biefnputliao | unavoidable; no help for it | 免無了; 難免
bu'orng putli | lucky in every endeavor; successful in whatever one does | 無往無利
efng'erng-putli | inseparable | 影影無離
eng'iorng putlioong | malnutrition; undernourishment | 營養無良
heng'viar putli | inseparable; like a person and his shadow (usually said of lovers and devoted couples) | 形影無離
kisym putlioong | harbor evil intentions | 居心無良
liulieen-putli | to have a year of ill luck | 流年無利
phiernkahputliuu | army is completely wiped out | 片甲不留, 落花流水
phiernkaq putliuu | army is completely wiped out | 片甲無留; 落花流水
putlaam putlie | neither a male nor a female (a disapproving description of someone's manner; dress; make up); grotesque | 無男不女
putli | disadvantageous; disadvantage; unfavorable; be against one's interests | 無利; 不利
putliaam | not cheap | 無廉
putliam kuxog | forget past grudges; let bygones be bygones | 無念舊惡
putliau | unexpectedly; unexpectedly | 無料; 不料
putliausefng | unable to survive | 無聊生
putlie | to ignore, to disregard | 無理
putlie-putzhae | to brush off | 無理不睬
putliin | heartless | 無仁
putliofnglip | incompatible | 無兩立
putlioong tøxthea | non-conductor (physics) | 無良導體
putlioong zok'iong | bad effect | 無良作用
putlioong | unhealthy; unwholesome; bad; poor; inferior; wicked; depraved | 無良; 不良
putlioong-siaolieen | juvenile delinquent | 無良少年; 不良少年
putlioxnglek | underestimate | 無量力
putliuu ute | without leaving leeway or elbow room | 無留餘地
samkux putli pwnhaang | talk shop frequently when conversing with people outside the talker's own profession; talking about one's own trade | 三句無離本行
seaputliofnglip | enemy; swear not to stand side by side with the enemy between heaven and earth | 誓不兩立
siauhoax putlioong | indigestion; dyspepsia | 消化無良
tai-putliao | the worst case | 大無了
taixputliao | at the worst; alarming; serious | 大無了
tix cy putlie | disregard it totally | 置之無理
zhurnpo putli | follow closely without allowing the distance to widen more than an inch | 寸步無離
zhurnzhør-putliuu | leave not even a blade of grass; destroy completely | 寸草無留
zunsym putlioong | cherish an evil intention | 存心無良
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