"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ngtvar

borngtvar | reckless | 罔膽
goxngtvar | silly; stupid | 憨膽; 戇膽; 愚蒙輕率的; 魯莽
gvoxsyn siongtvar | goad oneself ahead by depriving oneself all daily comfort and subjecting oneself to life's bitterness; nurse vengeance (Lit. lie on faggots and taste gall) | 臥薪嘗膽
gøxsyn siongtvar | endure hardships to accomplish some ambition; determination for revenge (Lit. an allusion to the King of Yueh (越王勾踐) who slept on firewood for a mattress and had a gall bladder hung over his bed to remind him of the bitterness (gall) of his defeat so | 臥薪嘗膽
horngtvar | to get bold | 放膽
kongtvar | to attack; to raid; to invade; mount an attack; assault | 攻打
lengtvar | dragon's bile; the gentian | 龍膽
ngtvar | Alseodaphne hainanensis | 黃膽
ngtvar-pvi | yellow-jaundice, icterus | 黃膽病; 黃疸病
parngtvar | boldly and confidently | 放膽
paxngtvar | hit with a bat | 棒打
pin'nngtvarar | betel nut peddler | 檳榔攤子
siangtvar | play doubles (in tennis); doubles | 雙打
sorngtvar | appal | 喪膽
thorngtvar | to beat soundly; give a severe thrashing | 痛打
tioxngtvar | heavy beating | 重打
zorngtvar | get more confidence; be courageous; very bold; strengthen one's courage | 壯膽

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