"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: søea

biefnsøeaphirn | tax-free goods | 免稅品
biefnsøeatiaxm | duty free shop | 免稅店
bøo søeaji | carelessly; by accident | 無細膩; 無小心; 不經意
chiongsøea | wash, develop film | 沖洗
cviusøea | to wash and put start on the clothing | 漿洗
iuhui-søealut | import tariff rates for goods imported from a favored nation | 優惠稅率
iøqsøea | herb tincture for external application | 藥洗
khausøea | taunt; ridicule; sneer at | 刨洗; 剾洗; 奚落; 諷刺
khøesøea | satire; scrape | 諷刺; 刮洗
koarnsøea | lavage, washing out an organ | 灌洗
labsøeajiin | taxpayer | 納稅人
lefngsøea | receive baptism | 領洗
mosøeakngr | capillaries | 毛細管
siusøeatvoaf | tax bill | 收稅單
siuxsøea | be baptized, receive baptism | 受洗; 受洗禮
svoax-søeapaw | gland cell | 腺細胞
søea sengkhw | take a bath | 洗身軀
søea | wash | 洗
søea'ee | little one | 細的
søea'ii | concubine | 細姨; 妾; 姨太太
søea'iøf | tiny waist | 細腰
søea'ui | small seat | 小位
søea-zhengkhix | wash clean | 洗清氣
søeabok | detail, items, particulars | 細目
søeabu | customs affair | 稅務
søeabu-sy | commissioner of customs | 稅務司
søeabøea | little; tiny | 細細; 小小
søeaciaq | small animal. Little animal | 細隻
søeacvii | rent money | 租錢; 稅錢; 租金
søeahang | customs dues | 稅項
søeahaxn | small; young; little | 細漢; 小孩; 矮小
søeahoad | tax law | 稅法
søeaji | careful; humble | 細膩; 小心; 客氣,
søeajip | revenue | 歲入
søeakhaf | tiny feet | 細腳
søeakhafng | tiny hole | 細孔
søeakhurn | germ, bacterium | 細菌
søeakhøex | registered deed | 細契; 稅契
søeakikud | slender | 細筋骨; 小筋骨
søeakim | wife of wife's younger brother | 細妗; 內弟媳
søeakoafn | customs house | 稅關; 稅捐; 海關
søeakviar | child; children | 細囝; 小孩; 小兒
søeakym | tax | 稅金
søeali | tax-collector | 細吏; 稅吏
søealiap | little round object | 細粒
søealut | tax rates; duty rates | 稅率
søeanngr | delicate and soft | 細軟
søeapaw | cell, cytological | 細胞
søeapaw-cid | cytoplasm | 細胞質
søeapaw-hak | cytology | 細胞學
søeapo | details | 細部
søeapurn | small book | 細本
søeasii | years old | 歲時
søeasiw | tax revenue | 稅收; 歲收
søeasoad | wipe out | 洗刷; 洗雪
søeasviaf | gentle soft voice, whisper | 小聲; 細聲
søeasym | careful | 細心; 小心
søeasyn | little body | 小身
søeasøex | little | 細細; 小小
søeatvoaf | tax bill | 稅單
søeazaang | small tree | 小叢; 細欉; 小樹
søeazeg | tariff regulation | 稅則; 細則
søeazhad | examine carefully, examine in detail | 細查; 細察
søeazhux | rent a house | 稅厝; 租房子
tasøea | dry clean | 乾洗; 焦洗
thauzhoa søea'ii | keep a concubine without the wife's knowledge | 偷娶小老婆
toaxsøea | common large millet | 大細; 大黍
toaxsøeabak | view others unfairly | 大細目
toaxsøealuie | view others unfairly | 大細蕊
toaxsøeasviaf | to quarrel; to have a row | 大小聲; 大聲嚷叫; 吵架
toaxtoa-søeasøex | the big and the small ─ the whole family | 大大小小
zhoa-søea'ii | take a concubine | 娶細姨
zu-søeahaxn | since childhood | 自細漢
zuysøea | water baptism | 水洗

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