Bintiofngkie | Judges (Catholic) | 民長紀
angkiekix | reddish | 紅記記
bøtexngkiexn | unsettled in purpose | 沒有定見
chiongkiexn | to meet unexpectedly | 衝見; 沖見
ciongkied | windup; end-all; all over; conclude; end; finally; the end; conclusion; termination | 終結
engkied | outstanding; great man; hero | 英傑
engkiexn | manage or handle the construction of | 營建
gengkied | coagulate | 凝結
hengkiexn | start building | 興建
hiongkied | bad and; or good luck | 凶吉
hongkie | conduct and discipline; morals; discipline of students | 風紀
hongkiexn | feudality; feudal | 封建
kangkie | law | 綱紀
kankøf siongkiexn | declare war on each other | 干戈相見
kengkie | managing | 經紀
kengkie-jiin | agent, broker | 經紀人
kengkiernhoe | Economic Development Council | 經建會
khongkien | health; healthy | 康健; 健康
kiongkien | strong and health | 強健
lauxkhongkien | old but in good health | 老康健; 老健壯
lefngkied | cold junction | 冷結
ngkie | Engelhardia roxburghiana Wall | 黃杞
ongkiern'oong | two formidable foe meet (fight) together | 王見王; 比喻兩強相拼
perngkiefn jii heeng | walk abreast | 並肩而行
perngkiefn | shoulder to shoulder; side by side | 並肩
pexngkiefn | shoulder by shoulder (together) | 並肩
phorngkied | small orange | 凸柑; 椪橘
sengkiexn | preconceived views; bias; impression; prejudice | 成見
serngkied | hollow; purify; sanctify; holy; pure; sanctified; holy; pure; holy and immaculate | 聖潔
siangkiefn | shoulders | 雙肩
siongkiexn | meet | 相見
sngkied | a sour orange | 酸桔; 酸橘
tengkiehuix | registration fee (general use); expenses of registration | 登記費
tengkiepho | registration book | 登記簿
tengkiesor | registry; registration office | 登記所
tengkiexn | rebuild | 重建
texngkiexn | decided views; fixed opinions | 定見; 堅定意見
thafngkied | small sour tangerine | 桶桔; 桶橘(蜜橘)
tiongkiefn | the main force; the core; the back bone | 中堅
tiongkiexn thienjit | see daylight again ─ regain freedom; be liberated or emancipated | 重見天日
tiongkiexn | reconstruction | 重建
tioxngkiexn | rebuild; reconstruct; rehabilitate | 重建
tofngkie | party discipline | 黨紀
torngkied | to freeze; congelation; froze; frozen; freeze (an account; asset) | 凍結
zefngkied | neat and clean | 整潔; 整齊
zefngkiexn | rebuild | 整建
zengkied | chaste, pure, chastity, purity | 貞節; 貞潔
zengkietgoan | vow of chastity (Catholic) | 貞節願
zengkiexn | make additional structures | 增建
zerngkiexn | political platform; political view or opinion | 政見
zhengkied | clean; cleaning; cleanly; clean; neat; cleanliness; sanitary | 清潔
zhengkiettui | cleaning team | 清潔隊
zhengkietzef | detergent | 清潔劑
zhorngkie | unprecedented undertaking | 創舉
zhorngkiexn | created | 創建
zofngkied | conclude; sum up; conclusion; summation; finale; sum up | 總結
zorngkie | great achievement; daring act; courageous feat | 壯舉
zorngkien | healthy and strong | 壯健
zukym torngkied | freezing of funds or capital | 資金凍結
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