"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: si'ar

cidsi'ar | a small amount | 一些仔; 一絲仔; 一點點
cidtiaau khuiesi'ar | just a little breath left | 一條氣絲仔; 氣息如絲
hitsi'ar | that littles | 那絲仔; 那一點點
hoesi'ar | bon tools | 灰匙仔
hongsi'ar | slight breezes; zephyrs | 風絲仔
jit`si'ar | daytime | 日時仔
kho'si'ar | whistle | 呼哨仔
khof-si'ar | whistle | 呼哨仔; 呼口哨; 吹口哨
khosi'ar | whistle | 呼哨仔; 吹口哨
khuiesi'ar | almost die; one's breath become to weak | 氣絲仔; 微弱的氣息
lefpaesi'ar | Sunday | 禮拜時仔
lidsi'ar | Japanese er | 日時仔
lit`si'ar | day time | 日時仔
loaqthvisi'ar | summer days | 熱天時仔
lysi'ar | tiny amount | 哩少仔; 極少
nizehsi'ar | New Yearjj | 年節時仔
nngfsi'ar | soft | 軟絲仔
nngxsi'ar | a little bit | 兩絲仔
pengsi'ar | usually | 平時仔
pengsiongsi'ar | usually | 平常時仔
phofthongsi'ar | normal time | 普通時仔
pvoarmesi'ar | midnight | 半暝時仔
samputgoxsi'ar | once in a while | 三不五時仔
seaharnsi'ar | during the young age | 細漢時仔
si'ar | small spoon, small spoonful | 絲仔; 湯匙
sviusi'ar | Taiwan acacia | 相思仔; 想思樹
tangboefsi'ar | end of year | 冬尾時仔
tangsi'ar | at that time | 當時仔
tangthvisi'ar | during the winter | 冬天時仔
tesi'ar | teaspoon | 茶匙仔
thaozafsi'ar | dawn | 透早時仔
thngsi'ar | spoon | 湯匙仔
tongzhoesi'ar | back then | 當初時仔
uxsi'ar | sometimes; now and then; sometimes; (adv) occasionally; often; but not at any fixed time; by chance | 勻時仔; 有時; 偶而
uxtangsi'ar | sometimes | 有當時仔
zafkhysi'ar | morning | 早起時仔
zafsi'ar | in the morning | 早時仔
zaykhysi'ar | in the morning | 早起時仔
zaysi'ar | in the morning | 早時仔

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