"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: m'ar

afm'arm | thin and watery; like thin rice-water; flabby; as skin and flesh | 泔泔; 稀薄
arm'arm'axm | very very dark | 暗暗暗
beh'arm'ar | sunset | 欲暗仔; 黃昏
boeh'arm'ar | dusk; evening; nightfall; dusk; toward dark; evening | 要暗仔; 傍晚; 黃昏
bøeh'arm'ar | sunset | 欲暗仔; 黃昏
chiafm'ar | fork; fork | 叉仔; 攕仔; 叉子
chiam'ar | a slip of bamboo engraved with signs to be used in gambling or divination | 籤仔; 簽仔
chim'ar | cymbal | 鐃仔; 鐃鈸
ciam'ar | hairpins; lady's ornamental hair pin | 簪仔; 簪子
ciawlam'ar | cage for birds | 鳥籠仔
ciaxmciam'ar | gradually | 漸漸仔
cidtiafm'ar | a dab of; a bit of | 一點仔
cidtiafmtiafm'ar | a little bit | 一點點仔
cidzam'ar | a short time | 一陣仔; 一小段時間
cim'ar | crabs | 蟳仔; 螃蟹
cittiafm'ar | a bit, a little | 這點仔
ciøqgafm'ar | stone steps | 石坎仔; 石階
cym'ar | aunt (father's younger brother's wife) | 嬸仔; 小嬸
giam'ar | temple | 岩仔; 巖; 寺院
gim'ar | long broad stone step-like base running along one or more sides of a house | 簷仔; 砛仔; 門階; 石階
hafm'ar | hammer | 槌仔
ham'ar | clam | 蚶仔; 文蛤
hm'ar | cogongrass | 茅仔; 白茅草
hoxtiafm'ar | small drop of rain | 雨點仔
iam'arng'ar | salt urn | 鹽甕仔
kafm'ar | shallow bamboo | 篚仔; 𥴊仔; 大竹盤; 淺竹筐
kafm'ar-tiaxm | general grocery store | 篚仔店; 雜貨店
kam'ar | tangerine | 柑仔; 橘子
kam'ar-seg | orange color | 橘仔色; 柑仔色; 橘黃色
kawgam'ar | freshwater fish near rocks | 狗𩸶仔
khafm'ar | terrace | 坎仔; 高低處
khiam'ar | nip | 鉗仔
khiaxmkhiam'ar eng | frugal | 儉儉仔用
khiøh'angtiafm'ar | car game to gather diamonds and hearts | 抾紅點仔
kim'ar | gold; a sister-in-law who is the wife of one's younger brother | 金仔; 妗仔; 弟妹; 弟媳; 金子
kut kim'ar | dig; mine for gold | 掘金仔仔
lam'ar | a fine hardwood | 楠仔; 臺灣雅楠
lasam'ar | dirty | 垃儳仔
liam'ar | sickle | 鐮仔; 鯰魚; 鯰仔; 鎌刀
loxpvy-tiafm'ar | roadside stores | 路邊店仔
lymlym'ar | just; barely; scarcely; close to; (adv) almost; just about to; just enough; be approaching; just barely enough | 斂斂仔; 臨臨仔; 略少於; 幾乎; 僅僅; 差點兒
m'ar | plum | 梅仔; 梅子
mixtiarm'ar | noodle shop | 麵店仔
mngkhafm'ar | doorstep | 門階仔
oim'ar | cloudy | 烏陰仔
okam'ar | black orange, liriodendron | 黑柑仔; 臺灣假黃楊
phaq kim'ar saihu | goldsmith | 打金仔; 金匠
phaq kim'ar | create a gold jewelry | 拍金仔
pud kim'ar | said of making great gain | 逐金仔; 大獲利益
pvoax-khafm'ar | half of a storefront | 半坎仔; 半間的門面
sam'ar | Japan cedar; various species of fir and pine; conifers | 杉仔
saosegym'ar | thin bamboo branches on the bamboo broom | 掃梳笒仔
saosoegiafm'ar | sweeping broom | 掃梳笒仔
seakim'ar | the youngest sunt on the mother side | 細妗仔
sefkim'ar | wash gold | 洗金仔
siam'ar | cicada; locust | 蟬仔
sim'ar | ginseng | 蔘仔
som'ar | ginseng | 參仔
tahsim'ar | dear | 貼心仔; 親愛的
tamtam'ar | wet | 濕濕仔
taxmtam'ar | sip | 淡淡仔
tefngzam'ar | previous stop | 頂站仔
tetiafm'ar | teahouse | 茶店仔; 茶館
tetiarm'ar | tearoom; brothel; a teahouse | 茶室仔; 茶店仔
tham'ar | a pool in a stream; a small lake or pond | 潭仔; 小潭
tharm'ar | scout; spy; detective | 探仔
thauciam'ar | hairpin | 頭簪仔; 頭釵
thngkam'ar | candy | 糖含仔
tiafm'ar | speck, spot | 點仔; 斑點
tiam'ar | cushion, kneeling pad | 墊仔
tiarm'ar | small shop; store | 店仔; 小店
tiarm'ar-kaf | a song | 點仔膠; 點膠
tiaxm'ar | cushion, kneeling pad | 墊仔
tiaxmtiam'ar jip`khix | in silently; steal into; enter without knocking | 恬恬仔進去; 偷偷地進去
tiaxmtiam'ar kviaa | walk along very leisurely | 恬恬仔走
tiaxmtiam'ar | quietly | 恬恬仔; 安靜
tuiebixnkhim'ar | opposite lapel | 對面襟仔
tuiekhim'ar | collars | 對襟仔
wnsim'ar | retreat | 穩心仔
ytiam'ar | chair cushion | 椅墊仔
zam'ar | chisel used in shaping or working stone or metal; a graving tool | 鏨仔
zaxm'ar | chisel; chipper | 鑿仔
zhacidtiafm'ar | almost | 差一點仔
zhaetiam'ar | chopping block (cutting board) | 菜砧仔
zham'ar | silkworm | 蠶仔
zoansim'ar | concentrate | 專心仔

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