"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ngseg

Cirntngseg | Introductory Rites of the Mass (Catholic) | 進堂式
angseg | red color | 紅色
bengseg | distinct, clear, clearnesse | 明識
bølangseg | out of touch with influential people, unable to facilitate a matter through lack of contacts | 無人識; 沒有人情
bøo langseg | without friends or helpers | 無人色; 無人事關係
cirnhengseg | progressive tense (in grammar) | 進行式
gulengseg | milk color | 牛乳色
hengseg zhonghoong | look anxious and tense; be in a big hurry like a fugitive | 形色倉皇
hengseg zwgi | formalism | 形式主義
hengseg | form; format; formality; outward appearance | 形式
hengseg-hoax | become perfunctory, become mere form | 形式化
hengseg-siong | nominally; for formality's sake | 形式上
hengtefngseg | identical equation, identity (math.) | 刑庭式; 恆等式
hiexnzai oansengseg | present perfect tense in English grammar | 現在完成式
hoarhak hongthengseg | chemical equation; chemical formula | 化學方程式
hongseg | mode; manner; a way; method; way of doing something | 方式; 皇室
hongthengseg | a formula; equation | 方程式
iedpengseg | military parade before the commander-in-chief or commanding officer | 閱兵式
iog'engseg | nursery | 育嬰室
kefngseg | scenery; scenery; view | 景色
khawgieen-lexngseg | sweet words and insinuating manners (which are seldom associated with virtue) | 巧言令色
khofngseg | navy-blue | 空色; 紺色; 深藍色; 藍色
kim'ngseg | orange color | 金黃色
kimngseg | golden color | 金黃色
kiongseg | a mansion; wife | 宮室
kiorng'erngseg | supply room | 供應室
kioxngseg | common consensus | 共識
kngseg | bright color beam of light, illumination | 光色; 明顯的顏色
koeakhix-oansengseg | past perfect tense | 過去完成式
kongseg | a formula; formula | 公式
lienlip hongthengseg | simultaneous equation | 聯立方程式
lienlip-hongthengseg | simultaneous equations | 聯立方程式
mngseg | colour | 毛色; 髮色
ngseg | yellow | 黃色
ngseg-siawsoad | sex novels; pornographic novels | 黃色小說
ngseg-sukhafn | obscene books | 黃色書刊
ofngseg | in the past | 往昔
ongseg | royal family | 王室
paxnkongseg | office; office space | 辦公室
pengseg honglong | quiet the strong wind and waves | 平息風浪
pengseg | to quell, to calm down, peaceful, quiet, make quiet | 平息
phøtong-hongthengseg | wave equation | 波動方程式
seng'oah hongseg | way of life; mode of living | 生活方式
sengseg kuxle | speak in a harsh tone and with a severe expression | 聲色俱厲
sengseg | bear interest, be profitable, profitable | 聲色; 生利息
siofngseg | appreciate; appreciation | 賞識
siongseg | common sense; general knowledge; know each other | 常識; 相識
sngseg | to adorn, to decorate, to embellish | 酸飾
sox pud siongseg | have never met or seen before; total stranger | 素無相識
suozhux hongthengseg | quartic equation; equation of the fourth degree (mathematics) | 四次方程式
tangseg | copper color, brass or bronze color | 銅色
tengseg | program | 程式
thengseg | process; program; formula; standard form or pattern; standard procedures | 程式
thoanthofngseg | traditional | 傳統式
thuzongseg | storage room | 儲藏室
thvikhongseg | sky color | 天空色
thøangseg | peach color; color of peach blossoms; a bright red | 桃紅色
tiongseg | Chinese style | 中式
toxngseg | to understand thoroughly | 洞識
tøhaxngseg | polynomial (math.) | 多項式
u siongseg | having common sense | 有常識
u-langseg | widely known and good in social intercourse | 有人色; 有人情
zangseg | brown; the brown color of palm fibers | 棕色
zerngseg soanciexn | formal declaration of war | 正式宣戰
zerngseg tamphvoax | formal discussion | 正式談判
zerngseg tap'hok | formal discussion | 正式答覆
zerngseg | official; formal; regular; formal; formally; official(ly); legally or lawfully | 正式; 正室
zngseg | adorn; to ornament; to gloss | 粧飾; 裝飾
zongseg | adorn; decoration; ornament; ornamentation; doll up; make up; adorn; embellish | 裝飾; 裝備
zongseg-phirn | article of ornament or decoration | 裝飾品
zorngseg | funeral; burial service | 葬式; 葬禮; 葬儀; 告別式
zuangseg | scarlet | 朱紅色
zwtoxngseg | active voice (grammar) | 主動式

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