"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: putty

busor putty | omniscient | 不所不知
itbun safm putty | Supposing you ask him; he knows neither the beginning; the middle; nor the end of the matter | 一問三不知
putty hexløh | do not know their location | 不知下落
putty jinsu | insensible; unconscious | 不知人事
putty khiehioxng | gone to nobody knows where | 不知去向
putty seakox | ignorant of the world | 不知世故
putty | unknowingly | 不知
putty-ciog | insatiable | 不知足
putty-lun | agnosticism | 不知論
putty-putkag | inadvertently | 不知不覺
samputty | know neither the beginning; the middle nor the end of a matter; complete ignorance (sometimes pretended) | 三無知; 三不知
suputty | Who knows that...; Who would have thought that.. | 殊無知; 想不到
suu-putty | unexpectedly | 辭無知; 殊不知; 出乎意料

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Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

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