"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: lie

Alieen | United Arab Republic | 阿聯
Aliefn | a small town in Kaohsiung County | 阿蓮
Augustine Thoankaux Siulie Hoe | MSSA: Miss. Sirs. of St. Augustine (Catholic) | 奧古斯丁傳教修女會
Auxlie | a small town in Taichung; Taitiofng County | 后里
Baxnlie | a city in Taipei County | 萬里
Citlie | name of a star | 織女
Englie | English mile, 1.609 km | 英里
Gioglie | a city in Hualien County of Taiwan | 玉里
Hoalieen | Hualien | 花蓮
Hoalieen-koan | Hualien County | 花蓮縣
Hoaliefn | Hualien | 花蓮
Hoalienkarng | Hualien port | 花蓮港
Hoelieen | a city in Hualien County Taiwan | 花蓮
Hoelienkarng | Hualien port | 花蓮港
Hokleeng Tøxbeeng Siulie Hoe | Dominican Sisters of Funing; OP (Catholic) | 福寧道明修女會
Hongzex Serngbør Thoankaux Siulie Hoe | FMM: Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (Catholic) | 方濟聖母傳教修女會
Hoxlie zoankhøf haghau | junior college of nursing | 護理專科學校
Huolie | a city in Hualien County Taiwan | 富里
Huxlienhoe | Chinese Women's Anti Communist League | 婦聯會
Kalie | a town in Tainan county | 佳里
Kitokkaux Lyzuo Zhenglienhoe | Young Women's Christian Association (Protestant); Y.W.C.A | 基督教女子青年會
Kitokkaux Zhenglienhoe | Young Men's Christian Association (Protestant); Y.M.C.A | 基督教青年會
Kokzex Huxlie nii | International Year of Women | 國際婦女年
Kokzex Texkiuu Koanzheklieen | the International Geophysical Year (IGY) | 國際地球觀測年
Kongkaux Citkafng Zhenglienhoe | Y.C.W. (J.O.C.); Young Catholic Workers Association | 公教職工青年會
Kongkaux Zhenglienhoe | C.Y.O.; Catholic Youth Organization | 公教青年會
Luo-Zhenglienhoe | YWCA ─ Young Women's Christian Association | 女青年會
Mafteklie | Madrie | 馬德里
Moekuix Tøxbeeng Siulie Hoe | OP: Dominican Catech. Srs. of St. Joseph (Catholic) | 玫瑰道明修女會; (瑞士)
Oafnlie | Yuanli Township | 苑裡
Patlie | a city in Taipei County | 八里
Peqlieen-kaux | White Lotus, a religious and political movement that originated in China in the late 13th century | 白蓮教
Phienlienkie | Paralipomenon (Chronicles) (Catholic) | 編年紀
Polie | a city in Nantou County | 埔里
Pwntog Siulie hoe | OSB: Benedictine Srs. (Catholic) | 本篤修女會
Serngbør Serngsym Siulie Hoe | CSCM: Srs of the SH of Mary of Taichung (Catholic) | 聖母聖心修女會
Sexng Tøxbeeng Thoankaux Siulie Hoe | OP: Miss Srs of St Dominic (Catholic) | 聖道明傳教修女會
Sionghoe lienhabhoe | Associated Chamber of Commerce | 商會聯合會
Solieen | Soviet Union | 蘇聯
Taixlie | a city in Taichung County | 大里
Thaemalie | a city in Taitung County | 太麻里
Unliedsuu | En Martyr's Shrine | 恩烈祠
Ysekliet | Israel | 以色列
Zuylie | a city in Nantou County | 水里
aelie | beloved daughter; favorite daughter | 愛女
angbaglieen | | 紅目鰱
angbahlie | Taiwanese plum | 紅肉李
anglieen | New Year couplets (red and pasted on door panels) | 紅聯; 對聯; 春聯
anglienhii | | 紅鰱魚
anglienhuu | salmon | 紅鰱魚
anhiarng boafnlieen | enjoy a happy time in old age | 安享晚年
arnlie | according to common practice or simple reasoning | 按理
auxliern | back wheel | 後輪
bafnlieen | a pair of sentences to honor the dead | 挽留; 輓聯
bang lie zafkuy | wish you come back soon | 望你早歸
baxnlie buhuun | cloudless | 萬里無雲
baxnlie phengtheeng | an expression used to congratulate someone or give him your best wishes; (Lit. very promising; future unlimited) | 萬里鵬程
baxnlie tiongzefng | launch a military expedition very far away; embark on a long journey | 萬里長征
baxnlie tngsviaa | the great wall of China; the wall ten thousand miles long | 萬里長城
baxnlie | ten thousand miles; ten thousand miles; an incalculable distance | 萬里
baxnlieen kiwoarn | lasting very long; perpetual; eternal | 萬年久遠
baxnlieen pid | fountain pen | 萬年筆; 鋼筆
baxnlieen | ten thousand years; forever; all ages; eternity | 永遠; 萬年
baxnlienlek | calendar designed for use over many years | 萬年曆
baxnlienpid | ink pen; fountain pen; fountain pen | 萬年筆; 鋼筆
baxnlienzhefng | Chinese evergreen | 萬年青
beeng liet cienmaau | head the list of successful candidates | 名列前茅
befngliet | vigorous; violent; ferocious; violent; fierce; furious; heavy | 猛烈
benglie | understanding; sensible; reasonable | 明理
biauxlie | profound wisdom | 妙理
biauxlieen | young age; childhood | 妙齡
bixsenglieen | under age; minor; not of age | 未成年
boafnlieen bøo zuo | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
boafnlieen | one's old-age; old; late in life | 晚年; 輓聯
boalien | trials and hardships for strengthening character | 磨鍊; 磨練
boglieen | wooden lotus | 木蓮
boglieen-hoef | magnolia | 木蘭花
bonglieen cy kaw | friendship in which the difference in age between the friends is forgotten | 忘年交; 忘年之交
bonglieen | friends despite difference of age | 忘年
bonglieen-hoe | meet with friends who are despite difference of age | 忘年會
bonglienkaw | friendship in which the difference in age between the friends is forgotten | 忘年交; 忘年之交
boxlieen | old age; closing years of one's life; last days of one's life; declining years | 暮年
budlie hagciar | physicist | 物理學者
budlie hoarhak | physical chemistry; physics and chemistry | 物理化學
budlie liauhoad | physical therapy | 物理療法
budlie piernhoax | physical changes | 物理變化
budlie tixliaau | physiotherapy | 物理治療
budlie | physics; physics | 物理
bulie zhwnau | make trouble without a cause; make trouble out of nothing | 無理取鬧
bulie | unreasonable; unjustifiable; out of all reason; irrational | 無理
bunlie | literary style; refined; distinguished and elegant; grace; graceful | 文理; 文雅; 高雅; 優雅
bunlie-hag'vi | college of arts and science | 文理學院
buxntee siaolieen | juvenile delinquent | 問題少年
bwlie | dancing-girls; taxi dancer | 舞女
bylie | pretty girl | 美女
bylieen | beautiful lotus; girl's first name | 美蓮
bysiaolieen | handsome youth or boy | 美少年
bøfzuo liensym | Lit.- mother and son's heart always join together; i.e. love between mother and child | 母子連心
bølie | unreasonable, illogical, unacceptable behavior | 無理; 不講理
bøliexnsek | inexperienced, without practice | 無練熟
bøo lie ee taixcix | It's none of your business | 無你的代誌; 少管閒事
bøo piernliern | out of tricks | 無變輾; 無知變通
bøo thvilie | unreasonable | 無天理
bøzeeng-bølie | crude and irrational | 無情無理
bøzenglie | unreasonable | 沒有情理
chialiefnhuun | furrow; rut; wheel track | 車輪痕
chialiern | wheel; wheels of a vehicle | 車輪
chialierntao | somersault | 捙輾斗
chiaolie-zongtøf | to hide a dagger behind a smile | 笑裏藏刀
chiaphaf-liefntao | to turn a somersault | 車拋輪斗; 翻跟斗
chiaulieen | aloof | 超然
chielien | trial; test; trials | 試煉; 磨鍊
chienlie | a thousand li; a long distance | 千里
chienthuii peklien | hammer into shape; form iron utensil; develop human character by persistent knocking into shape; undergo severe training and hammering; write with the utmost care (Lit. with countless changes and corrections) | 千錘百鍊
chimkuy zhuolie | unmarried daughters of the rich | 深閨處女
chinlie | in person | 親臨
chiubii khofliern | sad look; distressed expression | 愁眉苦臉
chiuxny-liern | rubber tire | 樹乳輪; 輪胎
chviar`lie | please | 請你
ciafnglie | manage | 掌理; 掌管
ciaociofng paxnlie | carry on; operate; or manage according to rules; regulations | 照章辦理
ciaolie korng | speak according to reason | 照理講
ciaolie | according to reason; in the ordinary course of events; normally; theoretically | 照理
ciapji liensafm | one after the other; continuously; repeatedly | 接二連三
ciaplieen puttoan | continuously or incessantly | 接連無斷
ciaplieen | to be continued | 接聯
ciaux lie ee iesux | according to your idea | 照你的意思
ciaux thvilie | according to the laws of Heaven; right; proper | 照天理
ciaux zenglie | according to common sense | 照情理
cielie benggieen | proverb of lasting value; truthful remark; quotable quote | 至理名言
cielie | reason | 至理
cienliedsvoax | prostate gland | 前列線
cientheeng baxnlie | the prospect of a very successful career; May you have a great career | 前程萬里
cietlie | refusing to marry because of the death of her betrothed or for another good reason | 節女
cilie | to undertake; to take charge of | 支理; 支付; 承辦
cin khvoax lie | be decided by you; It is up to you | 盡看你; 全部看你的了
cinlie | principal truth; orthodox; truth | 真理
cinzw phoaqlien | pearl necklace | 真珠項鍊
ciofnglie | supervise; take charge of | 掌理
ciongsog paxnlie | expedite execution of an official instruction; do something with dispatch | 從速辦理
citgiap hurnliexnsor | vocational bureau | 職業訓練所
citgiap huxlie | working girls | 職業婦女
citlie | the Weaving Maid; a constellation celebrated in song and fable as lover of Cowboy; another constellation; who are separated by the Milky Way and permitted to meet once a year; worshipped on July 7 along with gu-nng | 織女
citzeeng hurnlien | pre-vocational training | 職前訓練
ciulieen | anniversary | 周年
ciwkalie | barmaid; bar girl | 酒家女
ciwpalie | bar girl; barmaid | 酒吧女
ciøq`lie | to lend you | 借你
ciøqlie | sterile woman; a barren woman | 石女
ciøqliern | stone mill | 石碾
engkailieen | it should be | 應該然
englie | mile | 英哩
englieen | prime age | 英年
engliet | brave; heroic | 英烈
expvoaa senglie | retail business | 下盤生意; 零售
gaglie | theory of music | 樂理
geglie | go against the principle; violate human obligation; contrary to reason | 逆理
gek-phoaxlien | jade necklace | 玉項鍊
ginhaang kenglie | manager of a bank | 銀行經理
gioglie | young and beautiful girl; your daughter | 玉女
giwsenglie | solicit or attract business | 拉生意
gixlie jinzeeng | duty and love | 義理人情
gixlie | justice; most essential principles; somewhat like a goddaughter | 義理; 義女
goadlie sionggvoo | fairy who is supposed to dwell in the moon | 月裏嫦娥; 月娥
goanlie | fundamental principle; principles | 原理
goanzuo hunliet | atomic fission | 原子分裂
goexsenglie | niece; sister's daughter(s) | 外甥女
gvexlien | exercise hardly; train hardly; learn experience by hardships | 硬練
gvialauxliet | festival paradejolly party's celebrations; to greet the crowd on holidays; | 迎鬧熱
gvixlien | exercise hardly; train hardly; learn experience by hardships | 硬練
hablie | reasonable; proper; rational; justifiable | 合理
hablie-habhoad | reasonable and lawful | 合理合法
habzeeng-hablie | fair and reasonable | 合情合理
haglie | theory of study; scientific principle | 學理
hangliet | rows and columns; rank and file | 行列
hangliet-seg | (in math) determinant | 行列式
haolie | bereaved daughter(s) (used in obituary) | 孝女
haosunlie | bereaved granddaughter(s) (used in obituary) | 孝孫女
haxlie | maid; a domestic | 下女
haxliet | following | 下列
haylie | nautical mile; 1.853 km; a knot | 海里; 海浬; 海哩
henglie | baggage; luggage | 行李
henglie-paang | baggage room | 行李房
henglieen | aged (40) | 行年; (40)
hengliet | rank, file | 行列
herngkøf-zhayliet | cheerful; in high spirits; elated; jubilant | 興高采烈
hexliet | series; spectrum | 系列
hiablie | sub manager in a chief office of a bank; assistant manager | 協理
hiawlie | to understand and obey the truth | 曉理; 懂理
hienlie | mystic truth | 玄理
hilieen | jubilee | 禧年
hiofnglieen | life-span | 享年
hionglie | one's old home; a village | 鄉里
hionglieen | year of bad crops or famine | 凶年
hoafnlierntngr | turn upside down; in a moment | 反輾轉; 一轉眼; 翻輾轉; 倒轉身
hoanpalie-kiao | total mix up | 胡亂攪混; 翻巴里攪
hoatlie | principle or theory of law | 法理
hoatliern | spirit showing its presence by shaking the sedan chair; become angry | 發撚; 神附身而發作
hoatteng lienleeng | legal age | 法定年齡
hoelientau | snow peas | 荷蘭豆
hoelienzhuix | sweet words | 花嗹嘴; 巧言
holie-hotoo | befuddled; bewildered; muddled | 糊裡糊塗
holientau | snow peas | 豌連豆
honglieen | fruitful year | 豐年; 荒年; 芳齡
honglienzex | harvest festival | 豐年祭
hongzheliern | windmill | 風吹輪
hongzhoeliern | winmill | 風吹輪
hongzhøeliern | windmill | 風吹輦; 風車
hoxlie | nursing | 護理
hoxlie-seg | nursing station | 護理室
hudhunliet | nuclear fission | 核分裂
hudlie | Buddhist doctrine | 佛理
huilie | unreasonable | 非理
hunlie | to arrange separately | 分理; 分手整理
hunliet | split off; split up; fragmentation; break up; to split; disunite | 分裂
huolie | assistant manager | 副理
hurnlien | training; discipline; educate; exercise; practice; training; drill | 訓練
hurnliexnpafn | training class | 訓練班
hurnliexnsor | training institute | 訓練所
hux-zofnglie | vice premier | 副總理
huxlie | women; female | 婦女
hviulie | one's old home; a village | 鄉里
høflie-kazaix | fortunately; luckily; lucky | 好理佳哉; 很幸運
høxlieen | Happy New Year | 賀年
iaolie | essential doctrines | 要理; 重要的教義
iaolie-buxntab | Catechism (Catholic) | 要理問答
iefnlien | rehearsal | 演練
ienlieen | lengthen one's life | 延年
ienlieen-eksiu | May you prolong your days! Lengthen one's life | 延年益壽
ilie | principles or person's understanding of medicine | 醫理
ilie-lun | rationarism | 醫理論; 唯理論; 理性論
iofnglie | adopted daughter | 養女
it'hexliet | a series of | 一系列
itlieen | in a row | 一連
itlieen-cy-kex zaixuu zhwn | Spring is the best time to do the year's work | 一年之計在於春
itlienzhoaxn | series; string; chain of | 一連串
itsia-chienlie | (water) flows a thousand li at one plunge; to write fast and in a fluent style | 一瀉千里
iuolieen | childhood | 幼年
iuu lie | as you please; at your discretion | 由你
iuzai lie | you are welcome to…; it is your own choosing to… | 隨你的便; 由在你
iwlie | reasonable; in the right; justified | 有理
iwsefng-cilieen | for the rest of one's life | 有生之年
iwzeeng-iwlie | reasonable | 有情有理
jiedliet | ardent; fervent; with open arms; fervent(ly); ardent(ly); passionate(ly) | 熱烈
jilie | sons and daughters | 兒女
jinbuun-texlie | political geography | 人文地理
jinsu-koafnlie | personnel administration | 人事管理
jioglie | young girl | 弱女
kafmzeeng phørliet | fall out (said of friends; married couple) | 感情破裂
kafnglie | reasonable | 講理
kafnlien | able, skilful, capable | 簡練
kailieen | of course | 該然
kalie | curry | 咖喱; 咖哩
kalylienløo | beginning gong for a puppet show - imply the beginning | 咖哩嗹囉
kanlieen | associated with; involve | 干連; 牽連
kaolie | tenet; doctrine or dogmas of any religion | 教理
kaolien | train; to exercise; to drill; a coach (of sports) | 教練
kaophaix hunliet | schism | 教派分裂
kaplie | lining | 合裏; 夾裏子(衣服)
karmlie | oversee; superintend | 監理
karnlien | capable | 幹練
kauthofng-zefnglie | regulate traffic | 交通整理
kawlamlie | Male and Female Dogs! ─ cursing people in adultery | 狗男女
keatat liensviaa | invaluable; priceless | 價值連城
kegliet | violent; acute; severe; fierce | 劇烈; 激烈
kekliet | vigorous; strenuous; heated (debate; battle); drastic (measures; means); violent (actions; speeches); radical or extremist (party); fierce (combat) | 激烈
kekliet-chiwtvoa | strenuous; hard exercise | 劇烈手段
kenglie | manager; management; manage | 經理
kenglie-seg | managers office | 經理室
kenglieen | for a whole year; for years | 經年
kenglieen-luygoat | for months and years | 經年累月
kenglienkii | change of life; the critical age; menopause; climacteric | 更年期
kengzex-goanlie | economic | 經濟原理
khailiet | draw up a list | 開列
khanlieen | implicated; involve (in trouble); implicate | 牽連; 涉及; 牽扯
khautøliefn | wood-shavings | 刨刀屑; 刨刀萎
khiaukhaf liern zhuiechiw | put one leg over the other and twist the mustache ─ live in leisure | 蹺腿捻鬍鬚; 生活閒逸
khie iuo zhwlie? | How can this be right? How absurd! | 豈有此理
khienlieen | to involve; drag out | 牽連
khoarn henglie | prepare the baggage | 收拾行李
khoflien | earnest admonition; strenuous training; heavy workouts | 苦練
khongkulie | concrete | 混凝土
khulie | coolie; labor | 苦力
khvoax texlie | practice geomancy in selecting a site for a building | 看地理
khy'iuo-zhwlie | totally unreasonable; What kind of reasoning is that? | 豈有此理
khyiuo-zhwlie | totally unreasonable; What kind of reasoning is that?; How absurd!; Preposterous! | 豈有此理
khyliern | spirit showing its presence by shaking the chair | 起輦; 神附身而發作
khøflieen | pity; pitiable; it is a pity that.. | 可憐
khøflieen`ee | pitiful | 可憐的
khøflientai | a pity thing, a pitiable, a wretched | 可憐代
khøflienthaang | poor guy | 可憐蟲
kiaam-lienhii | salty fish; salty silver carp | 鹹鮭魚; 鹹鰱魚
kiamlie | manage in addition | 兼理
kiamlienhii | salted fish – implies a person who is stingy | 鹹鰱魚
kiamlienhuu | red chub; also imply a stingy person | 鹹鰱魚
kielieen | now that | 既然
kietlieen | to get united; to form an alliance | 結連; 連結
kilie | harlot; prostitute | 妓女
kimlieen | bound feet of a woman (euphemism) | 金蓮
kimlien'ar | gold chain | 金鍊仔
kimphoaqlien | gold necklace | 金項鍊
kimsvoarlieen | anomatis | 金線蓮
kimtoong-gioglie | paper figures of male and female attendants of the deceased | 金童玉女
kinpurn goanlie | fundamental (primary) principle | 根本原理
kiogliet | strenuous; intense; hard; fierce | 劇烈
kionglie | investigate to the bottom the laws of things; maid in the imperial palace | 窮理; 宮女
kiongliet | violent; strong; intense; severe; violent | 強烈
kiongsuu-toadlie | argue irrationally | 強詞奪理
kioxngtoong koafnlie | joint control; control jointly | 共同管理
kipurn-goanlie | a basic principle, a fundamental principle | 基本原理
kiwlien-sengkngx | Mastery is the result of long practice (training) | 久鍊成鋼
kix lie korng | You may say whatever you like | 隨你說
kixjiin ii chienlie cy goa | keep people a thousand miles away ─ extremely indifferent and cool (literally) | 拒人於千里之外
kiørkhor-lienthiefn | lament; cry to heaven; to mouth complaints about hardships | 叫苦連天
kngfliefn | withered; curl up (like leaves in a drought) | 捲起; 捲縮; 樹葉捲曲; 枯萎而捲起
kngliern | carry the idol's sedan | 抬攆; 抬轎
kngrliefn | curl up (as a leaf) | 卷萎
koafnlie | to manage; to administer; to handle; to take care of; management; control; to supervise; take charge of; manage | 管理
koafnlie-hoad | management method | 管理法
koanlieen | (have) a causal or sequential relationship; related; connected; involved | 關連; 關聯
koarnlien | experienced, thoroughly acquainted | 慣練; 熟練
koatliet | break off relations | 訣裂; 決裂
kofnglie | be amenable to reason; be reasonable; settle disputes by appealing to reason and arguing it out in public | 講理
kokzex koafnlie | international management | 國際管理
kokzex lienbeeng | League of Nations | 國際聯盟
konglie | kilometer; an axiom; self-evident truth; universal principle | 公里; 公理
konglieen | light year | 光年
korlie | home village; home town; native heath | 故里
korlieen | of course | 固然
korng-bøexlierntngr | speaking not very fluently; unable to speak distinctly; speak with a lisp | 講話無明; 口齒不清
korng-tøxlie | preach, speak justice, speak fairly | 講道理
kuiliet | a whole processiona whole line | 整列
kulie | strenuous efforts; hard work; coolie; laborer; coolie; porter; dock worker | 苦力; 搬運工 (外來語)
kuliet | crack; chap | 龜裂
kuncioxng simlie | mob (mass) psychology; the group mind | 群眾心理
kunsu hurnlien | military training | 軍事訓練; 軍訓
kuolie | to argue vigorously on the basis of sound reason or justice | 據埋
kuozai lie korng | You may say whatever you like | 隨你說
kuylie | how many | 幾里
kuyliexn | how many turns | 幾圈
kviaa cidliexn | walking round in a circle; making one revolution | 走一圈
kvoaliedar | malaria | 寒熱仔
kvoalieen | porcine diaphragm which is a popular food in Taiwan | 肝𦟪
kølie | female high school | 高女
køxkøxliexn | turn round and round; roll about (as a ball; child in tantrum) | 團團轉
lafliern | a zip-fastener, a zipper | 拉鍊
laixlie | inwardly; lining; lining | 襯裡; 內裡; 裏襯
laklieen | 6 in Taiwanese finger-guessing game | 六漣
lakliern | lose face; lose face; lose one's reputation; to fall low; be in reduced circumstances | 落臉; 丟臉; 笨; 失勢; 落輪; 脫輪
lalie | armadillo; Taiwan anteater; scaly anteater; pangolin | 鯪鯉; 穿山甲
lalien | zipper | 拉鍊
lamlamlylie | men and women | 男男女女
lamlie koanhe | relations between the sexes | 男女關係係
lamlie løfiux | males and females of all ages; all people; regardless of age and sex | 男女老幼
lamlie pengterng | equal rights for both sexes | 男女平等
lamlie siuxsiu putchyn | A man and a woman unless related by blood or marriage should not touch hands when giving and taking things (according to the code of conduct before the republican era) | 男女授受無親
lamlie tonghau | co-education | 男女同校
lamlie | male and female; men and women; both sexes | 男女
laoliern | chain out of rail | 落輪
lauxliedkwnkurn | noisy- full of people noisy- full of people | 鬧熱滾滾
lauxlienkii | old age | 老年期
lauxliet | noisy- full of people | 鬧熱
lawlien | experienced; skilled; expert; experienced; veteran | 老練
leglieen | year after year; for years | 歷年
leglien | to practice and experience | 歷練
lexng'axn paxnlie | be handled as a separate case | 另案辦理
liaplie | divine providence | 涅理; 真理; 天意
liauxlie kasu | administer; direct family affairs; business | 料理家事
liauxlie | to manage; to dispose of; cooking; cooking; cookery; cuisine; a dish; to cook; to dress (fish); prepare a dish; deal with; manage | 料理
liauxlie-tiaxm | Japanese restaurant | 料理店; 餐館
liawlieen | waste | 了然
lie chviar | goodbye; so long | 你請 再見
lie sor tongjieen | that which should be; in accordance with what is right; as a matter of course | 理所當然
lie | you; a precinct division; girl | 你; 裡; 女; 里
lie-chviar | Goodbye, go ahead | 你請
lie-cvizaai | money management | 理錢財
liedaix | passionate | 熱愛
liedbuo | hot dance | 熱舞
liedchiaf | a train; train | 列車
liedchied | eager | 熱切
liedhoea | fierce fire; blazing fire | 烈火
liedhofng | strong wind | 列風
liedhu | heroic women; women who died in defense of their honor or committed suicide after husband's death rather than re-marry | 烈婦
liedhøea | a blazing fire | 烈火
liediam | blazing flames | 烈焰
liedixn | print | 列印
liedjip serngphirn | canonize (Catholic) | 列入聖品
liedjip | enter; embody in proper order; be included in; be incorporated in | 列入
liedjit | the scorching sun | 烈日
liedkaux | schism | 裂夠; 裂教
liedkhao | an opening, a rift | 裂口
liedkie | enumerate | 列舉
liedkioong | the various powers; the Great Powers; Power; array of powerful nations | 列強
liedkog | the different countries; the nations of the world; all countries; various kingdoms various states or nations | 列國
liedkuo | (make a) list; to enumerate | 列舉
liedkør | dehiscent fruits | 裂果
liedlie | woman who prefers to die rather than re-marry; heroic woman; chaste woman; girl of virtuous upbringing | 烈女
liedliet | glorious; inspiring | 烈烈
liedliong | heat | 熱量
liedloaan | in love | 熱戀
liedluo | a woman martyr; a married woman who commits suicide after the death of her husband or who dies in defense of her honor | 烈女
liedlwtoan | menology; biography of distinguished ladies | 烈女傳
liedmar | a spirited horse | 烈馬
liedmngg | popular | 熱門
liedoong | successive kings | 列王
liedpafng | all nations | 列邦
liedpek | a crisp sound; like tearing up silks | 裂帛
liedpiør | to list | 列表
liedsaux | hot cough | 熱嗽
liedseeng | enthusiasm | 熱誠
liedsegciar | those in attendance | 列席者
liedsegkoaan | right of entry | 列席權
liedsek pongthefng | stand by and listen | 列席旁聽
liedsek | to be present (at a meeting as an observer); to attend a meeting with no voting right; each one sitting in his proper order | 列席
liedsexng | violent temper; (of medicine) violent; ardent disposition | 烈性
liedsiar | to list | 列寫; 列出
liedsiofng | lacerated wound, laceration | 裂傷
liedsu | martyrs; men who bow to neither intimidations or temptations; patriot; noble statesman; hero | 烈士
liedsvoax | hotline | 熱線
liedsym | enthusiastic | 熱心
liedsyn | warm up | 熱身
liedtai | every generation | 列代
liedtaix | tropical | 熱帶
liedtiaau | upsurge | 熱潮
liedto | heat | 熱度
liedtoan | section in dynastic histories; devoted to biographies of famous men; biographies; series of biographies; collected biographies | 列傳
liedtok | heat poison induce ulcer | 熱毒
liedtui | dress ranks; line up | 列隊
liedtvoaf | make out list (of goods; invited guests; candidates; etc.) | 列單
liedtør | archipelago; chain of islands | 列島
liedui | all the ladies and gentlemen present; Ladies and gentlemen! (polite phrase in addressing several persons) | 列位
liedzeeng | enthusiasm | 熱情
liedzhud | to list | 列出
liedzhutlaai | to list | 列出來
liedzhutlaai`ee | listed items | 列出來的
liedzor | an illustrious ancestor; successive ancestors; array of ancestors | 烈祖; 列祖
liedzøx | list as | 列做
lieen chym jidkiuo | after a long lapse of time | 年深日久
lieen khefng mau bie | young and pretty | 年輕貌美
lieen tefng hoakaq | complete the cycle of sixty years | 年登花甲
lieen | compassionate; pity; connected | 憐; 聯; 連
liefn | leaves curl up; flower shrink; wither; droop; fade (away); wilt; shrivel | 萎; 蔫; 乾枯; 凋萎; 嗹; 凋謝; 枯萎
liefn'aftea | under the wheel | 輪仔底
liefn'ar | wheels | 輪仔
liefn`khix | dried up | 萎去
liefnbien | face; mug | 臉面
liefnbin | face | 臉面; 面子
liefnbu | wax jambu; wax apple; Syzygium samarangense; wax apple; wax jumbo; Malayan apple | 蓮霧
liefncvii | blackmail for money | 輪錢; 輪子(家具的); 敲詐
liefnkhapchiøx | a gamble by flipping a coin | 撚匼笑
liefnkhefng | rim of a wheel | 輪錢; 輪框; 敲; 車輪鐵櫃
liefnkied | link | 鏈結
liefnkiø | sedan chair used for an idol; carved sedan for an idol | 輦轎
liefnkiøar | sedan chair used for an idol; carved sedan for an idol | 輦轎仔
liefnliawliao | twisted | 撚了了
liefnpox | tu purchase cloth | 撚布; 買布
liefnpvoaa | railway or streetcar turntable; rotating disk | 輪穀; 轉動盤
liefnpør | die for gambling; gambling game; dice | 輾寶; 撚寶; 賭骰子; 骰子
liefnsoafn | to swindle; blackmail | 撚旋; 要脅財物; 敲詐
liefnsvoax | to twist the thread, to rope, to twist | 轉線; 撚線
liefntaao'ar | throu dices | 撚骰仔
liefntaau | to throw dice | 撚骰; 擲轉骰子
liefntauar | dice; teetotum with six sides | 撚骰仔
liefnthay | tire | 輪胎
liefnzngx | drill | 撚鑽; 轆轤錐
liefnzoan | swivel | 輪轉; 旋轉
liekhuy | tear open; rive off; rip up; pull apart | 撕開
lieliux | sharp in cheating | 裂溜; 奸巧
lielix`leq | tear papers | 撕撕咧; 剺剺咧
lien khiekofng | practice breathing; imbibe energy | 練氣功
lien | practice; smelt; refine; purify; condense (milk); to keep herbs boiling for a long time | 練; 煉
lien'ar | chain; catenarian; chain | 鍊仔
lien'au | afterwards | 然後
lien'eeng | (of two or more business setups) joint operation | 聯營
lien'gii | fellowship | 聯誼
lien'gvau | lotus stalk | 蓮藕
lien'gvauxhurn | lotus root powder | 蓮藕粉
lien'ia | all through the night | 連夜
lien'un | joint transportation | 聯運
lien'yn | connections through marriage; to unite by marriage | 聯姻
lienbeeng hoexoaan | Members of the League | 聯盟會員
lienbeeng | to form an alliance; a league; alliance; league (as the League of Nations) | 聯盟
lienbieen | continuous; continuous succession of | 連綿
lienboat | end of year | 年末
lienbuun | join hands article | 連文
lienchiuo | join hands | 聯手
lienciab puttoan | successively; incessantly; continuously | 連接無斷
lienciab | continuously; adjoin; conjunction; connection; join; connect; continuously | 連接
lienciab-guo | a connective | 連接語
lienciab-suu | conjunction | 連接詞
lienciapsuu | coordinate conjunction; conjunction; connective | 連接詞
lienciauhoef | lotus banana flower | 蓮蕉花
lienciaw | red flowering arum | 蓮蕉
liencie | (n) lotus seeds; lotus nuts | 蓮子
lienciet | score one victory after another | 連捷
lienciexn-liensexng | win battle after battle | 連戰連勝
lienciofng ciofngkym | annual bonus | 年終獎金
lienciofng khøfzeg | grading of an employee's performance at the end of the year; year end evaluation | 年終考績
lienciofng koatsoaxn | settlement of accounts at the year end | 年終決算
lienciofng | close of the year; end of the year | 年終
lienciøhoef | lotus banana flower | 蓮蕉花
liencysym | sprout in center of water lily | 蓮子心
liengi | united friendship | 聯誼
liengii | social gathering | 聯誼
liengii-hoe | a fellowship meeting | 聯誼會
liengoat | condition of the times | 年月
liengvau | the lotus root; lotus stalk | 蓮藕
liengøeh | month after month | 累月
lienhabhoe | united meeting | 聯合會
lienhap ciernsvoax | united front | 聯合戰線
lienhap kongpøx | joint communique | 聯合公報
lienhap laxmtui | united fleet | 聯合艦隊
lienhap sengbeeng | joint statement; declaration | 聯合聲明
lienhap uxntoxnghoe | joint athletic meet | 聯合運動會
lienhap zernghuo | coalition government | 聯合政府
lienhap zocid | merger; cartel; multi-national company | 聯合組織
lienhap | to unite together; to join together; connect or join together; affiliated with | 聯合; 連合
lienhap-ciernsvoax | united front | 聯合戰線
lienhap-kog | the United Nations | 聯合國
lienhap-kongpøx | joint communique | 聯合公報
lienhap-sengbeeng | a join declaration | 聯合聲明
lienhap-zernghuo | a coalition government | 聯合政府
lienhe | nexus; connection; relation; be related; be connected; be bound up; be tied; keep in contact | 聯繫; 連繫
lienhee | be connected, be related, to link, connection, relationship | 聯係
lienhii | silver carp; kind of bream | 鰱魚
lienhiofng | lotus incense | 蓮香
lienhiøh | lotus leaf | 連花; 荷葉
lienhoaa hito | spent one's best years without any achievements; wasted the best years of one's life | 年華虛度
lienhoaa | passage of time; age; esp. youth; time; the best years of one's life | 年華
lienhoaan | a chain of rings linked together | 連環
lienhoaan-kex | strategy of making A cause B; B cause C; etc | 連環計
lienhoaan-too | comic strips | 連環圖
lienhoaan-zhexng | serial gun | 連環槍
lienhoad | to fire in rapid succession | 連發
lienhoafn | repeatedly | 連番; 聯歡
lienhoanhoe | social gathering; a party | 聯歡會
lienhoebø | a lotus hat | 蓮花帽
lienhoee | (a feeling of) shame; destitute; miserable; of ruined character; without any hope of getting into a better way of life | 連回; 丟臉; 倒霉運; 流落無依; 出洋相
lienhoef | lotus flower | 荷花; 蓮花
lienhoekym | paper gold money for ceremony | 蓮花金
lienhoepvoaa | lotus | 蓮花盤
lienhoetee | lotus tea | 蓮花茶
lienhoetefng | lantern shaped like a lotus blossom | 蓮花燈
lienhoeterng | lotus top | 蓮花頂
lienhoethaau | lotus head | 蓮花頭
lienhoetii | lotus pond | 蓮花池
lienhoezeq | lotus festival | 蓮花節
lienhoezø | sitting pattern resemble lotus, i.e. no adjacent to each other | 蓮花坐
lienhong | yearly stipend | 年俸
lienhoong | join defense; mutual defense | 聯防
lienhuu | silver carp | 鰱魚
lienhwn | allied by marriage | 連婚
lienhø | consecutive serial number (on banknotes; tickets; etc.) | 連號
lienjim | continue in (a political) office; serve for another term of office | 連任
lienjiok | edible lotus seed (its “meat”) | 蓮肉
lienjit | for consecutive days; for days in a row; day after day | 連日
lienkar | New Year holidays | 年假
lienkaxm | year yearbook; annual report | 年鑑
lienkefng | a person's horoscope | 年庚
lienkhoaan | chain; links; connected together; interlocked rings (like those of a chain) | 連環
lienkhoaan-to'oe | pictorial; story in series; comics; comic strip | 連環圖畫
lienkhoankex | plan that affects two or more objects successively; a coup within a coup | 連環計
lienkhoantoo | comic books | 連環圖
lienkhylaai | connect | 連起來
lienkhym | mutual reference among husbands of sisters | 連襟
lienkhyn | young | 年輕
lienkhør | entrance exam | 聯考
lienkiaau | forsythia | 連翹
lienkied | to connect; to join together; form an alliance; to join together; gang up | 連結; 聯結
lienkietsvoax | connecting line (math) | 連結線
lienkiettiøh | connected | 連結著
lienkoad | link | 連結
lienkoafn | end of a year | 年關
lienkoarnsexng | continuity | 聯貫性
lienkoaxn | be connected; links; connection; links; link; string together | 連貫; 聯貫
lienkoaxn-sexng | continuity | 連貫性
lienkux | joint authorship of poems; with a chanting one line to be followed by etc. until a poem is completed; couplets (on scrolls) | 聯句
lienkwn | the allied troops; allied forces | 聯軍
lienky | brothers; close relatives (of the same family tree) | 連枝
lienkym | mutual reference among husbands of sisters | 連襟; 年金; 年俸
lienleeng haxnzex | age limit | 年齡限制
lienleeng | age of a person | 年齡
lienliau | fuel | 燃料
lienlie | trees whose branches interlock together; a couple very much in love | 連理
lienlieen puttoan | incessant | 連連無斷
lienlieen | continuously; unceasingly; in rapid succession | 連連
lienliefn | fade | 蔫蔫
lienlim | re-elected | 連任
lienlip hongthengseg | simultaneous equation | 聯立方程式
lienlip-hongthengseg | simultaneous equations | 聯立方程式
lienlit | day after day | 連日
lienlog'oaan | liaison officer | 聯絡員
lienlogpho'ar | contact book | 聯絡簿仔
lienlogzam | liaison office; station | 聯絡站
lienlok | to make contact with; connection; junction; contact; be connected with; link up with; get in contact with; keep in touch | 連絡; 聯絡
lienlui | to involve; implicate | 連累
lienluun | rings indicating the growth of a tree; annual (growth) ring | 年輪
lienlyky | trees whose branches interlock or join together ─ couple very much in love | 連理枝
lienlør | aged; old; aged | 年老
lienmai | advanced in age; side by side | 年邁; 年袂
lienmau | age and description (in registration; etc.) | 年貌
lienmiaa | jointly (signed; declared; sponsored); joint signatures | 聯名
liennii | (n) in consecutive or successive years | 連年
lienpaang | lotus pod | 蓮房
lienpafng | federal union; federation; federation of states; union of nations; confederated states | 聯邦
lienpafng-zex | federation system | 聯邦制
lienpai | successive defeats; be defeated repeatedly | 連敗
lienpangzex | federal system | 聯邦制
lienphiøx | bills in set; an interinline ticket | 聯票
lienphor | year by year chronicle of a person's history from birth to death | 年譜
lienphoxngthaau | fluffy hair | 蓮蓬頭
lienpiao | chronicle of events of a country or of person's life year by year | 年表
lienpo | lady like steps | 蓮步
lienpor | wilt; wither | 蔫脯; 枯萎
lienpothaau | even bud | 連苞頭
lienpox | to broadcast over a network | 聯播
lienpurn taeli | both the principal and the interest | 連本帶利
lienpør | mutual guarantee (of proper conduct) | 聯保; 連保
lienpøx | to broadcast over a network | 聯播
liensaix | a league tournament | 年賽; 聯賽
liensarn | annual production | 年產
liensarn-liong | annual production output; annual yield | 年產量
lienseghoe | joint meeting | 聯席會
liensek hoexgi | joint conference; joint session | 聯席會議
liensek-hoe | joint conference | 聯席會
liensexng | successive victories | 連勝
liensia | gathering of Buddhists; gathering of scholars (usually for extemporizing poems) | 蓮社
liensiaux | young of age | 年少
liensiofnglek | to make associative connection | 聯想力
liensioghoan | repeated offences of the same kind (law) | 連續犯
liensiogkiok | radio or television serial | 連續劇
liensiok | successive; continuous; continuance; continuity; go on; succession; continuously; successively; consecutively; incessantly | 連續
liensiok-sexng | continuity | 連續性
liensiong | connected | 連上
liensiorng | associate; association of ideas; be reminded of | 聯想
liensoarn lienjim | hold a post for another term after being re-elected | 連選連任
liensoax | successively; doing several things in succession without stopping | 連續; 連紲
liensu | sign jointly; joint signature | 連署
liensuo | to sign jointly; joint signature | 連署
liensuxjiin | joint signer; co-signer | 連署人
liensvoax | unbroken; continuous | 連線
liensym | heart to heart; the heart of a lotus seed; my bitter heart | 聯心; 蓮心
liensøftiaxm | chain store | 連鎖店
liensør hoafn'exng | chain reaction | 連鎖反應
liensør | to interlock; in a chain; chain; linked together | 連鎖
liensør-hoafn'exng | chain reaction | 連鎖反應
lientaai | Buddha's seat in the form of lotus flower | 蓮臺
lientafn | duplicate or joint forms for receipt; etc | 聯單
lientaix zekjim | joint responsibility | 連帶責任
lientaix | connected; involve person in trouble; lawsuit; joint (responsibility; obligation); involve | 連帶
lientaix-koanhe | direct succession; affiliated relationship; associations | 連帶關係
lientaix-pøfzerngjiin | joint surety | 連帶保證人
lientaix-pøfzexng | joint surety | 連帶保證
lientek | funeral banners; funeral scrolls | 聯軸
lienthaam | lotus pond | 蓮潭
lienthah | overlapping; in succession | 連疊; 繼續
lienthea-ve'ar | Siamese twins | 連體嬰仔
lienthefefng | Siamese twins | 連體嬰
lienthiefn | the sound of battle) shakes the sky; continuously (especially said of complaining); for several days in a row; stab deep into the sky (said of high mountains); (the distant horizon) merges with the sky; (mountains) to stab deep into the sky | 連天
lienthvoax | chain charcoal | 鍊炭
lienthøx | couplet | 聯套
lientiarm | burning point | 燃點
lientiorng | elder person; senior person | 年長
liento | fiscal year | 年度
liento-uxsoaxn | annual budget | 年度預算
lientong | gearing | 連動
lientoong | together with; in addition to | 連同
lientui | (of air force) a wing; battalion | 聯隊
lientuix | (n) vertical written couplet usually placed along either side of a doorway; antithetical scrolls (for hanging on walls) | 聯對; 對聯
lientviuo | company captain; officer in charge of the regiment; regimental commander; company commander | 連長; 聯長
lientvoaf | a document in duplicate; triplicate; etc.; certificate; document (in duplicate; triplicate) | 聯單
lienzaai | (n) joint stock | 連財; 合股
lienzaix | serial publishing | 連載
lienzhae | a set of scrolls | 連彩; 輓聯喜聯
lienzhefng | young | 年青
lienzhoaxn | to string together; a string (of events) | 連串
lienzofng | to join persons of different ancestors and make them bear the same family name | 聯宗
lienzw | continuous; in quick succession | 連珠
lienzø | be punished as accomplice in crime; pedestal of a Buddha statue | 連坐; 蓮座
liephoax | to tear up; to rip up; too shred; tear and destroy (as clothes; papers) | 裂破; 剺破; 撕破; 撕毀
liephoee | flay, to skin | 撕皮, 剝皮
liephøee | flay; to skin | 撕皮; 剝皮
liern hvixkhafng | clean the ears (with a tiny brush) | 撚耳孔; 掏耳孔
liern zhuiechiw | stroke the beard; finger the moustache | 撚鬚; 空閒
liern | spin; clean (ear or nose) by twirling; wheel | 輪; 撚; 捻; 輦; 碾
liern'løqkhix | roll and fall off or down (a precipice; ravine; bed) | 滾落去
liernjip | run into | 輾入
liernkiuu | roll the ball | 滾球
liernlierntngr | rollover | 輾輾轉
liernliexn | rollover | 輾輾
liernløh | rollover into | 輾落
lierntngr | rollover | 輾轉
liernzoarn | rollover | 輾轉
liet | crack; break; split; rend; rip open; tear; be ripped; be rent; a crack; a rent | 裂; 烈; 列
liexn | having gone everywhere; widely traveled | 闖遍各地; 輾; 滾
liexn'gak | Purgatory | 煉獄
liexn'iorng | a militiaman | 練勇
liexn'iuchviuo | oil refinery; oil extracting mill | 煉油廠; 油廠
liexn'iuu-chiarng | oil refinery | 煉油廠
liexn'oexsiefn | chat idly | 練話仙; 閒聊
liexn`køex | to roll over | 轉過
liexnbea | horse riding practice | 練馬
liexnbea-tviuu | horse riding field | 練馬場
liexnbuo | to train oneself in martial arts | 練武
liexnchviux | rehearsal | 練唱
liexngak lenghuun | souls in Purgatory | 煉獄靈魂
liexngak | purgatory | 煉獄
liexngek | purgatory | 煉獄
liexnhoad | practice | 練法
liexnji | to practice writing | 練字
liexnkimsut | alchemy | 煉金術
liexnkiukhurn | streptococcus | 鏈球菌
liexnkiuu | practice | 練球
liexnkngx | to refine steel | 煉鋼
liexnkngx-chviuo | steel mill | 煉鋼廠
liexnkoaf | practice singing | 練歌
liexnkofng | practice | 練功
liexnkuun | to practice boxing | 練拳
liexnkym | refine gold by fire; purify gold by fire | 煉金
liexnleeng | poor Souls (in purgatory) (Catholic) | 煉靈
liexnlefng | condensed milk | 煉乳
liexnli | practice calligraphy | 練字
liexnpefng | to drill troops; to train an army; train troops | 練兵
liexnseeng | practiced successfully | 練成
liexnsiawoe | speaking nonsense | 練痟話
liexnsibpho | exercise book | 練習簿
liexnsibsefng | trainee; apprentice; student | 練習生
liexnsibsor | practice place | 練習所
liexnsiefn | (v) chat | 練仙; 聊天; 閒扯; 說閒話; 談天
liexnsip thefzhaw | physical training | 練習體操
liexnsip | to practice; exercises; training; practice; exercise; rehearse (a show) | 練習
liexntafn | to make pills of wonder; to practice alchemy; refine the pill (of immortality) | 煉丹
liexntankaf | an alchemist | 煉丹家
liexnthihchviuo | iron refinery | 鍊鐵廠
liexnthihhoad | puddling; melting pig iron in a reverberatory furnace to turn it into wrought iron | 煉鐵法
liexnthihloo | bloomery; puddling furnace | 煉鐵爐
liexnthiq | to smelt iron; to refine iron | 煉鐵
liexnthiq-chiarng | blooming mill | 煉鐵廠
liexnthiq-hoad | puddling | 煉鐵法
liexnthiq-loo | puddling furnace; bloomery | 煉鐵爐
liexnthvoax | charcoal | 鍊炭
liexntvar | test courage | 練膽
liexnzeng lenghuun | purify the soul | 煉淨靈魂
liexnzhuiehoef | beak flower ? | 練喙花
linlie | a neighborhood; a community | 鄰里
liulieen bonghoarn | forget to go home because of an enjoyable experience; so enchanted as to forget about home | 流連忘返
liulieen | the change of one's fortune in a given year; (v) be a nomad; drift about; to tarry; reluctant to leave; reluctant to leave; reluctant to end a pleasant experience; tarry; give oneself up to pleasure; unwilling to part with | 流年; 留連; 流連
liulieen-putli | to have a year of ill luck | 流年無利
lixhiongpoexlie | away from home town | 離鄉背里
loexkøq zofnglie | Prime Minister | 內閣總理
loexkøq-zofnglie | prime minister; chancellor | 內閣總理
loexlie | circumstances not known to the outsider; inside story | 內情; 內裏
logliern | down and out | 丟臉; 落魄
lokliern | humiliation; become very poor | 落臉; 丟面子; 丟臉; 落泊
loxliefn'ar | wheel | 路輪仔
lunlie sinhak | moral theology | 倫理神學
lunlie | ethics; moral principles | 倫理
lunlie-hak | moral philosophy, ethics | 倫理學
luxnlie | to reason; logic; logic; to reason | 論理
luxnlie-hagkaf | logician | 論理學家
luxnlie-hak | moral philosophy, ethics | 論理學
luygoat kenglieen | month after month and year after year; for months and years; for a long time | 累月經年
luylieen | year after year | 累年
lymliet | piercingly cold | 刺骨; 凜冽
lysoftonglieen | of course | 理所當然
løflieen | old age; old age; advanced age | 老年
løflien | diplomatic; ripe; tact; sophisticated | 老練
løflienkii | old age | 老年期
løfliern | shameless | 老臉
lølie-løsøf | troublesome (as a man constantly talking; asking or making difficulties) | 囉哩囉嗦
løliet | to spread out; arrange | 羅列
maixchiarnglie | singing girl | 賣唱女
meqlie | philosophy of the pulse | 脈理
miaxlie | a theory such as palmistry | 命理
mnglieen | double inscriptions on sides of a door; antithetic couplets pasted on doors and doorposts at New Year | 門聯
molien | chasten; intensive training; discipline; steel oneself; endurance; discipline | 磨練
naflie | where | 哪裡; 那裡
naflieen | what year, which year (in the future) | 怎年; 那年
nauxliet | lively; full of people | 鬧熱
nglieen | the golden thread (a plant; coptis japonica; famous for its bitter taste the seeds of which are used for making medicine) | 黃連; (有名的苦藥材)
noflieen | old; aging | 老年
noflien | having rich and varied experience | 老練
oadlierntngr | turn one's self round; turn and go back | 斡輾身
oailie | fallacious | 歪理
olieen | black silver carp; spotted silver carp; Hypophthalmichthys | 黑鰱
oliern | a Japanese cuisine | 黑輪; 源自日語おでん(oden); 日語漢字為「お田」
paai zøx cidliet | line up to form one line of (people) | 排成一列
paai-zenglie | to mediate with reasoning | 排情理
paglieen | bind together | 綁聯; 結連
pai texlie | disturb the good luck of a place | 敗地理; 敗風水
paihoee liulieen | walk to and fro hesitatingly with a reluctance to leave | 徘徊流連
pailie | rules of a card game | 牌理
pailien | to rehearse; rehearse for a show; rehearsal | 排練
pailiet | to line up; to arrange in order; arrange in series; rows; stand in lines or ranks; line up (at a bus or train station); place in line; to form in a row; permutation; arrangement | 排列
pailiet-zohap | permutation and combination | 排列組合
panglie | help | 幫理
panliet | order, rank | 班列; 行列
paw lie bøo taixcix | guarantee your immunity; guarantee that there will be no trouble | 保證你沒事
paxnlie | manage an affair; to conduct; to transact; undertake; do; handle | 辦理
pefngkofng zhwlie | act strictly according to official procedures or rules | 秉公處理
pefnglaixlie | to turn inside out | 翻內裡
pefnglie | to turn inside out | 翻裡
pefngliernkawar | turn a somersault | 翻輾狗仔
pefnglierntngr | to flip; turn over; subversion; invert; turn upside down; turn over (in bed) | 翻過來; 顛覆; 翻轉
peklie | thyme | 百里
peklieen chiuxjiin | Education of the people takes a hundred years to bear fruit | 百年樹人
peklieen suxjiin | Education of the people takes a hundred years to bear fruit | 百年樹人
peklieen taixkex | great plan covering a very long period; long range program | 百年大計
peklieen | a hundred years; a century; one's lifetime | 百年
peklien sengkngx | Mastery comes from long training Expertise is the result of long and hard practice | 百練成鋼
penghofng englie | square miles | 平方英里
peqlieen | silver carp | 白鯉; 白鰱
perngliet | to put close together | 併列
pexngliet | stand side by side; be juxtaposed | 並列
phachialiefn | tumbling | 拋捙輪
phaf-chialiern | the wheel turns; forward roll; rolls; turns the somersault; turns the somersault | 拋車輪; 前滾翻; 滾翻; 翻觔斗; 翻筋斗
phalierntao | somersault | 拋輾斗
phanlieen | involve; implicate | 攀連
phenglie | ask a third party to judge which side is right | 評理
phengphenglie | comment | 評評理
phengtheeng baxnlie | the ROC's journey of 10,000 li ─ said of those who early attain office; years of great promise | 鵬程萬里
phienliet | arrange | 編列
phoaqlien | necklace; necklace | 項鍊; 袚鍊; 項鏈
phoarliern | flat tire | 破輪
phoarliet | rupture | 破裂
phoarsiaolieen | weak young man | 破少年
phoaxlien | [[phoaqlien]]; necklace | 項鍊; 袚鍊
phvai henglie | carry baggage on the back | 背行李
phørliet | burst; explode; erupt; rupture; cracked; torn; split; to end in a rupture; break off | 破裂
piawlie ittix | honest and sincere | 表裏一致
piawlie | outside and inside | 表裏
pielieen | to border on; to be adjacent to | 毗連
pienliet | arrange | 編列
piernbøliern | run out of tricks | 變無輪; 無法可變
piernliern | work around | 變撚
piernthofng paxnlie | handle something without rigid application of rules | 變通辦理
piexn bøo liern | no way | 沒辦法使
pitlieen | inevitable | 必然
pitliet | pen crack | 筆裂
piøfaflien | watch chain | 錶仔鏈
poexlie | offensive to good taste | 背理
pogliedtaan | bomb | 爆裂彈
pogliedtvoaa | bomb | 爆裂彈
pogliet | burst; erupt; pop open | 爆裂
porlie | lining material; cotton lining | 布裡; 布裏襯
poxliern | on foot; go on foot | 徒步; 步輦; 步行
purnsørtharng`lie | inside garbage can | 糞埽桶裡
purnsørtviulie | in the dung yard | 糞埽場裡
put'hablie | unreasonable | 無合理; 不合理
put'kafnglie | unreasonable | 無講理; 不講理
put'seglien | unskilled | 無成年; 不熟練
putlaam putlie | neither a male nor a female (a disapproving description of someone's manner; dress; make up); grotesque | 無男不女
putlie | to ignore, to disregard | 無理
putlie-putzhae | to brush off | 無理不睬
putlioong-siaolieen | juvenile delinquent | 無良少年; 不良少年
pvexlie | pathology | 病理
pviarsenglie | compete business | 拚生理
pviebøliern | can't juggle; can't play tricks | 變無輪; 弄無出花樣
pvixlie | pathology | 病理
pylieen | neighboring | 比連; 此連; 比鄰
pøh-lielix | very thin | 極薄的
sansuylie | | 山水里
seapaw hunliet | cell division | 細胞分裂
seglien | practiced; skilled | 熟練
seh cidliexn | go round in a circle; take a short walk and come back again; (a wheel) makes a revolution | 繞一圈; 轉一圈
seklieen | in the past | 昔年
sengjii ioglie | give birth to children and rear them | 生兒育女
senglie hagciar | physiologist | 生理學者
senglie oexsefng | physiology and hygienics | 生理衛生
senglie | physiology; business; trade | 生理; 生意
senglie-hak | physiology | 生理學
senglie-oexsefng | physiology and hygiene | 生理衛生
senglie-tviuu | place of business | 生意場; 生理場; 商場
senglieen luygoat | year after year; month after month | 成年累月
senglieen | become an adult; grow up; adult; come of age; to reach adulthood | 成年
senglieen-laang | adult | 生年人; 成年人
senglienlea | coming-of-age ceremony | 成年禮
seqkholiexn | go round in a circle | 踅箍輾
seqlierntngr | go round in a circle | 踅輾轉
seviuu liauxlie | Western cooking | 西洋料理
sianglie | assistant manager (in bank) | 襄理
sianglieen | double connection | 雙連
siaolie | a girl; a young woman; young girl | 少女
siaolieen hoatteeng | juvenile court | 少年法庭
siaolieen løfseeng | young but competent; accomplished though young | 少年老成
siaolieen soxng hu | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
siaolieen zoexhoan | juvenile criminal | 少年罪犯
siaolieen | young man; be young; boy; a juvenile; a youth | 少年; 年輕人
siaolieen-hoan | a juvenile delinquent | 少年犯
siaolieen-laang | young people | 少年人
siaolieen-sitai | boyhood, girlhood, youth | 少年時代
siaolien'ar | young people | 少年仔
siaolien'ee | young people | 少年的
siaolienhoan | juvenile offender | 少年犯
siaolienhviaf | young man | 少年兄
siaolienkear | young people | 少年家仔
siaolienkef | young man | 年輕人
siaolienkhuix | youthful | 少年氣
siaolienlaang | young person; a youth | 少年人
siaolienpoex | young generation | 少年輩
siaoliensii | youthhood | 少年時
siawlie | little girl, my daughter (self-depreciatory term) | 小女 (謙稱自己的女兒)
siawphyliern | despicably mean and miserly in dealings; holding to the last farthing | 痟痂輾
siaxhoe simlie | social psychology (as a phenomenon) | 社會心理
siaxlie | village | 社里
sidlie | principle, actually practised, utility | 實理
siekholierntngr | on every side; in every direction; | 四箍輾轉
siekuolieen | quartet | 四句聯
siekuolien'ar | quartet | 四句聯仔
sieliern | Four wheels (feet) pointing skyward (a car; person; or animal upended) | 四腳; (四輪)朝天
sienlie | angel | 仙女
sienliet | advance | 先列
siexnlamsirnlie | religious people | 善男信女
simkonghefliet | heart frenzy | 心狂火熱
simlie hagciar | psychologist | 心理學者
simlie hagkaf | psychologist | 心理學家
simlie hiexnsiong | mental phenomena | 心理現象
simlie hunseg | psychoanalysis | 心理分析
simlie isefng | psychiatrist | 心理醫生
simlie kiexnkhofng | mental health | 心理健康
simlie oexsefng | mental hygiene | 心理衛生
simlie piernthaix | sexual deviate; sexual deviation; a pervert | 心理變態
simlie zhekgiam | psychological test | 心理測驗
simlie zok'iong | imaginary perception; mental reaction | 心理作用
simlie zoxngthaix | state of mind | 心理狀態
simlie | mental; mentality; psychological; mentality; thought and ideas; psychology; mental; psychogenic | 心理
simlie-ciexn | psychological warfare | 心理戰
simlie-hagkaf | psychologist | 心理學家
simlie-hak | psychology | 心理學
simlie-siong | psychologically, mentally | 心理上
sinsefng hurnlien | Student orientation at the beginning of a school year | 新生訓練
sioklie | gentlewomen; ladies; unmarried girls of respectable reputation; good; clever woman | 淑女
sionglie | assistant manager; assistant manager (of a bank); to assist in managing a matter | 襄理
sionglieen | to join; to connect; joined; connected; in ordinary years; regular | 常年; 相連
siongphirn tinliedseg | showroom | 商品陳列室
siongthienhaixlie | hurting the world- immoral | 傷天害理
sirnlie | female Buddhist disciple | 信女
siulie | mend; repair; recondition; to repair (slang) to fix or torture | 修理; 修女
siulien | practice asceticism; cultivate one's physical and mental capabilities according to Taoist rules | 修鍊; 修練
siusip henglie | make preparations for a trip; get the baggage ready | 收拾行李
siuxlie | be accepted by a court for prosecution (said of a legal case); accept (a petition; complaint) | 受理
siuxlieen | longevity couplets; couplets presented to a person on his birthday wishing him a long life | 壽聯
siøf-liensoax | continuously | 相連續
siøf-lientoax | relatives; objects or associates so closely connected that when you take away one the other comes with it | 相連帶
siøfpurn senglie | business with a small capital | 小本生意
siøfpvoaa senglie | retail business | 小盤生意; 零售
siøkhanlieen | implicated | 相牽連
siølieen | connected; successively; in rapid succession | 相連
siølienciab | connected | 相連接
siøliensoax | continuously | 相連紲
siør-senglie | small business | 小生意; 小生理
soaliefnky | grinder | 沙輪機
sorlieen juu itjit | with perseverance and consistency | 數年如一日
suilieen | although | 雖然
suizaixlie | you are welcome to…; it is your own choosing to… | 隨在你
suliet | sequence, order | 私立
sunlie | comply with the custom or rule, reasonable | 循理
sunlieen | pure | 純然
suohwn gvofliet | fall to pieces; total disintegration | 四分五裂
suxbu koafnlie | office administration (management) | 事務管理
suxlie | principles involved; way of doing business | 事理
suxliet | sequence | 序列
suxnlie | logically | 順理
sva'aflie | inner layer of a dress | 衫仔裏
svaf-lienciab | be connected, be linked together | 相連接; 相連(接)
svaf-lienkied | be connected, be linked together | 相連結
svaf-liensoax | be connected in succession | 相連續
svalieen | be connected, be linked together | 相連; 相連(接)
svaliefn'afchiaf | tricycle | 三輪仔車
svaliefnchiaf | pedicab; three-wheeler; tricycle; pedicab | 三輪車
svaliern-chiaf | pedicab | 三輪車
svialie | inside city | 城裡
swlie tøsefng | escape death by a narrow margin; have a close call | 死裏逃生
sylie-tøsefng | escape death by a narrow margin; have a close call with death | 死裏逃生
symlie | deal with a case | 心理; 審理; 處理
syn pai beeng liet | lose both fortune and honor | 身敗名裂
søflien | ball and chain; chains; fetters | 鎖鏈
søfsilien | keychain | 鎖匙鍊
tahlieen | money belt | 褡褳袋
taixlie hoextviuo | acting president | 代理會長
taixlie zwkaux | prefect apostolic | 代理主教
taixlie | substitute; by proxy; act for; agency; take the place; agent (of a business firm; organization); a substitute; procurator; serve as agent of; act as the deputy of; stand proxy for; to act on behalf of another | 代理
taixlie-zwkaux | vicar | 代理主教
taixzuxlieen | nature | 大自然
tanglien | copper, brass, or bronze chain | 銅鍊
taolauxliet | join in the grand event | 鬥鬧熱
taonauxliet | join in the grand event | 鬥鬧熱
taq zhunlieen | put up scrolls at New Year's time | 貼春聯
tauky senglie | speculative business | 投機生意
teq liefnpør | to gamble with the lian-po ─ a kind of dice | 押輾骰
teq liefntaau | to gamble with the lian-tau a kind of dice | 押輾骰
texlie siensvy | geomancer | 地理師
texlie | geography; geomancy; good or bad luck of graves | 地理; (學)
texlie-hak | geography; geomancy; good or bad luck of graves | (學); 地理
texnglie | axiom | 定理
thafnlieen | frankly | 坦然
thang'aflieen | window curtain | 窗仔簾; 窗簾
thaxn siaolieen | while yet young | 趁年輕
thealiet | fever came down | 退熱
thelien | refining; distill; extract; abstract | 提煉
thiab lie ee lixseg | to give some interest when borrowing from a friend | 貼你利息
thienbuun texlie | astronomy and geography; astrology and geometry | 天文地理
thienkawliet | Tengu fever | 天狗熱
thienlie ciauciaw | Heaven's justice is manifested (in calamities coming on the wicked); The law of heaven always prevails | 天理昭昭
thienlie | Natural law; the reason of Heaven; the laws or principles of Heaven's justice as to right an wrong; especially; as to punishment | 天理
thienlieen | natural | 天然
thienlienkhix | natural gas | 天然氣
thihkyn khoxngkulie | reinforced concrete | 鋼筋水泥
thihlien | iron chains | 鐵鏈; 鐵鍊
thihlien'ar | iron chains | 鐵鍊仔
thoaan tøxlie | transmit; proclaim; teach; or preach doctrine | 傳道理
thoahlien | chain | 挩鍊
thoahlien'ar | chain | 挩鍊仔
thoanlien | militia, volunteer home guards | 團鍊; 團練
thoarnlien | to train; to exercise; forge metal; to temper | 鍛鍊
thoasaylieen | sloppy, hesitant | 拖屎連
thofnglie | prime minister | 統理
thofnglieen | unification | 統聯
thudliern | losing a wheel off a car; motorcycle; bicycle | 脫輪; 脫軌
thuilie | to reason; logic; reasoning; reasoning; ratiocination; infer from | 推理
thviaf tøxlie | listen to preaching | 聽道理
thvilie | principles of Heaven's justice; especially in reference to vengeance | 天理
thøciaplie | graft a plum on a peach | 桃接李; 改良的李子
thølie boarn thienha | His students have spread throughout the land | 桃李滿天下
thølie | peaches and plums ─ pupils; students | 桃李
thørlie | put in lining | 套裡; (衣服)
tiaochialiern | Hang on to the back (side) of a train; bus (figure of speech) | 吊車輪
tiaolieen | marriage custom in which the family of the bride and relatives of the bridegroom present a quilt, blanket or pieces of cloth decorated with 500 or 1000 dollar bills that are hung on the wall of the bride grooms home during the season or time of the wedding | 吊聯
tiarmlie | inside shop | 店裡
tiaulie | logical; orderly; method; sequence; reasonable; logical | 條理; 調理; 治療
tiautiaau iwlie | there is reason in every clause; orderly | 條條有理
tidlie | brother's daughter; niece | 姪女
tietlie | philosophical principle; philosophical doctrine; philosophy | 哲理
tiexnlienchiaf | electric train | 電聯車
tilie | know what is the right way | 知理
tinliedkoarn | exhibition hall | 陳列館
tinliedphirn | articles on display; curiosa; exhibits | 陳列品
tinliedsor | exhibition hall; display room; saleroom; showroom | 陳列所
tinliet | to arrange and display; exhibit; expose; show; arrange and display | 陳列
tiofnglie | eldest daughter | 長女
tiongliedsuu | temple set up by the government for canonized mandarins who died for their country; the Martyrs Shrine (in Taipei) | 忠烈祠
tionglieen soxng zhef | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
tionglieen | middle ages | 中年
tionglieen-laang | middle aged person | 中年人
tionglienlaang | middle-aged | 中年人
tiongliet | neutrally; neutrality; neutralism; neutral | 中立
tix cy putlie | disregard it totally | 置之無理
tixlie | hold sway; manage; govern; administer; regulate | 治理
tiøh kvoaliedar | got malaria | 著寒熱仔
tiøh lie | come to your turn | 輪到你
tng'afliet | devoted | 腸仔熱
tngf siaolieen | in one's youthful days | 正年輕
tngf-siaolieen | turn young | 轉少年
toadlie | wrest justice | 奪理
toarnlien | exercise | 鍛鍊
toaxlienbeeng | big alliance | 大聯盟
toaxnliet | to fracture, to break | 斷裂
toaxpvoaa-senglie | wholesale business | 大盤生意; 批發生意
toexlie | geography | 地理
tonglieen | childhood; that year | 童年; 當年
toxngliefnchiaf | motor vehicle | 動輪車
tudlienkafn | suddenly | 突然間
tuielieen | Chinese couplet (often written and mounted on scrolls to be hung up on the wall) | 對聯
tøexlie | geography | 地理
tøexlie-hak | geography | 地理學
tøexlie-sw | geomancer | 地理師; 風水先生
tørsiaolieen | younger than before | 倒少年
tørtah lienhoef | breech presentation (obstetrics) | 臀位生產
tøxlie | reason; mean; doctrine; reason; rationality; the right way; the proper way | 道理
u tøxlie | reasonable; plausible; convincing | 有道理
uilie-lun | rationalism | 唯理論
uxlie | logical; reasonable; acceptable manner; be reasonable and right | 有理
uxtøxlie | makes sense | 有道理
uxzenglie | reasonable, as a matter | 有情理
viliernliexn | round (as a ball or egg); quite round | 圓溜溜
ymzuie-zhwlie | drinking water processing | 飲水處理
zailie | talented woman | 才女
zaixcitlie | virgin | 在室女
zaixseklie | virgin | 在室女; 處女
zefnglie | trimming; clear up; arrange | 整理
zefnglylie | tidy | 整理理
zenghablie | reasonable | 情合理
zenglie lan'ioong | contrary to reason or common sense; absurd | 情理難容
zenglie | sense; chaste woman; a virgin | 情理; 貞女
zengliedsvoax | prostate gland | 前列腺
zenglien | fine; fining; extract; soldiers well drilled in marching procedures; refine oil or metal | 精煉; 精練
zengliern | front wheel | 前輪
zengliet | honest; straightforward; courageous and virtuous; maintain chastity even unto death | 貞烈
zengsiin hunliedzexng | schizophrenia | 精神分裂症
zernglie | justice; proper manner or way | 正理; 正確的道理
zhafmliet | severe; furious; desperate; terrible | 慘烈
zhamliet | participate | 參列
zhatlie | investigate the principle involved | 察理
zhaulien | drill; exercise; to drill troops; exercise the body | 操練
zhenglie | put in order; check up; clear; liquidation; sort out; liquidate debts; settle accounts; arrange; tidy up; clearance sale | 清理
zhenglieen | youth | 青年
zhenglienhoe | YMCA or YWCA | 青年會
zhenglienkii | puberty; adolescence | 青年期
zhenglienlaang | young people | 青年人
zhenglienthoaan | youth corps | 青年團
zhengsiaolieen | adolescent; juvenile; teen-ager; youngsters and young adults | 青少年
zhoarnlieen | insert in series | 串連
zhuieliern | the face, feature | 嘴撚; 喙臉; 嘴臉
zhuieliet | broken to pieces | 碎烈; 碎裂
zhuilie siawsoad | detective story; a whodunit | 推理小說
zhuilie | reasoning; reasoning; inference; induction; to reason; infer the unknown from the known | 推理
zhunlie | village | 村里
zhunlieen | a poetry put on gate during Lunar New Year; new year couplets written on strips of red paper and pasted on doors usually containing words of luck | 春聯
zhuolie | conduct; disposal; disposition; do; handle; manage; second daughter | 處理; 處女; 次女
zhutzai lie | you are welcome to…; it is your own choosing to… | 隨你的便
zhwlie | handle; manage; dispose; disposition; to handle | 處理
znglie | inside village | 庄裡
zoafthaau-zoafbøea bøo lie ee miaa | Your name is not on the paper | 紙頭紙尾沒你的名字; 無法證明是你的權
zoanbuun siulie phahjixky | typewriter repair specialist | 專門修理打字機
zoangiap-hurnlien | training in a specialty | 專業訓練
zoanlieen | all-union | 全聯
zoarnlieen | to get connected in a series, to exchange experiences with others | 轉聯
zocid ee hunliet (zongkaux) | schism | 組織的分裂
zoeasenglie | do business | 做生理
zoex-senglie | do business | 做生理
zofngkaolien | chief coach of a sports delegation | 總教練
zofngkenglie | president | 總經理
zofnglie | chancellor; president; director; to manage; to control; prime minister; premier; chairman (of a political party) | 總理
zofngtaixlie | general agent (business) | 總代理
zorng kenglie | general manager | 總經理
zorng-kenglie | general manager | 總經理
zornglieen | the prime of a person; the prime of life | 壯年
zornglienkii | prime of life | 壯年期
zorngliet hisefng | die a martyr; die a hero's death; die for one's country | 壯烈犧牲
zorngliet | great | 壯烈
zoxlie kokbuxkhefng | Undersecretary of State | 助理國務卿
zoxlie | assistant (in organization); an assistant; to assist | 助理
zoxlie-hoxsu | practical nurse | 助理護士
zuaflien | beads chain | 珠仔鍊
zulien | pearl necklace | 珠簾; 珍珠項鏈
zuxiuo tøxlie | There must be a reason (for it) | 自有道理
zuxlie | responsible for self; pay personal attention to | 自理
zuxlieen | natural | 自然
zuxliefnchiaf | bike | 自輪車
zuylieen | aquatic plant with violet colored flowers | 水蓮; 大萍
zuylieen-hoef | aquatic plant with violet colored flowers | 水蓮花
zuylienhoef | aquatic plant with violet colored flowers | 水蓮花
zwlie | sons and daughters; children | 子女; 主理
zøex-senglie | engage in merchandising | 做生理
zørsenglie | eloquence in business speech | 做生理
zøx lie | go ahead; do as you please | 隨你 ...好了
zøx-senglie | do business | 做生意; 做生理; 做買賣

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