"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tøsi

bølun tøsiao | no matter how many | 無論多少
mitøsi | Buddha temple | 彌陀寺
pøqli tøsiaw | small profits and quick returns (S P Q R); quick turnover | 薄利多銷
sehtøsia | say thanks | 說多謝
sehtøsiaxlaq | say thanks | 說多謝啦
soehtøsia | say thanks | 說多謝
soeq tøsia | give thanks; thank | 道謝
søehtøsia | say thanks | 說道謝
søeq-tøsia | say thanks | 說道謝; 說多謝
tøhog tøsiu | happiness and longevity; amply blessed | 多福多壽
tøsi afnnef | indeed; it is so; everything is just that way; all that way | 都是這樣
tøsi | all; no exception | 都是
tøsia | thanks a lot; thank you very much; many thanks; Many thanks. Thank you very much. | 多謝
tøsia`aq | thanks | 多謝啊
tøsiao | more or less; more or less; somewhat | 多少
tøsiarm | under shelter | 逃閃
tøsiin-kaux | polytheistic religions | 多神教
tøsiofng | wounds; knife wound | 刀傷
tøsiu | three abundances (abundance of blessings; abundance of longevity; abundance of male offspring) which the people of old considered as the ingredients of happy life | 多壽; 三多 (多福; 多子)
tøsiøx | scabbard | 刀鞘
tøtøsiafmsiarm | escape | 逃逃閃閃

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