bofnghoee | work aimlessly | 罔回; 做這做那
hexthofnghoax | systematize; systematized | 系統化
hiofnghog | (v) live in comfort; enjoy bliss | 享福
hofnghoong | to be anxious; at a stand; oscillate | 彷徨
hofnghorng | shaking | 晃晃
iaxzofnghoe | night club | 夜總會
iofngho | to support; to endorse; to back; rear and educate children | 擁護; 養護
iofnghoax | to oxidize | 氧化
iofnghor siongsyn | keep a bad subordinate who will one day bring ruin to his protector (Lit. raise a tiger which will injure its feeder later on) | 養虎傷身
jixiofnghoarthvoax | carbon dioxide | 二氧化碳
khiofnghoong | fear; suspicion | 惶恐; 恐惶
khiofnghoong-put'afn | suspicious and uneasy | 恐惶不安
kofnghoad | way of saying, expression | 講法
kofnghoan | broad, wide, widespread | 廣範
kofnghoaxn | extensive, comprehensive | 廣範
liofnghofng | both sides | 兩方
lofnghoad | to tie up hair | 束髮; 攏髮
lysiofnghoax | idealize | 理想化
ofngho | hereafter, afterwards | 往後
ofnghoad | to circumvent the law | 枉法
ofnghoarn | back and forth | 往返
ofnghoee | go and return; coming and going; round trip | 往回; 往返; 來回
ofnghogphiøx | return ticket | 來回票
ofnghok | to go back and forth; to go to and fro; return trip; going and returning | 往復; 往返; 來回
siofnghoat | reward and punish; reward and punishment | 賞罰
susiofnghoan | political offense; political prisoner | 思想犯
thamzofng ofnghoad | take bribes and pervert justice | 貪贓枉法
zofnghoe | general office; General Assembly; general meeting | 總會
zofnghoextviuo | head of an entire order of society | 總會長
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]