butok puttioxnghw | ruthlessness is the mark of a truly great man; one who is not ruthless is not a truly great man | 不毒不丈夫
chiubii puttiern | wear a sad or distressed expression | 愁眉不展
itbuun-puttit | not worth a penny; worthless | 一文不值
khimseg-puttiaw | lutes are out of tune ─ discord between husband and wife | 琴瑟不調
pekputtit'ie | compelled | 逼不得已
putti cy zexng | incurable disease | 不治之症
putti | incurable | 不治
puttie | not worth | 不抵
puttienputkaix | not serious | 不癲不界
puttii`w | not later than | 不遲於
puttiofng | treachery; disloyal; unfaithful | 不忠
puttiofng-putgi | disloyal and unfaithful | 不忠不義
puttiofngcixn | not make progress | 不長進
puttiorng'iong | useless | 不中用
puttiputkag | unconsciously | 不知不覺
puttiputkaktiofng | unconsciously | 不知不覺中
puttit | injustice | 不直
puttix | it will not have any injurious effect; not so as to.. | 不致
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]