"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: sinkefng

bezao sinkefng | vagus nerve | 迷走神經
bezao-sinkefng | vagus nerve | 迷走神經
boadsiaw sinkefng | peripheral nervous system | 末稍神經
hoad sinkefng | go crazy; lose sanity | 發神經
kafmkag-sinkefng | sensory nerves | 感覺神經
kaukarm-sinkefng | sympathetic nerve | 交感神經
khie sinkefng | go crazy; lose samity | 發神經; 起神經
nafsinkefng`ee | acts like a crazy person | 像神經病
nao-sinkefng | cranial nerves | 腦神經
nawsinkefng | cerebral ganglion; cranial nerve | 腦神經
samzhef-sinkefng | trigeminal nerve | 三叉神經
siawsinkefng | psychiatric nurve | 痟神經
sinkefng goaxkhøf | neurosurgery | 神經外科
sinkefng hexthorng | nervous system | 神經系統
sinkefng koanlengpve | neurosis | 神經官能病
sinkefng koeabirn | excessively sensitive | 神經過敏
sinkefng seapaw | nerve cells | 神經細胞
sinkefng soejiok | neurasthenia; nervous breakdown | 神經衰弱
sinkefng thviax | neuralgia | 神經痛
sinkefng tiongzhw | nerve center | 神經中樞
sinkefng zhørloan | nervous disorder; mental disorder | 神經錯亂
sinkefng zocid | nerve tissue | 神經組織
sinkefng | nerve | 神經
sinkefng-hexthorng | nervous system | 神經系統
sinkefng-køeabirn | nervous | 神經過敏
sinkefng-zad | ganglion | 神經節
sixsinkefng | optic nerves | 視神經
thengsinkefng | auditory nerve | 聽神經
thviasinkefng | auditory nerve | 聽神經
tikag sinkefng | sensory nerves | 知覺神經
tiongzhw sinkefng | nerve center | 中樞神經
uxntong-sinkefng | motor nerve | 運動神經
zuxlut sinkefng | autonomic nervous system | 自律神經
zuxlut-sinkefng | parasympathetic nerve | 自律神經
zøxkud-sinkefng | the sciatic nerve | 坐骨神經

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