"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ngzhuix

engzhuix gex køekhaf | nothing to do but lick chicken bones | 閒著啃雞腳
engzhuix | to talk casually about | 閒嘴
gefngzhuix | grind to pieces | 研碎
hmlangzhuix | matchmaker mouth | 媒人嘴
hongzhuix | a wind gap; edges of paper pasted together | 封嘴; 風嘴; 封口
kafngzhuix | port; harbor | 港嘴; 河口; 港口
khangzhuix | wound | 傷口; 空喙; 孔嘴
khangzhuix-poxcih | chewing one's tongue in an empty mouth ─ make false; deceitful promises | 空嘴嚼舌; 空喙哺舌; 空口說白話; 空談
korngzhuix | to smash to pieces | 摃嘴; 摃碎
lengzhuix | fragments; odds and ends | 零碎; 零碎,零星
mngzhuix | door beak | 門喙
moelangzhuix holuieluix | marriage brokers are a mealy-mouthed lot | 媒婆的話; 多誇張
moelangzhuix | good talker like matchmaker | 媒人喙
muilangzhuix | good talker like a matchmaker | 媒人喙
ngzhuix | cover one's mouth; cover the mouth with the hand | 掩嘴; 掩口
siongzhuix | wound | 傷口
taxngzhuix | begin to say | 動口
zengzhuix | pound to crash | 舂碎
zhangzhuix | crispy scallion | 蔥脆
zherngzhuix | gun hole | 銃嘴
zhongzhuix | green and bright like leaves after a spring shower | 蒼翠

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