"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Byybie-kaohoe | a church name | 美以美教會
Engkog kaohoe | Anglican Church | 英國教會
Goaxhngf Thoankaohoe | Foreign Mission Society (Catholic) | 外方傳教會
Iasohoe | SJ: Societas Jesu (Catholic) | 耶穌會
Latefng Kaohoe | Latin Church | 拉丁教會
Lømar Kaohoe | Roman Catholic Church | 羅馬教會
Peglerng Goaxhngf Thoankaohoe | SMB: Societas Miss de Bethlehem (Switz) | 白冷外方傳教會
Tiofnglør kaohoe | Presbyterian church | 長老教會
Tviwløfkaohoe | Presbyterian Church | 長老教會
Zerngkaohoe | Orthodox Church | 正教會
Zwtohoe | CDD: Discipuli Domini (Catholic) | 主徒會
aohoea | regret; regretful; remorseful | 懊悔
aohoex | lousy goods; things that have rotted or spoiled; merchandise that has spoiled or rotted; poor worthless fellow | 爛貨; 賤貨
ciaohoe | (n) letters of understanding or concern exchanged between governments; diplomatic notes; memoranda; inquiry by letter; make inquiries about a matter | 照會
giefnkiuohoe | seminar, scholar's meeting for intensive research | 研究會
hamchiaohoef | magnolia | 含笑花
hamsiaohoef | smiling flower; magnolia | 含笑花
huigvoo-huohoea | dig one's own grave; flirt with death (The flying moth is forever attracted to the flame.) | 飛蛾赴火
huohoe | meet; by appointment; keep an appointment; attend a meeting; be in time for a meeting | 赴會
huohoextviuo | vice president of any society | 副會長
iefnzaohoe | concert; recital | 演奏會
iuohoef | small flowers | 幼花; 嫩小的花
iuohoex | baby goods | 幼貨
kaohoe | church | 教會
kaohoe-buxntab | church catechism | 教會問答
kaohoeasw | chaplain (of a reformatory or jail); prison chaplain | 教誨師
kaohoex | teach; instruction; indoctrinate; to discipline | 教誨
khienkioong-huohoe | fasten on an unwarranted conclusion | 牽強附會
kiuohoea | put out a fire | 救火
kngrkhiim-iefnzaohoe | piano concert; piano recital | 鋼琴演奏會
lohoe | aloe vera | 蘆薈
lohoef | rush flower; fluffy ends of reed | 蘆花
ohoe | a sinister meeting or organization | 黑會; 烏會
phaohoea | artillery fire; gunfire | 砲火
siuohoef | embroidery; to embroider | 繡花
siuohoef-tharn | embroidered coverlet | 繡花毯
taohoefkix | cohabite with a woman without being married; have a mistress; enter into partership with | 鬥姘婦; 合作營商
tiaohoee | recall (a diplomat from abroad) | 召回
toaxtohoe | great cities | 大都會
tohoe | a big city; metropolis; metropolis (archaic) | 都會
tohoexkhw | metropolitan area | 都會區
tuohoeq | stop; stanch bleeding | 止血
uohoee | make a detour; go round; circuity; indirection; snake | 迂迴
zaohoea | stove fire | 灶火
zefngkøo kaohoe | whole church | 整個教會
zhaohoea | burnt | 臭火
zhaohoefhwn | give off a burning smell; the odor of smoke | 臭火燻; 燒焦
zhaohoefsiøf | burned | 臭火燒
zhaohoeftabi | burnt smell; taste burnt; burnt taste | 臭火乾味
zhaohoeftaf | burnt | 臭火焦
zhohoe | first encounter | 初會
zhohoee | 1st time | 初回
zhohoef | rough flowers | 粗花
zhohoex | course commodities; crude products | 粗貨
zoankaohoe | whole church | 全教會
zuohoeq | blood transfusion | 輸血

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