phengzuie sionghoong | patches of duckweed meeting ─ unexpected meeting of friends abroad; to meet by accident | 萍水相逢
phoarsionghofng | tetanus | 破傷風
phørsionghofng | tetanus | 破傷風
siongho | mutual, reciprocal, each other, one another | 相互
siongho-koanhe | interrelation | 相互關係
siongho-zok'iong | interaction, interplay | 相符作用; 相互作用
sionghoaan | pay; redemption; pay back; return; repay what one owes | 償還
sionghoad | commercial law | 商法
sionghoafnsuu | antonym | 相反詞
sionghoan | the sick and wounded | 傷患
sionghoarn | adverse; converse; contrary; in contrast; contrary; opposed to each other; contradictory | 相反
sionghoat | punish | 相罰
sionghoe | the chamber of commerce; meet together; meet each other | 相會; 常會; 商會; 例會
sionghofng paixsiok | ruin the morals of a place; act immorally; breach of morality | 傷風敗俗
sionghofng | catch a cold; catch a bad cold; a cold | 傷風
sionghongpaixsiok | immoral | 傷風敗俗
sionghoong | encounter; meet each other | 相逢
sionghorng | visit | 相訪
suosionghoax | four normalization | 四常化
zerngsionghoax | normalize; normalization | 正常化
zhengsionghoe | Youth Chamber of Commerce | 青商會
zhof-sionghoe | meet for the first time | 初相會
zhof-sionghoong | meet for the first time | 初相逢
zofngsionghoe | general chamber of commerce; federation of businessmen | 總商會
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