Sioxngzuo ee taixgienjiin | person of foresight or forethought (Note: The prophets in the Scriptures are translated as Siong-chu e tai-gian-jin (上主的代言人) spokesman of God.) | 先知; (上主的代言人)
chimbeeng taixgi | have a firm grasp of what is right and wrong; able to forget self interest in the face of an event of great significance | 深明大義
hiao ie taixgi | persuade someone to follow the right path by telling him what is right | 曉以大義
taixgi biedchyn | unmitigated punishment for offenders; even of their blood relations | 大義滅親
taixgi | moral obligation, loyalty, patriotism | 大議; 大義
taixgi-tviwlør | representative elder | 代議長老
taixgiap | great cause | 代業; 大業
taixgieen | be a spokesman or mouthpiece | 代言
taixgienjiin | a spokesman; a prophet | 代言人
taixgienliin | spokesperson | 代言人
taixgixsu | representative | 代議士
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