Posym | a city in Changhua County | 埔心
haosym | filial attitude; filial heart | 孝心
jinbien-siuosym | gentle in appearance but cruel at heart; wolf in sheep's skin | 人面獸心
langbin-siuosym | having the face of a man but the heart of a beast; gentle in appearance but cruel at heart ─ wolf in sheep's skin; an iron claw in a velvet glove | 人面獸心
osym | middle of a lake | 湖心
posym | dried up from the core | 埔心; 中心枯萎
siuosym | bestiality; beastliness | 獸心
suosym | sympathetic, humane and kind | 四心; 恕心
zhaosym | said of a plant when its core is rotten; said of a person who is bad on the inside but looks good on the outside | 臭心; 心爛了
zhosym | careless; rash and careless (Lit. cruel or rough heart) | 粗心
zuosym | attentively | 注心; 專心
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