Iongzexng | | 雍正
Tiongzexng | a place in Koelaang Chi | 中正
bengzexng | evident proof; true testimony | 明證
boxngzexng | false witness; perjury | 妄證
ciongzexng | to participate in political affair; enter politics; become a government official | 從政
hengzexng khuoe | political division of an area for administrative purposes | 行政區劃
hengzexng | administration | 行政
hengzexng-kikoafn | administrative organization | 行政機關
hengzexng-koaan | executive authority | 行政權
hengzexng-kvoaf | executive or administrative officer | 行政官
hengzexng-vi | the Executive Yuan | 行政院
hongzexng | square, upright | 方正
iaxbongzexng | night blindness; nyctalopia | 夜盲症
jibkefngzexng | entry visa | 入境証
kaoiok-hengzexng | educational executive or administration | 教育行政
kaxngzexng | same illness | 同症
kefngzexng | police administration | 警政
kengzexng | to correct, correction | 更正; 耕種
kerngzexng | correct | 更正
kiexnbongzexng | amnesia; forgetfulness | 健忘症
kongzexng kiet'hwn | marriage legalized by a notary only | 公證結婚
kongzexng | to legalize an act or document by a notary public; to notarize; impartiality; just; fair | 公證; 公正
kongzexng-kiet'hwn | married by a justice of the peace | 公證結婚
langzexng | witness | 人證
lauxlangzexng | senile disease | 老人症
mahongzexng | leprosy | 痲瘋症
ngzexng | jaundice (illness) | 黃症; 黃疸病
pefngzexng | justice; right | 公正; 秉正
pixhai boxngsiofngzexng | persecution complex (psychology); paranoia | 被害妄想症
pongzexng | circumstantial evidence | 旁證
taxngzexng | svere | 重症
tengzexng | to revise; to correct | 訂正
terngzexng | correct a mistake | 釘正; 訂正; (錯誤)
texhngf hengzexng | local administration | 地方行政
thonghengzexng | pass | 通行證
tiongzexng | center and straight | 中正
tofngzexng | party and the government administration | 黨政
tongtoong-zerngzexng | dignified and imposing | 堂堂正正
zerngzexng-tongtofng | open and above board; fair and square; with dignity and impartiality | 正正當當
zhutkefngzexng | exit permit | 出境證
zuxti hengzexng | self-government (of villages; counties; cities) | 自治行政
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
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If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
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back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]