"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ngtiin

angtiin | red rattan | 紅藤
bongtiin | covered by dust | 蒙塵
hongtiin | N. vines of the pepper family; 1: Piper kadsura 爬崖番 2: Piper subcordata 風藤 3: Taiwan millettia; Millettia taiwaniana 風藤; the world of prostitution; human world; mundane world | 風塵; 風藤; 紅塵; 爬崖番
hongtiin-lwloong | a call girl | 風塵女郎
iamsngtiin | rubber creeper | 鹽酸藤
kerngtiin | state respectfully (used at the end of a letter) | 敬陳
lunjip hongtiin | women fall into professions not socially respectable (prostitution) | 淪入風塵
ngtiin | yellow rattan palm, rattan | 黃藤
sngtiin | sour creeper | 酸藤
soarnhiongtiin | garlic fragrant cane | 蒜香藤

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