"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: oe'ar

axmmoe'ar | tadpole | 蝌蚪仔; 𧌄梅仔
chiekoe'ar | cucumber | 刺瓜仔; 大黃瓜
ciøf hoe'ar | gather members to form a private mutual lending association | 招會仔
hoe'ar | a private money saving established for a limited period by small group people; a small co-operative bank established for a limited period by small group people | 會仔
hoehoe'ar | flowery; unclearly; with many variations and patterned | 花花仔
hui'oe'ar | small earthen cooking pot | 瓷鍋仔
huxnhoe'ar | participate in a mutual money loaning group | 混會仔; 搭會
hviuvii koe'ar | fruit of the citron tree | 香櫞瓜仔; 佛手瓜
hviw-koe'ar | fruit of the citron tree | 香瓜仔; 佛手瓜
irmkoe'ar | salted cucumber; pickled melon | 蔭瓜仔; 醬瓜
jit-hoe'ar | soft beams of sunlight | 日花仔; 暖陽
khofphoe'ar | epidermis | 苦皮仔; 表皮
kiammoe'ar | pickled plum | 鹹糜仔; 鹹梅仔; 酸梅
koe'ar | general name of melon (gourd) | 瓜仔
logkomoe'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
moaphoe'ar | eel skin | 鰻皮仔
moe'ar | plum | 梅仔; 酸梅
nghoe'ar | yellow flower | 黃花仔
ngkoe'ar | musk melon; cucumis melo | 香瓜仔
oe'ar | small earthen or metal cooking pot | 鍋仔
phoe'ar | barnyard | 稗仔
phoephoe'ar korng | allude to a matter without giving much explanation; give only a hint | 皮皮仔講; 說點皮毛
phoephoe'ar | (adv) a little bit; slightly | 皮皮仔; 皮毛; 稍微; 約略; 略微
piøhoe'ar | make bids or draw lots to determine who should get the loan from the private loan association | 標會仔
poe'ar | cup | 杯仔; 杯子
siuosoe'ar | thin bamboo stick that was used to punish kids that didn't behave | 秀梳仔
thaukaxkoe'ar | affair | 偷咬雞仔
toeahoe'ar | participate in a Money club | 綴會仔
toex-hoe'ar | participate in a Money club | 搭會仔
zhahhoe'ar | kibitzer at a mahjong game; sometimes more than just a kibitzer; sometimes he also bets or invests in one of the players | 插花仔; (打麻將用語)
zheakoe'ar | crispy melon | 脆瓜仔
zhoe'ar | long thin rod of wood or bamboo; a whip | 箠仔; 棍子; 鞭子

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