"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Chiasviaa | a village in Pingtung County | 車城
Hwsviaa | prefectural city – refers to Tainan City | 府城
Joaqlanjiaf sviaa | Fort Zeelandia | 熱蘭遮城; 安平古堡
Kimsviaa | a city in Kinmen County | 金城
Peglefngsviaa | Bethlehem; town in Palestine where Jesus Christ was born (Catholic) | 白冷城
Sinsviaa | a city in Hualien County | 新城
Taipaksviaa | Taipei city | 台北城
Thausviaa | a city in Yilan County | 頭城
Thofsviaa | a city in Taipei County | 土城
Thosviaa | a city in Taipei County | 土城
Tngsviaa | Great Wall | 長城
aisviaf | sorrowful sound | 哀聲
arngphvixsviaf | nasal voice; talk nasally and indistinctly | 甕鼻聲; 塞鼻聲
arngsviaf | nasal tones caused by stuffing nose | 齆聲
ausviaf | a guttural sound | 喉聲
baxnlie tngsviaa | the great wall of China; the wall ten thousand miles long | 萬里長城
befsviaf | end | 尾聲
boefsviaf | final tone of a piece of music; final or closing stage of an activity or event | 尾聲
bofsviaflaang | who is it? | 某甚人
bunhoarsviaa | cultural or civilized city | 文化城
bølengsviax | inefficacious and powerless 'of a god' | 無靈聖
bøo lengsviax | be ineffective; in vain; to pray to god or a saint in vain | 無靈聖
bøo sviafmih | not any; not too; nothing; it doesn't matter; never mind | 沒什麼; 無什麼
bøsviaf | voiceless; loss of voice | 無聲; 失音; 沒有嗓子
bøsviafkaang | not unlike | 無甚同; 無盡相同
bøsviaq | not very; not particularly; not many; not very much | 沒什
bøsviar | nothing particular; not particularly; not very; nothing much; not much | 無太; 無啥; 沒什麼; 不怎麼; 無甚
bøsviax | without efficacious power | 無靈; 無聖
chiarngsviaf | raise voice against | 試看覓
chiørsviaf | laughing sound; laughter; laughter | 笑聲
ciamsviaf | penetrating sound, sharp sound | 尖聲; 尖銳聲
ciamsviaf-kiøx | strident | 尖聲叫
ciaqsviaf | to make a show of strength | 食聲; 虛張聲勢
cidsviaa | ten percent; a tenth | 一成
cidsviaf | at a voice, at once word | 一聲
ciofngsviaf | applause | 掌聲
cioksviaa | one hundred percent | 足成; 全
citsviaf | ten percent, a tenth | 這聲
cvisviaf | (n) money amount | 錢聲; 金額
efsviaf | hoarse | 啞聲; 嗓子啞
engsviaf-iernguo | the pleasant effect of a woman's voice (Lit. like an oriole singing and a swallow talking) | 鶯聲燕語
erngsviaf jii khie | raise as soon as the voice was heard | 應聲而起
erngsviaf jii tør | dead on the spot at the first shot | 應聲而倒
goaxsviaa | outer city | 外城
hawsviaf | roaring sound | 吼聲
hiafngsviaf | sound; an echo; a noise | 響聲
hiarmsviaf | shouts and screams | 喊聲
hiefnsviax | appear in visible form (god, god's will) | 顯像; 顯聖
hiernsviaa | to forward territory | 獻城
hoahsviaf | calling sound; make a noise | 喊聲; 呼喊; 出聲
hoatsviaf | to give off sound; phonate; vocalism; vocalize; vocalization | 發聲
hoesviaa | garden city | 花城
hoesviaf | an echo | 回聲
hongsviaa | emperor's city | 皇城
hongsviaf porng'viar | false or exaggerated reports going about against people | 惶聲凸影; 誇大無實
hongsviaf | the sound of the wind; hearsay; rumors; news | 風聲; 謠言
hosviaf | loud cries | 呼聲
hunsviaf | weight; composition; ingredients; element; makeup; component; (n) stock; company share | 分聲
husviaf | hisses | 虛聲
høesviaf | echo | 回聲
høfsviaf | pleasant sound | 好聲; 悅耳之聲
høfsviasaux | gentle voice; pleasant; well sung tune | 好聲嗽; 語氣無錯
høfsviatiau | well sung tune | 好聲調
hør-miasviaf | good reputation | 好名聲
hør-sviasaux | pleasant and gentle voice | 好聲嗽; 輕聲輕氣
høsviaf | harmony; musical chord | 和聲
høxsviaf | trumpet-call | 號聲
imgagsviaf | sound of music | 音樂聲
irnsviaf | an echo | 應聲; 回音; 回聲
iuosviaf | small voice; soft-spoken | 細聲; 幼聲
ixkhao tongsviaf | The same thing is said by different mouths. People are unanimous in their opinion | 異口同聲
ixkhao-tongsviaf | with one voice; with one accord | 異口同聲
jibsviaa | get to a city | 入城
jibsviaf | (phonetics) entering tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese) | 入聲
jiusviaf | soft voice | 柔聲; 柔和的聲音
jymkhix-thunsviaf | restrain one's temper and say nothing; keep quiet and swallow the insults | 忍氣吞聲
kansviaa | defenders; protectors; champions | 干城
kawsviaf khitciaqaau | terrible singing (Lit. a dog's voice and a beggar's throat) | 狗聲乞食喉; 唱歌音色難聽
kawsviakym | ninety percent pure gold | 九成金
keatat liensviaa | invaluable; priceless | 價值連城
kefsviaf | falsetto | 假聲
keg iuosviaf | speak intentionally in a gentle (not natural) tone | 裝柔聲
keksviarsviax | pretend something didn't happen or doesn't know anything about it | 激邪邪; 假裝沒事
keksviax | pretend to be smart | 自以為聰明
khangsviaa | empty city | 空城
khangsviakex | nobody left behind to guard the house; a bluff | 空城計
khansviaf | prolong voice; draw out one's voice loud and long (as in singing or reciting) | 牽聲; 拉長聲音
khaosviaf | sound of weeping; crying | 哭聲
khapoxsviaf | sound of footsteps | 腳步聲
khengsviaa-khengkog | exceptionally beautiful woman for whose sake a city is ruined or a country lost | 傾城傾國
khengsviaf-seasoeq | speak softly; talk in a soft voice | 輕聲細語
khiesviaf | aspiration; (phonetics) departing tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese) | 氣聲; 去聲
khimsviaf | tweedle | 琴聲
khinsviaf | soft voice; neutral tone (in phonetics of Mandarin and many other Chinese dialects) | 輕聲
khinsviaf-seasoeq | quiet; gentle voice | 輕聲細語
khinsviaseasoeq | speak softly | 輕聲細說
khinsviasoeaseq | speak softly | 輕聲細說
khoksviaf-ky | public addressing system, loud-speaker | 擴聲機
khongsviaa | empty city | 空城
khuisviaf | (literally) to open one's voice; to begin telling | 開聲
khuisviakhaux | cry with a loud voice | 開聲哭
kiarsviaf | send word or warn through a third person | 寄聲; 揚言(威脅); 放言
kietsviaf | piercing sound; high-pitched; shrill voice | 結聲
kiongsviaa | the imperial capital | 宮城
kirmsviaa | the forbidden city | 禁城
kiuu miasviaf | seek a reputation | 求名聲
kiørsviaf | yelling (sound made by person); barking; braying; roaring (sound made by animals); cry sound; shout sound | 叫聲
koasviaf | the singing voice; the vocal part in a performance | 歌聲
kofng sviaa | to attack a city | 攻城
kofsviaa | ancietn city; old city; ancient city; town | 古城
kofsviaf | sound of drum | 鼓聲
kongsviaa | to attack a city | 功城
korng toaxsviaoe | brag | 講大聲話
kosviaa | solitary city; an isolated city | 孤城
kuysviaa | how many percent? | 幾成
kuysviaf | how many voices | 幾聲
kvafnar uxsviaf | It seems that there is sound | 似有聲
kviasviaa | the capital (of the country); metropolis; capital of a country | 京城
lafpahsviaf | horn sound | 喇叭聲
laixsviaa | inner city | 內城
langsviaf | human voice | 人聲
leng'afsviaf | ringing | 鈴仔聲
lengsviax | holy; sacred; saint; sage; efficacious and powerful (god; saint) | 靈聖
lesviaf | spiral univalve shellfish sound | 螺聲
libsviaf | stop tone | 入聲
libthea sviaym | stereophonically reproduced sound | 立體聲音
luisviaf | thunder | 雷聲
lwnkhix-thunsviaf | to restrain one's temper and say nothing; to keep quiet and swallow the insults | 忍氣吞聲
løqhoxsviaf | falling rain sound | 落雨聲
løsviaf | gong | 鑼聲
m-zhutsviaf | keep silence | 無出聲; 不做聲
miasviaf cinphafng | good reputation | 名譽很好
miasviaf cinthao | His fame is spread far and wide | 很出名
miasviaf | fame; reputation; reputation | 名聲
moafsviaa | whole city | 滿城
moafsviahong'uo | imply bad news spread fast | 滿城風雨
mxcviasviaf | regular voice | 毋成聲
mxsi-sviasaux | angry sound of the voice (as at beginning of quarrel) | 口氣毋好; 不聲嗽
mxsixn-sviaa | free from superstition; will not believe what he is told | 毋信邪
mxsixn-sviax | free from superstition; will not believe what he is told | 毋信邪
neasviaf | raise voice | 躡聲; 提高聲音
niauafsviaf | cat voice | 貓仔聲
niesviaf | raise one's voice | 踮聲; 提高聲音
nngxsvia'ar | two sounds | 兩聲仔
nngxsviaa | twenty percent | 二成
oarnsviaf | murmuring; expression of discontent | 怨聲
ofngsysviaa | abode of the spirits of those who have died through injustice | 枉死城
ongsviaa | the city of a king | 王城
pai-miasviaf | to discredit one's reputation | 敗名聲
parnghongsviaf | spread the news | 放風聲
parngkhangsviaa | empty city | 放空城
parngsviaf | send word or warn through a third person | 放聲; 放言
pehsviaa | eight-tenths; 80% | 八成
pengsviaf | (of Chinese phonetics) the 1st and 2nd tones taken together as a single category in | 平聲
phahsviaa | made it | 打成
phao'afsviaf | sound of firework | 炮仔聲
phaosviaa | artillery castle | 炮城; 炮打襄陽(花炮臺)
phaosviaf | roaring of artillery pieces; thunder of a cannonade | 砲聲
phaysviasaux | bad coughing | 歹聲嗽
phoarsviaa | broken castle | 破城; 荒城
phofløbinjiasviaa | | 普羅民遮城
phog'afsviaf | clapping sound | 噗仔聲
phok'afsviaf | clapping sound | 噗仔聲
phvae-miasviaf | bad reputation | 歹名譽
phvae-sviasaux | angry voice, unpleasant talks | 歹聲嗽; 歹口氣; 厲聲
phvaysviasaux | angry and unpleasant sound or tone of voice (as in beginning a quarrel); speak arrogantly | 歹聲嗽; 無高興的語氣
pi'afsviaf | ,whsitle sound | 觱仔聲
piafng`cidsviaf | one sharp nose | 乓一聲
piarngsviaf | explosion noise | 爆聲
piernsviaf | change of voice (of a person at puberty) | 變聲
pogzarsviaf | explosion | 爆炸聲
put'iaxsviaa | big city with gay night life; no night quarters (Lit. city with lights turned on all night) | 不夜城
puttong-sviaseg | with composure, do not turn a hair | 不動聲式
pviasviaf | (phonetics) level tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese) | 平聲
pviesviafbarng | what's up | 變啥魍
pøehsviaa | 80 percent, almost | 八成
saosviaf | whistle | 哨聲
sausviaf | loose voice; get hoarse | 沙啞; 梢聲; 沙啞聲
sausviasausviaf | lost voice | 梢聲梢聲
seaseasvia'ar | whisper | 細細聲仔
seaseasviaf | whisper | 細細聲
seasvia'oe | whisper | 細聲話
seasviaf | softly | 細聲
sefngsviaa | provincial capital | 省城
serngsviaa | holy city | 聖城
siaosviaf | whistle | 哨聲
siesviaf | the four tones in ancient Chinese (even; rising; departing and entering tones); the four tones of Mandarin (first; second; third and fourth tones) | 四聲
simsviaf | spoken language; heart's desire | 心聲
simthiaosviaf | heartbeat | 心跳聲
siofngsviaf | (phonetics) rising tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese) | 上聲
siorngsviaf | crosstalk | 相聲
sirnsviax | believe in; be convinced of.. | 相信
sitsviaf | lose one's voice (from crying; yelling) | 失聲; 失嗓子
siwsviaa | protect a (walled) city | 守城
siøsviaa | allure each other | 相眩
soeasviaf | quitely | 細聲
svasviaa | thirty percent; show off | 三成; 相眩; 眩耀
svasviaf bønai | helpless; without choice unfortunately | 三聲無奈
svia | marriage portion; dower; trousseau | 嫁妝
svia'erng | sound waves | 聲浪
svia'mngg | glottis | 聲門; 城門
svia'oan | solidarity | 聲援
svia'ong | good reputation | 聲旺
svia'u | reputation | 聲譽
svia'un | sound and echo | 聲韻
svia'uy | reputation | 聲威
svia'ym | voice | 聲音
sviaa | city wall; walled town; city (an old expression); fort | 城; 唌; 誘; 折(成); 眩; 成
sviaa`laang | tempt; seduce; lure somebody | 眩人; 誘惑人
sviaa`tiøh | seduced | 眩著; 誘惑著
sviaaau | voice throat | 聲喉
sviabong | reputation | 聲望
sviabuo | consonant | 聲母
sviabøea | ending | 聲尾
sviabør | consonant | 聲母
sviachi | city or town | 城市
sviachviuu | city walls | 城牆
sviaerng | scream | 聲湧
sviaf cinkied | piercing sound; high-pitched; shrill voice | 聲音結實
sviaf | sound; voice; noise; tone | 聲
sviafhex | What is it? What do you want? | 啥貨
sviafhex`laq | What is it? What do you want? | 啥貨啦
sviafhoex | what is the matter? | 何物; 什麼事
sviafhøex | What matter? | 甚麼; 啥貨; 甚貨; 什麼事,何物
sviafkhafng | what? What's matter ? | 甚孔; 甚麼事
sviafkhoarn | how; How are things? | 甚款; 啥款; 怎麼樣; 什麼樣
sviafkhvoar | what do you think? | 啥款
sviaflaang | Who? Which person?; who; whom? | 甚人; 啥人; 什麼人; 甚麼人
sviafmie | What is it? | 啥物
sviafmih | What? What thing? | 什麼
sviafmih'aq | What is it? | 啥物啊
sviafmih`aq | What is it? | 啥物啊
sviafmihhex | What is it? What do you want? | 啥物貨
sviafmihhoex | What is it? What do you want? | 啥物貨
sviafmihhoex`aq | What is it? What do you want? | 啥物貨啊
sviafmihkhoarn | what do you think? | 啥物款
sviafmihlaang | who is that? | 啥物人
sviafmiq | what? | 啥物
sviafmiqhoex | What is it? | 啥物貨
sviafmiqlaang | who is that? | 啥物人
sviafmiqlaq | what's up? | 啥物啦
sviafmylaang | who is that? | 啥物人
sviafsiaau | what! | 啥潲
sviafsiauu | what's that? | 啥迢
sviafsu | Why? Wherefore? | 甚事; 什麼事
sviaftai | what? What's matter? | 甚代; 甚麼事
sviagak-kaf | vocalist | 聲樂家
sviagoa | outside the city walls; the suburbs | 城外
sviaha | near to the town | 城下
sviahak | acoustics | 聲學
sviahhoex | What? | 什麼?
sviahiorng | sound, tone | 聲響
sviahmiq | What? What thing? | 什麼?
sviahtngflaai | allure back | 啥轉來
sviahøo | city trench | 城濠
sviakag | corner of city wall | 城角
sviakhaf | at the foot of the wall; near the wall | 城跤; 城下
sviakhix | allure away | 唌去
sviakhw | urban area | 城區
sviakii | kinosaki | 城崎
sviakngf | sound and light | 聲光
sviakngr | larynx | 聲管; 喉管
svialaang | lure people | 誘人
svialaau | tower in a city wall | 城樓
svialai | inner city; within the city (walls) | 城內
svialap | sonar | 聲納
svialie | inside city | 城裡
svialiong | volume of sound | 聲量
sviamngg | city gate; gate of city wall; castle gate | 城門
sviaoan | solidarity | 聲援
sviaphøf | sound wave | 聲波
sviapiaq | city wall | 城壁; 城牆
sviapvoax | fifteen percent | 成半; 一成半
sviapøflai | inside castle | 城堡內
sviapør | castle | 城堡
sviar taixcix? | What happened? What is the matter? | 什麼事; 甚代誌
sviar | What? Who? any; some | 啥; 什麼; 甚
sviarkhied | make trouble; raise hell | 頑皮; 搗蛋
sviarkongmar | | 聖公媽
sviartwsviax | sound | 聖拄聖
sviasaux | tone; tone of voice; note; manner of speaking | 聲嗽; 口氣
sviaseq | sound, voice | 聲色
sviasex | momentum; impetus | 聲勢
sviasid | voice loss | 聲失; 失聲
sviasoeq | quitely | 聲說
sviasox | ratio; rate | 成數; 比率
sviasviaa | lure | 唌唌
sviasviaf | every sound bit | 聲聲
sviasviaf-kuokux | each word | 聲聲句句
sviasviakuokux | each word | 每一句話
sviasøeq | angry talk | 聲說; 氣話; 語氣
sviatafng-keksay | Lit. to make noise in the east while striking in the west; feigning tactics | 聲東擊西
sviaterng | on the top of the wall | 城頂
sviathaau | sound head | 聲頭
sviatiau | tonal contour of speech; intonation; tone (of voice); melody in a musical composition | 聲調
sviatii | wall and moat of city | 城池
sviatiofng | inside the city | 城中
sviatixn | city, town | 城鎮
sviatoax | vocal cords | 聲帶
sviatof | city capital | 城都
sviatofng | east town | 城東
sviatø | soundtrack | 聲道
sviatør | upset | 唌倒
sviaun | rhyme and tone of words | 聲韻
sviax tuo sviax | happen by chance; coincidence; really; as expected; sure enough | 很巧; 果然; 聖抵聖
sviax | holy; powerful and efficacious; miraculous | 聖; 靈驗; 靈
sviaxnaa | basket made with several layers | 層籃; 𣛮籃
sviaym | sound | 聲音
sviu-sviafhøex | what (you) think ( want) ? | 想什麼
svoasviaa | mountain castle | 山城
søeasviaf | gentle soft voice, whisper | 小聲; 細聲
tafkawsviaa | Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan | 打狗城
taixhagsviaa | college city | 大學城
tangsviaf | in unison | 同聲
tanluikongsviaf | thunde | 霆雷公聲
tansviaf | stridulation; song | 鳴聲
taxngsviaf | weight | 重聲
thangsviaf | bug sound | 蟲聲
thaokviasviaa | spread to capital of country | 透京城
thihkiloxsviaf | railway track noise | 鐵枝路聲
thisviaf | cry (bird) | 啼聲
thisviar | cry (bird) | 啼啥; 哭
thiw kuysviaa | take what percent for a commission | 抽幾成
thofkeafsviaa | free-range chicken city | 土雞仔城
thorngkhaosit'sviaf | cry bitterly | 痛哭失聲
thorngkhaositsviaf | cry bitterly | 痛哭失聲
thosviaa | earth fortified area, castle of earth-work | 土城; 塗城
thunsviaf | to suppress complaints; eat the leek; to remain silent under injustice (Lit. to swallow the voice) | 吞聲
thunsviaf-lwnkhix | afraid to speak up | 吞聲忍氣
thviaboefsviaf | listen respectfully then will know the true meaning | 聽尾聲
thviasviaf | hear sound | 聽聲
thviasviaf-liap'viar | make groundless accusations | 捕風捉影
tiexn'oexsviaf | phone call | 電話聲
tioksviaa | build a city wall or castle | 築城
tngfsviaf | voice changer | 轉聲
tngsviaa | the Great Wall; the Great Wall of China; about 1800 miles in length | 長城
toaxseasviaf | loudly | 大細聲
toaxsoeasviaf | loudly | 大細聲
toaxsviaa | big city | 大城
toaxsviabefaau | speak very loudly; or rudely or with a raucous voice | 大聲尾喉; 大嗓子
toaxsviaf | loud sound; loud voice | 大聲
toaxsviaoe | speak loudly with confidence | 大聲話
toaxsviaseasviaf | screaming | 大聲細聲
toaxsøeasviaf | to quarrel; to have a row | 大小聲; 大聲嚷叫; 吵架
toaxtoaxsviaf | very loud | 大大聲
torng'afsviaf | brake noise | 擋仔聲
torngsviaf | brake noise | 噸聲
tuieoexsviaf | dialogue | 對話聲
u sviafpo | what can be done? | 有什麼好法子
u-lengsviax | efficacious and powerful (god) | 有靈聖; 有靈驗
uisviaa | to besiege a city | 圍城
uixsviafmih | why? For what? | 為啥物
uixsviafmiq | why? For what? | 為啥物
uxsviaf-uxseg | vivid; impressive (description or performance) | 有聲有色
uxsviar | what's there | 有啥
uxsviax | holy | 有聖
viafsviaa | cinema | 影城
zabsviaa | one hundred percent; one hundred per cent | 十成
zabsviaa-ciog | 10o% full | 十成足
zarnsviaee | applauding | 贊聲的
zarnsviaf | praise | 贊聲; 讚聲
zaxnsviaf | help persuade | 贊聲; 幫忙說
zehsviaf | cadence; iambus | 仄聲
zeksviaf | cadence; iambus | 仄聲
zeng'afsviaf | bell sound | 鐘仔聲
zengsviaf | bell sound; toll of a bell | 鐘聲
zesviaf | be in unison (singing; shouting) | 齊聲
zhafkiørsviaf | noise | 吵叫聲
zhafmkiørsviaf | scream | 慘叫聲
zhafsviaf | noise | 吵聲
zhaomiasviaf | bad reputation | 臭名聲
zherngsviaf | sound of gunshot | 鎗聲
zhoafnkhuiesviaf | wheezing | 氣聲喘
zhorngsviaflaq | what's up? | 創啥啦
zhorngsviar | doing what | 創什; 做什
zhosviaf | harsh; rough tone of voice | 粗聲
zhut'svialaai | speak out | 出聲來
zhutsviaf | making vocal sound; speak out; utter | 出聲
zhutsvialaai | speak out | 出聲來
zoeasviaf | speak out | 做聲
zunleafsviaf | the sound of boat | 船螺仔聲
zurnsviaf | tremulous voice or sound | 顫音
zuylausviaf | sound of water | 水流聲
zuyphøafsviaf | blister sound | 水泡仔聲
zuysviaf | sound of water | 水聲
zøesviaf | chorus | 齊聲
zøxsviaa | build a city wall or castle | 築城
øefkawsviaf | having a dull sound, having a hoarse sound | 倭狡聲; 啞口聲; 沉悶的聲音; 沙啞聲

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Buttons: Partial, Exact, Front, and Back:
Checking Exact will only show the specific term "zab". e.g. "zabor and "apzab" When input type is non-MTL, exact match is forced.
Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

The following example will get all the words start with a


Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".

If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or back match.

Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]

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"Hiexntai-buun" to

Unlike the above form, this form allows you specify number of spelling error.
Select '1' will show you those words with one spelling error.
For wildcard matching, use regular expression described in the above form with '0' spelling error.

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