"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: nghvi

bafnghviw | mosquito-repellent incense | 蚊香
gonghvia | silly talk; absurd story | 發呆; 失神
goxnghvia | silly talk; absurd story | 失神
kernghviw | offer incense (to ancestors or deities) | 敬香
nghvi | cover one's ears | 掩耳
onghviaf-liwti | dubious friend | 王兄柳弟; 無三不四的朋友
parnghviesag | get rid of; throw away | 放擲棄
phanghviw | incense | 香香
sianghvi | two ears | 雙耳
sioxnghviw | offer incense (to the ghosts of ancestors or to Buddhist; Taoist deities) | 上香
tafnghviaq | frighten | 懂嚇; 受驚害怕; 冒失; 莽撞
tafnghviar | hurried and careless; so as to break or spoil things | 粗心; 無穩
tenghviu'iuu | oil of cloves | 丁香油
tenghviuhoef | lilac | 丁香花
tenghviw | cloves (seasoning) | 丁香
tionghvi | middle ear | 中耳
tonghviaf | older nephew | 堂兄
toxngtoxnghvix | tottering; crumbling | 盪盪擲
tørsiarnghviax | fall backwards | 倒相懸
zexnghviw | apply fragrance | 淨香
zhørlanghvi | disturb somebody | 擾人耳; 很吵
zuythafnghvi | handle of a water bucket | 水桶把手

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