 冷門
lefngpaang | cooling room | 冷房
lefngpheg | lonely; deserted; obsolete; a big or hard (word) | 冷僻
lefngpng | cold meal; cold rice | 冷飯
lefngpvoaa | cold food (the first dish of the Chinese banquet); hors d'oeuvres | 冷盤
lefngsafm | fir tree | 冷杉
lefngsaux | cold cough | 冷嗽
lefngsia | to appreciate; show appreciation | 領謝
lefngsib | cold and wet | 冷濕
lefngsiefn | lead in a game or contest | 佔先; 領先
lefngsiern hoatsex | baptismal vows | 領洗發誓
lefngsiern zerngbengsw | certificate of Baptism (Catholic) | 領洗證明書
lefngsiern | baptism; receive baptism (Catholic) | 領洗
lefngsiu | to receive formally | 領受
lefngsiux | a leader; chief; the leading figure; Lit collar and cuffs ─ a leader | 領袖
lefngsiw | to receive | 領收; 收據
lefngsiw-zexng | receipt for money | 領收症; 收據
lefngsngsngf | icy cold | 冷霜霜
lefngsofng | cold cream | 冷霜
lefngsu koafn'oaan | staff of a consulate | 領事館員
lefngsu | (in diplomacy) a consul; consular | 領事
lefngsu-koarn | consulate | 領事館
lefngsu-zhaiphvoax-koaan | consular jurisdiction | 領事裁判權
lefngsuxkoarn | consulate | 領事館
lefngsym | apathetic; unenthusiastic; discouraged | 冷心
lefngsyn | debilitated (health); lacking in vitality | 冷身; 體質虛弱
lefngsøea | receive baptism | 領洗
lefngtam | impassive; cool (friends); dull (trade) | 冷淡
lefngthor | fief; territory; domain | 領土
lefngthor-koaan | territorial rights | 領土權
lefngtorngbaq | frozen meat | 冷凍肉
lefngtorngkhox | refrigerating apparatus; refrigerator | 冷凍庫
lefngtorngky | refrigerating machine, refrigerator | 冷凍機
lefngtorngzef | refrigerate; freeze; coolant; cooling agent; refrigerant | 冷凍劑
lefngtoxng sidphirn | frozen foods | 冷凍食品
lefngtoxng | freeze; refrigeration; refrigeration | 冷凍
lefngtui | leader of a team; group | 領隊
lefngtviuu | cold reception of a show or speech; temporary suspension of a show; party occasioned by inefficient management | 冷場
lefngtø iwhofng | lead correctly; wise leadership | 領導有方
lefngtø | to lead; leadership; guide; conduct | 領導
lefngtø-ciar | leader | 領導者
lefngtø-ha | under the guidance of | 領導下
lefngtøea | physically weak | 領導; 冷底; 虛弱
lefngtøxliin | leader | 領導人
lefngzeeng | to accept with thanks | 領情
lefngzeng | clear (mind; thinking); calm or composed; calmness; coolness; presence of mind; composedly; serenely | 冷靜
lefngzeng'ar | calm down | 冷靜仔
lefngzhefng | sober, dispassionate | 冷清
lefngzhengzhefng | deserted | 冷清清
lefngzhuo | to accept, to receive | 領取
lefngzongchiaf | refrigerated car | 冷藏車
lefngzonghoad | refrigerated method | 冷藏法
lefngzongkhox | cold room; cold storage; refrigerator | 冷藏庫
lefngzoong | to preserve by means of refrigeration | 冷藏
lefngzuie | cool water; unboiled water; cold water | 冷水
lefngzuy'ek | cold bath | 冷水浴
lefngzuyek | cold shower; cold bath | 冷水浴
liexnlefng | condensed milk | 煉乳
lionglefng | raise the breasts of a flat chested woman by means of plastic surgery | 隆乳
ludlefng | to milk | 擠乳; 擠奶
lut gulefng | milk a cow | 擠牛乳
niqlefng | squeeze milk | 擠乳
phang'onglefng | queen bee honey | 蜂王乳; (漿)
phoaq lefngzuie | pour cold water on the idea | 潑冷水
pøfzoaan lefngthor | preserve territorial integrity | 保全領土
suhlefng | suck milk | 吸乳; 吮乳
suq lefng | sucking breast milk | 欶奶
søhlefng | suck milk | 吸乳; 吮乳
tauxlefng | soybean milk | 豆乳; 豆漿
thoatcy gulefng | skim milk | 脫脂牛乳
thokkoarn lefngthor | trust territories; mandate territories | 託管領土
tngxlefng | weaning; ablactation; wean | 斷乳
tvexlefng | squeeze the breast; to milk | 擠乳
viulefng | goat's milk | 羊乳; 羊奶
zhvef-gulefng | fresh milk | 鮮牛乳; 鮮牛奶
zhvegulefng | fresh milk (not condensed or powdered) | 鮮牛乳; 鮮奶
zofnglefngsu | consul general | 總領事
zofnglefngsuxkoarn | consulate general | 總領事館
zofnglefngtui | team leader | 總領隊

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