"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: mxtiøh

afnnef... mxtiøh | Well; then; ... must.. | 按呢; 那麼; 這麼一來 ..
bøo mxtiøh | right, no error, unmistakably, no wrong | 無毋對
bøo-mxtiøh | that's right; no error, unmistakenly, no wrong | 無毋著
chitzøx peq mxtiøh | make a mess of things (Lit. Do seven things; eight are wrong.) | 七做八無對; 屢做屢錯
hoe mxtiøh | apologize | 道歉; 回無對
høe-mxtiøh | to offer an apology | 回無對; 謝罪
iøh'mxtiøh | guessed but missed | 沒猜著; 猜無對
jin mxtiøh | admit a fault; identify incorrectly | 認錯; 認無對
khvoarmxtiøh | be deceived by one's eyes; misjudge (by sight) | 看無對; 看錯
kix mxtiøh | write down or memorize incorrectly | 記錯
kviaa mxtiøh lo | go the wrong way | 走錯路
mxtiøh thaau | the wrong side up (or down); the wrong end | 毋對頭; 方向不對
mxtiøh | must not; ought not; should not; in error; carelessly; mistakenly; error; wrong; sin; incorrect; incorrect; wrong; amiss; abnormal; queer; in error; carelessly; mistakenly | 毋對; 毋著; 錯; 不
mxtiøh-lo | wrong direction | 毋對路
mxtiøh-thaau | wrong direction | 毋對頭; 方向不對
svaf korng six mxtiøh | make mistake each time in speaking | 三講四無對; 每次講每次錯
svaf zøx six mxtiøh | make mistake each time in doing | 三做四無對; 每次做每次錯
thak mxtiøh | mispronounce (a word) | 讀錯
theqmxtiøh | got the wrong one | 提毋著
thviaf-mxtiøh`khix | heard wrongly or incorrectly; misunderstood; make a mistake in hearing | 聽無錯去
zexmxtiøh | site at the wrong seat | 坐毋著
zhe-mxtiøh | apologize for a fault | 賠無是
zhexmxtiøh | apologize | 說抱歉

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