"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ngzerng

Bongzerng | Grain in Ear (ninth solar term) 6th month 6th day in lunar calendar | 芒種
Hengzerng'vixtviuo | premier | 行政院長
Tongzerngkaux | Orthodox Church | 東正教
angzerng | inflammation; swollen and inflamed | 紅種
angzerng-laang | redskin people | 紅種人
bongzerng | term in lunar calendar; about June 7 or 8 | 芒種
bongzerng-ho | East Asian rainy season | 芒種雨; 梅雨
harngzerng | swell from infection | 腫脹; 感染腫脹
hengzerng'vi | the Executive or Administrative Yuan | 行政院
hengzernghoad | administrative law | 行政法
hengzerngkhuhek | political division of an area for administrative purposes | 行政區域
hengzerngkikoafn | administrative organizations | 行政機關
hengzerngkoaan | administrative power; executive authority | 行政權
hengzerngkvoaf | administrative officials | 行政官
hengzerngtviwkvoaf | top administrator in an area or region | 行政長官
hengzerngzhwhwn | disciplinary measures taken against an official guilty of abuse of administrative powers as opposed to punishment meted out by a court of law | 行政處分
kaxngzerngthaau | same symptom | 同症頭; 相同的病症
kongzerngjiin | a notary public; notary (public) | 公證人
langzerng | the human species | 人種; 膿腫
liongzerng | descendants of an emperor | 龍種
ngzerng | yellow race | 黃腫; 黃種
ngzerng-laang | yellow race people | 黃種人
nngxzaau longzerng | ovarian cyst | 卵巢曩腫
parngzerng | stock for breeding, bleed indiscriminately | 放種
sefngzernghuo | provincial government | 省政府
siaxngzerng | samerace | 同種
siaxngzerngthaau | same symptom | 相症頭; 同症頭
suhoad hengzerngkoaan | judicial administrative authority | 司法行政權
suhoad hengzerngpo | the Ministry of Justice | 司法行政部
tangzerng | same kind | 同種
thngzerng | carry on the family line | 傳種
tiongzerng kikor | rearm; make preparations for a comeback | 重整旗鼓
tiongzerng | re-adjust | 重整
zangzerng | brown race | 棕種
zefngzefngzerng | swollen | 腫腫腫
zefngzerng | swollen; little swollen | 腫腫; 稍腫; 腫起來
zerngtangzerngsay | plan all kinds of plants | 種東種西

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