anghee | red shrimp; red sky; sunset | 紅蝦; 紅霞; 晚霞
benghee | shrimp | 明蝦; 斑節蝦
bin ee byioong zefngheeng | face-lifting | 臉的美容整形
bongheeng | be carried away; be beside oneself with joy | 忘形
bøo texngheeng | amorphous; formless | 無定形
chiongheeng | cover area; longitudinal and horizontal | 縱橫
chiorngheeng | be rampant and widespread; able to move unhindered | 縱橫; 橫行無阻
cviarhongheeng | exact square shape | 正方形
cviazoex efngheeng`ee | perpetuate | 成為永恆的
efngheeng | eternity; eternal | 永恆
engheeng | honor | 榮幸
erngheeng | reciprocal | 應行
hangheeng | sail or fly in travel | 航行
hengheeng | to bully around; to overrun; execute criminals | 橫行
hengheeng-sekseg | of all shapes and colors; great variety and diversity | 形形色色
hengheeng`leq | return it obligingly | 還還咧
hoarhak pengheeng | chemical equilibrium | 化學平衡
hoarhak-pengheeng | chemical equilibrium | 化學平衡
hongheeng | rectangle | 方形
hongheeng-koat'oo | square brackets | 方形括弧
horngheeng | let go; let pass | 放行
hoxngheeng | act or do something as ordered | 奉行
ioxngheeng | torture | 用刑
kengheeng | bow shaped | 張形; 弓形
khorngheeng | contend | 抗衡
khvoarzengheeng | depending on circumstances | 看情形
kiofngheeng | arched | 拱形
kiongheeng | castration | 宮刑
kirmcie chialiorng thongheeng | No vehicles allowed. No thoroughfare | 禁止車輛通行
kofngheeng siexnsu | perform good deeds extensively; be philanthropic; widespread benevolence | 廣行善事
langheeng | human form | 人形
lenghee | lobster; prawn | 龍蝦
lengheeng | a rhomb; rhombic | 菱形
lexngheeng | later on, after-wards | 另行; 令行
libhongheeng`ee | cuboid | 立方形的
lionghee | spiny lobster, Japanese lobster | 龍蝦; 五色蝦
longpoe tongheeng | in collusion; banded together for evil purposes | 狼狽同行
nghee | yellow shrimp | 黃蝦
pengheeng siepviheeng | parallelogram | 平行四邊形
pengheeng | balanced; equalized; equilibrium; parallel; run parallel; on the same footing | 平衡; 平行
pengheeng-svoax | parallel lines | 平行線
pengheengg-svoax | parallel lines | 平形線
perngheeng | go side by side; go abreast of; keep pace with; in parallel with; to walk abreast | 並行
pexngheeng | in parallel [development; implementation; etc] | 並行
phanghee | bee; wasp larva | 蜂蝦; 蜂之幼蟲; 蜂幼蟲
put'pengheeng | unbalanced, out of equilibrium | 不平行
sarngheeng | see somebody off | 送行
sengheeng | fulfill; carry out | 承行
sexngheeng | popular; widespread | 盛行
siaxhoe zengheeng | social conditions | 社會情形
sidioxngheeng | practical | 實用型
sidzai zengheeng | actual state of affairs | 實在情形
sidzex zengheeng | actual state of affairs | 實際情形
sioxngheeng | pictograph; go up north | 象形; 上行
sioxngheeng-bunji | pictograph | 象形文字
siucy pengheeng | accounts are balanced | 收支平衡
siør-lionghee | crayfish | 小龍蝦
sorngheeng | send-off; give a send off | 送行
sorngheeng-hoe | farewell service (encouraging a person who is undertaking a difficult assignment) | 送行會
taxngheeng | severe punishment; heavy penalty | 重刑
tefnghee | last time | 頂回
tegpiet zengheeng | special conditions | 特別情形
texngheeng | fix a pattern, establish a pattern | 定形
thaumngheeng | hair style | 頭毛形
thongheeng hoeapex | current currency | 通行貨幣
thongheeng | passing; transit; traffic; commonly practiced | 通行
thongheeng-zexng | a pass, a safe-conduct, traveling permit | 通行證
tiongheeng | medium | 中型
tnghongheeng | rectangle; an oblong; rectangular | 長方形
tongheeng | accompany | 同行
toxlioxngheeng | weights and measures, lengths, capacity and weight | 度量橫
zefngheeng goaxkhøf | plastic surgery | 整形外科
zefngheeng | improve the shape or appearance | 整形; 整型
zengheeng | condition; circumstances; situation; the state of affairs (things) | 情形
zernghongheeng | square (in geometry) | 正方形
zhuiekhie zefngheeng | othodonatry | 嘴齒整形
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